Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Communication Problems Run Deeper than Twitter

Metro's social media outreach has gotten a lot of attention from the press, but Metro's communication at critical times so often fails. Even Metro employees don't know what's going on a lot of the time.

Has anything like this happened to you?

From K:
The other night around 7, I was heading home from Ballston Metro. When I arrived, the information sign showed the train toward New Carrollton (my train) was boarding, but no train was there. The next ones behind were two and five minutes away.

A minute or so after I got to the platform (with the sign still the same), the station manager announced that the next train to New Carrollton would be boarding on the side of the track where the train to Vienna boards.

Everyone moved to the other side.

Some got on the train that was on the platform with the Vienna sign, thinking it would offload and turn around. However, the train operator did not seem to receive the same message the station manager got, and that train went on to Vienna.

Then, RIGHT when that train pulled off, the train to New Carrollton pulled in, on the OTHER PLATFORM!

Naturally, everyone rushed to the other side, but by then, the train had shut its doors.

Other customers screamed for the train operator to hold, but to no avail, and the train went on its way toward DC.

By then, a lot of people had gone to the kiosk, looking for the station manager, who was nowhere to be found.

Others were snapping shots of the manager's nameplate in the window. And others were being loud and angry and complaining about Metro.

Two transit police officers arrived, and everyone bombarded them with questions they couldn't answer because, well, no one knew what was going on.

A few minutes of this went on and then another New Carrollton train arrived, taking all the frustrated customers away.

I waited for the next one because I didn't want to be among angry people stewing on the train, and by then, the station manager returned.

Turned out Metro central control had let him know that a train malfunctioned and the trains were single tracking, which later proved erroneous.

He went on to say that in the four years that he has worked there, this has happened (at Ballston) three other times.

Apparently Metro likes playing practical jokes on its customers and station managers--who unfortunately HAVE to be the face of that, even when it's not their fault.
From Michelle:
The other night, I was leaving work pretty late, at about 10:15 p.m. I arrived at the West Falls Church station to board my train toward Arlington, when they announced that the train needed to offload because of a fire on the tracks, and service between West Falls and East Falls was on hold.

They told us they would be sending a shuttle.

We all trudged up to the bus area where we proceeded to wait ... and wait.

Another train headed to New Carrollton came and went below us.

Obviously, the problem wasn't serious enough to stop that train from going in our direction.

The shuttle bus still hadn't come, and we'd all been waiting about 20 minutes.

Two "Not In Service" Metrobuses had passed us.

Of course, we couldn't get any answers.

FINALLY, a woman with WMATA told us that the shuttle wasn't coming and we could go back downstairs and take the train.

Then, it still took another 15 minutes for that one to come.

I'm sorry, but that's absolutely ridiculous.

It's irritating enough that the trains barely run past rush hour, but to needlessly inconvenience a bunch of people late in the evening like that is ridiculous - and, of course, we still had to pay.

I can only imagine the hell that would've broken loose if this happened during rush hour.
Other items:
Metro employee's racist FB rant (TBD) (more on this coming)

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This happened to me at Metro Center during rush hour on a Friday once. They told us to go to the other side for a red line train to Glenmont, but the train pulled up on the same side. Because of the crowds I left and took a cab to Union station!
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 711 weeks ago

Dan Stessel:

We're sorry!

UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 711 weeks ago

Well, hey!  Now that we have not ONE, but TWO shiny, new social media managers (or whatever Dan & Brian's positions are) all of the communication problems will be resolved, right?!?  Hahahahaha!!  Just kidding, of course!  ;-)
anonymous one's avatar

anonymous one · 711 weeks ago

I've found that nearly every time there are Metro shenanigans, the station managers, etc don't know what's going on. They're just confused and frustrated as many of us. Some handle it, some don't and lash out at riders.
Listen to all you white folks hating on Metro. You should be ashamed.
6 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

I am ashamed! I confess! I am so very ashamed that my local transportation running through America's capitol is so pitiful it is embarrassing. I am ashamed that the people running said system cannot run a budget (perhaps its Congressionally advised?). I am ashamed that after all these years said system still cannot show any improvements whatsoever. I am ashamed I cannot walk in and smack em all over the head, grab their lil papers and phones and make them start cleaning up the mess (since I'd be busted as a crazy invader, potentially dangerous, etc.).
Tired of the BS's avatar

Tired of the BS · 711 weeks ago

How do you know these are all white people??? And why does everything always have to have race pulled into it?? People like you are the ones who propagate the race issues we have in this country. Educate yourself stop being so ignorant.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

Well said! Well said, indeed.
I think he was making a reference to the other article posted by unsuck below this story, its about a metro employee going on a racist rant about people who complain about metro.
Is this a parody of the article that was linked to or are you actually serious about us 'hating on metro'?
Dan SilverTonguessel's avatar

Dan SilverTonguessel · 711 weeks ago

I am so pleased you brought this to our attention and that I have a chance to respond. You see, at Metro, we have a new spirit of openness, and opening doors. We saw this as an opportunity to be very open about the Other Side of the Platform, which many of our riders may not have seen before. In the process, our dear customers experienced twice the usual number of open doors (that is our little bonus gift to you). Michelle and K saw this as a negative experience, and we are sad to say that they may just be seeking attention. This was obviously a positive experience for all.
1 reply · active 711 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 711 weeks ago

The Other Side. Now I get it! It's all a ghostly, other-worldly thang... :D
Apparently, white people hate Metro:
4 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Wow, I hadn't seen that.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 711 weeks ago

OMG TBD needs to get complaince report from the FTA that will prove that black is the majority that work for Metro. It will show how many white women work in each department. CMNT the number is 0 and just a few in local 689.
Metro HR department is confused about the meaning of diversity.
Tired of the BS's avatar

Tired of the BS · 711 weeks ago

Who cares?!? Get over it... People are so wrapped up in race in this country... Judge someone by the strength of their character, and not the color of their skin. You cannot cast such a wide net on any race of people; every race has bad and good apples. The funny part is the bad ones seem to always be the ones that drag race into every conversation. It’s like they need as an excuse for the turmoil or unhappiness in their own lives.
This Ozzie Andrews guy should be fired for his racial comments. "These white people" this and that. He probably has racial thoughts going through his head every time he deals with a white customer. God knows how he would react in the event of an emergency.
White people do hate Metro and so do black people and Asian people and Hispanic people and any other peoplel who have to use it regularly.
3 replies · active 711 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 711 weeks ago

If you're ever at a party in DC (or NOVA or MD) and an awkward lull in the conversation develops, just bring up Metro. Then you'll understand that the truth is, hatred of Metro is colorblind.

Everyone hates Metro.
I was on the Orange Line one morning and this black lady was going off on metro, she was so angry, this was between Ballston and Roslyn where she got off. Most people have had enough of Metro's shit.
I've heard black people complaining more about Metro than anyone else! It's not a black vs white thing, its a Metro rider vs incompetent Metro worker thing. Is this nut job some type of "instructor"? Metro will never be unsucked as long as they have clowns like this working there.
Kid Charlemagne's avatar

Kid Charlemagne · 711 weeks ago

During the Red Line guy falling on the tracks fiasco a few weeks back, two Metro employees where standing on the platform when we were unloaded at Van Ness/UDC. After getting yelled at by a little old lady, they hid like little bitches in the train tunnel. Made me laugh.
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 711 weeks ago

Cronyism, nepotism, lack of (dare I say it) reverse diversity is an issue at Metro. This should be addressed and corrected.

However, I am fully convinced that black men are just as capable of running a good system as anyone else. This requires hiring qualified people and providing proper training and supervision. Competence is a colorblind attribute.
1 reply · active 710 weeks ago
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 710 weeks ago

Very good point, I couldn't agree more. I am a white Metro rider and I don't give a rats ass what color Metro workers are. I do, however, care about the lack of courtesy displayed by the majority of Metro workers. Common courtesy and a solid work ethic know no race.

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