via @brownpau #WMATA #fail - PUSH FOR DOWM instagr.am/p/JO-Sw/
From CommutingMom:
As a commuting mom with a minimalist stroller, I would like Metro to post signs on elevators about the priority for who should ride an elevator.Other items:
Clearly, the disabled get priority over all others, but what about otherwise able-bodied people who take the elevator leaving those with limited ability to navigate non-working escalators (e.g., people with strollers) to wait and wait and wait for an elevator?
It is especially important for Metro to post people at elevator entrances when escalators aren't working so they can control the crowds of people trying to use the elevators.
Of course in DC, this will also raise the inevitable question about whether obesity qualifies one as disabled.
ATU 689 press release about their pay raise (ATU 689) Examiner article
F'n JD · 711 weeks ago
guest · 711 weeks ago
BradK · 711 weeks ago
The problem is real, it is annoying, and the #1 deterrent to said violator is someone that speaks up.
I feel your pain, I am someone that often does need an elevator... the problem with a babysitter is that they will inevitability need to see some evidence of a disability, and I am sorry to break the news to you, but some disabled people such as myself have learned not to limp or walk with a cane, but still cannot manage stationary stairs all that well.
EJT · 711 weeks ago
I do think people with small children in tow should get priority seating on trains and buses, but I don't see how this would be logically extended to the elevator as well when the escalators aren't working. For that matter, if the escalators aren't working, I don't think visibly disabled persons should get priority either, for the reasons I've stated above. If escalators are working, then people who are unable to safely take even a working elevator should get priority over people who could use the elevator, regardless of the reason they're unable (wheelchair, stroller, bike, small children, whatever).
Soylent Green Line · 711 weeks ago
In Rosslyn this morning, 3/4 of the long escalators were out of service. The one in service was, thankfully, an up escalator.
The escalators from the lower level to the main platform were both also out of service. The down escalator was supposed to be fixed by yesterday.
I looked through the station and there were no - that is zero, none, nada - "support personnel" on scene.
Metro Forward!
guest · 711 weeks ago
iolaire 71p · 711 weeks ago
FitDC · 711 weeks ago
WRD · 711 weeks ago
If they did babysit the elevators, how long would it be until we saw a post here about the "useless" sitter watching empty elevators?
iwill · 711 weeks ago
Mommy Dearest, you can fold up your stroller (as most of us on the packed train would prefer you do, by the by) and take the stairs. I once saw a mom going through every item in her stroller while blocking the elevator doors, oblivious to the man in a wheelchair behind her.
I hesitate to even honor your snide comment about obesity with a remark, but I've definitely seen some people who have "limited ability to navigate non-working escalators" due to their weight or related health conditions. So by your own definition, they'd qualify for the same status as you.
Also when I bike, I'm not allowed to use the escalator. I don't understand why you feel more entitled to it than anyone else when you could take the stairs/escalator, too.
dcn8v · 711 weeks ago
Please · 711 weeks ago
How is this imaginary issue remotely important??
@savemetro · 711 weeks ago
dsfgsda · 711 weeks ago
Right on CommutingMom!
Dani · 711 weeks ago
Edward · 711 weeks ago
Mary B. · 711 weeks ago
Part of the problem, besides some people being overly lazy, was explained to me. Many tourists look up at the height of the escalator, are afraid of heights, and take the elevator.
That always struck me as hillarious if height fears are their excuse. On an escalator you have solid rock not far beneath you (and plenty of steel between you and it). On an elevator you are suspended over a long shaft by several cables. Yes, elevators have safety devices too, but would anyone here trust them after they can not even maintain the safety devices on escalators? Even in the worse case I would rather take my chances on sliding down an escalator than falling down an elevator shaft.
Anony Mouse · 711 weeks ago
John · 711 weeks ago
Red Line Slow · 711 weeks ago
I'm sure most of us have seen inattentive parents with small children or babies and strollers perched precariously on the escalator. I haven't heard of any accidents but I'm sure the elevator would be more safe for these families- and perhaps if they were more frequently working and available, these families would use the elevator instead.
Marvin McCheese · 711 weeks ago
James · 711 weeks ago
The fact that the OP is suggesting that parents receive 'quasi-disabled' status is particularly offensive.
YTK · 711 weeks ago
thin man · 711 weeks ago
Fat people should be called out like smokers were as they're a drag on us all who take a few simple measures not to become blobs.
none · 711 weeks ago
MetroMorose · 711 weeks ago
mr x · 711 weeks ago
what a bunch of excuse makers.
there. that's their job, and they do it so well.
hrh king friday 13 · 711 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 711 weeks ago
As to who should ride first and when - geez, work it out among yourselves! I was taught that it was polite manners to let the elderly and the very young go first and absolutely insist on those folks going first when the weather is extreme.
The only wonderments I have in people's thinking that they must use the elevator are:
1. If you can RUN to catch the elevator, do you really need to use it?
2. If the elevator was not working- would you absolutely HAVE to go to another station?
As for me: elevators are not an optional, nice-to-have thing. .. so I probably notice the rude behavior of the "me first crowd" more. If people feel the need to crowd past me - so be it. I chalk it up to "mental disability" - NPD is listed in the DSM-IV after all.
VeggieTart · 711 weeks ago
There are legitimate reasons for able-bodied people without brats in tow to use the elevator and not just when the escalators are out.
Bob · 711 weeks ago
No guards needed, just some understanding.
VeteranRider · 711 weeks ago
Guest · 711 weeks ago
Anon · 711 weeks ago
Polite Police · 711 weeks ago
Stephen Kosciesza · 711 weeks ago
And yes, there are people who just can't deal with escalators--especially the long ones. And I do think that if people are afraid of escalators, they should be allowed to use the elevators; stepping onto an escalator half way and then changing one's mind is a good way to hurt oneself or someone else.
All that said, I thought there WAS an announcement about "Please give priority ..." on the elevators.
Stephen Kosciesza · 711 weeks ago
... in the elevators in Forest Glen, you're compelled to listen to an announcement, "Welcome to the Forest Glen Metro Station. Please give priority to senior citizens and persons with disabilities before using this elevator."
That makes absolutely no sense in the Forest Glen Metro. There's no other way into that station EXCEPT the elevators.
It is just one more proof of the argument I've been making for years. Metro is run by people who never ride and have no clue, but who think they know better than we do what we want and what's good for us.
governmentbasement 70p · 711 weeks ago
two cents · 711 weeks ago
anyway, there are times when the line for that elevator is so long (when it's working) that i opt instead for the long way round.
anon · 711 weeks ago
The fat plague has reduced Metro's capacity by several percentage points, and they're trying desperately to slim us down.
Just look at the 1970s sized benches. Soon we'll look at those as single seaters.
All the escalators really work...It's a plot.
Think about it.
ThinkOutsidetheBox · 711 weeks ago
ConGrpThink 77p · 711 weeks ago
Lisa · 711 weeks ago
Dukebdc · 709 weeks ago