Friday, August 5, 2011

Metro is so Full of Sh*t

July 25 and August 5.

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Why do we pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a PR team that shoots itself in the foot like this.

Does anyone believe what they say they're going to do any more?
The Metro apologists make me sick. What more proof do you need that it's rogue?
Can they "replace" the chillers in Ballston, too? They haven't been working for weeks. Waiting for trains is extra special when the orange line is FUBAR during rush hour and the platform is packed with tons of people.
we fixing shit
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
but not cleaning it it.
Anonymous's avatar

Anonymous · 711 weeks ago

Why is there one chiller unit serving three metro stations? That is what that sentence says, right?
3 replies · active 711 weeks ago
That is what I was wondering. I can not figure out how one unit/3 stations could be done efficiently since the air has to travel several blocks to be chilled.
chiller plants generally service two stations. and chillers usually have three units in them to chill the two stations. the units send water which is then fanned fo rthe cool air.
 stan dessel's avatar

stan dessel · 711 weeks ago

We're on it!
woodstockdc's avatar

woodstockdc · 711 weeks ago

Notice it says "is being repaired" which in MetroSpeak means "we've blocked it off inconveniently closing part of a platform or escalator, partially disassembled it, and will be back in about two weeks to make the repair that will take about 90 minutes."
Metro sux because they can afford to suk. They're the only game in town and they know it. They still have their jobs, they're still in service, there's no pending lawsuits that I'm aware of. NADA. Just like Holly Hunter's line out of one of her movies - a dog is licking his "uknows" and she looks at him and says, "I know. Because you can.".
I think this blog is the only thing in town that tries to make Metro accountable. No offense to Unsuck, which is a noble effort but that's pathetic. Metro needs real accountability.
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
None taken. You're 100% right.
Yeah, it still wasn't fixed Friday p.m. at Archives. But I can't remember the last time it worked there.
they need parts...problem is no one makes the parts anymore.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

I am sure they'll have it all fixed by February 30, 2012.... ;)
You can add Farragut North to the list - that station has been boiling all summer.

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