via @floridagirlindc twitpic.com/60iaev
Proof that Metro can be inspiring.
Wanna drop some Metro verse? Use the comments.
Via @daveg34 (goodrhymes.tumblr.com):
'Twas a morning on Metro and our hero was nervous
He had come to expect Metro’s lackluster service.
A quick trip he desired from his home to his desk
Without facing a journey some might call Kafkaesque.
Our hero was injured, and he walked with a crutch.
And so soon found himself in the Metro’s cold clutch.
Out of service signs hung on the elevator with glue
Because only a permanent posting would do.
So he sat by the station, for a shuttle he waited
And he soon grew offended and exasperated.
Ignored by the staff, he felt helpless and trapped
By Metro’s indifference toward the handicapped.
The shuttle picked him up, but he was perplexed
At the long time it took to the stop that was next.
When he got to the station, his frustration erupted
For the service, it seemed, was so badly disrupted.
The trains weren’t coming, the platform was packing
As scant whispers warned of the feared single-tracking.
The passengers boiled in the summer’s full throes
With thirst in their throats, and sweat through their clothes.
They came through the station, like lambs to the slaughter
As Metro informed them they couldn’t drink water.
“No drinking!” was shouted, not a moment of lenience
Or respect for their customers, or a hint of convenience.
“Well, why?” they were asking. “We do not deserve this,
A system that’s broken, with horrible service!”
There was nowhere to go, they were rats stuck in cages,
“This is sick!” someone shouted, yelled another: “Outrageous!”
As the train soon approached, they all strained while standin’
And aggressively pushed toward the tracks with abandon
The train car was hot, the AC wouldn’t blast out
An elderly woman was the first one who passed out
As young, healthy folks, sat down in preferred seating
Our hero reached for his phone and started tweeting
He labeled the Metro a “broken down vessel”
And wrote to WMATA’s PR man, Dan Stessel
He then drank his water, he then got a ticket
He then told the officer where he could stick it.
Then delayed, he arrived, at his final destination
And climbed out at Dupont, a hot, crowded station
He soon grew confused, and then angry, then fed up
The escalators were out, there was no way to get up.
He was stuck on the platform with no way to the street
In the grasp of the crowd and the tension and heat.
“We must fix this!” he shouted, “Let’s get Metro unsucked!”
And he sat, hot and helpless, and totally f……
Soylent Green Line · 708 weeks ago
Well played, sir.
Soylent Green Line · 708 weeks ago
· 708 weeks ago
Violets are blue
The Orange Line's on fire
and the Green Line, too.
RGG · 708 weeks ago
dcn8v · 708 weeks ago
MoreizMore 82p · 708 weeks ago
Arrive to no parking, pa rum pum pum pum
Have no bright vest with me, pa rum pum pum pum
Smartrip card will not scan, pa rum pum pum pum
Kiosk has a sleeping man, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
15 minutes to the next train, pa rum pum pum pum,
This is lame.
Metro service is lacking, pa rum pum pum pum
Must be the single tracking, pa rum pum pum pum
Teenagers picking a fight, pa rum pum pum pum
No police officers in sight, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
Destination still far away, pa rum pum pum pum,
Peak-of-peak, I pay.
Metro causes me so much stress, pa rum pum pum pum
Why do I put up with this mess, pa rum pum pum pum
Metro's not up to par, pa rum pum pum pum
Thank God I still have my car, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,
Tired so I give up, pa rum pum pum pum
To the rest best of luck.
Sizzle · 708 weeks ago
While I was waiting 30+ min. at Fort Totten for a Branch Ave. train, the man next to me started having a mini meltdown and started wondering out loud
"What the hell is going on!? Is the train real or fake, people? How could this happen?"
Someone hasn't been riding the Metro very long...
Soylent Green Line · 708 weeks ago
Great job, Metro!
Mariterri · 708 weeks ago
Sam · 708 weeks ago
Get well soon!
DCRider · 708 weeks ago
If you live outside the Metro zone and have to drive to a place like Greenbelt to get to work during what will be peak of the peak charges, you'll be shelling out around $15 each day between fares and parking. Now considering how bad and unreliable Metro's service is, why not just keep driving?
Mariterri · 708 weeks ago
@JibreelK · 708 weeks ago
Sam · 708 weeks ago
Anony Mouse · 708 weeks ago
Relating how we all feel Metro's a curse.
I appreciate you taking time to relate,
For all Unsuck fans have felt the same fate!
Alas, one last thing...it may be unsavory:
Apparently, you all believe in slavery.
Guest · 708 weeks ago
RGG · 708 weeks ago