Can they "replace" the chillers in Ballston, too? They haven't been working for weeks. Waiting for trains is extra special when the orange line is FUBAR during rush hour and the platform is packed with tons of people.
That is what I was wondering. I can not figure out how one unit/3 stations could be done efficiently since the air has to travel several blocks to be chilled.
I sincerely hope this is another example of Metro's difficulty with basic English grammar and they mean the "chiller units that serve" said stations are being repaired. But I'm not holding my breath.
chiller plants generally service two stations. and chillers usually have three units in them to chill the two stations. the units send water which is then fanned fo rthe cool air.
Notice it says "is being repaired" which in MetroSpeak means "we've blocked it off inconveniently closing part of a platform or escalator, partially disassembled it, and will be back in about two weeks to make the repair that will take about 90 minutes."
Metro sux because they can afford to suk. They're the only game in town and they know it. They still have their jobs, they're still in service, there's no pending lawsuits that I'm aware of. NADA. Just like Holly Hunter's line out of one of her movies - a dog is licking his "uknows" and she looks at him and says, "I know. Because you can.".
I think this blog is the only thing in town that tries to make Metro accountable. No offense to Unsuck, which is a noble effort but that's pathetic. Metro needs real accountability.
C'mon wmata - how hard is it to say: we sent someone to look at it and it needs a part from Birmingham Ala. The part has been ordered with an ETA of Ayg 15? (or whatever is the followup for the FUBAR chiller unit(s)....?
Wmata has 2 PR people now (1 dedicated to social media) - if they need a systems guy to set up a tracking system, there are ppl with mad skills out here who would gladly trade what they know how to do for transit that works!
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
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June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
anon · 711 weeks ago
george · 711 weeks ago
Ace · 711 weeks ago
PAMS · 711 weeks ago
· 711 weeks ago
Guest · 711 weeks ago
Anonymous · 711 weeks ago
Kara · 711 weeks ago
@VeggieTart · 711 weeks ago
n2deep · 711 weeks ago
stan dessel · 711 weeks ago
woodstockdc · 711 weeks ago
Nunya · 711 weeks ago
no one · 711 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 711 weeks ago
Ellinad · 711 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 711 weeks ago
Wmata has 2 PR people now (1 dedicated to social media) - if they need a systems guy to set up a tracking system, there are ppl with mad skills out here who would gladly trade what they know how to do for transit that works!
n2deep · 711 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago
efroh · 711 weeks ago