Via @segaljen:
While on an N4 bus heading westbound on Friday, the bus hit a bike cab with a passenger in it on the corner of P and Connecticut, right outside the Dupont Circle.
The bus was stopped at a light waiting to turn right, as was the bike cab.
When the bus operator turned right it clearly underestimated the amount of space it needed to make the turn and literally ran into and knocked over the bike cab.
Sitting on the back of the bus, I luckily (unluckily) saw it all.
After the bus operator hit the bike cab, he got off and yelled at the cabbie saying he shouldn’t have been there, instead of, oh I don’t know, asking if they were okay.
I got off, went over to the people asked if they were okay, then asked if it was okay to take pictures of them and the accident to post on Twitter.
The passenger, a tourist, was injured and EMS, police, and the whole shebang showed up.
All I was trying to do was get home before 5.
Soylent Green Line · 708 weeks ago
Would you assign blame to the pedicab or the bus? It's hard to tell from your account. Was the pedicab driver clearly visible to the driver? Was he waiting to turn in a legal lane?
Soylent Green Line · 708 weeks ago
Can you clarify as to who, in your estimation, is at fault in this scenario? I'm sorry you didn't get home before 5, but after stirring up so much debate it'd be nice to know the scenario a little better.
You say the bus and the pedicab were waiting to turn right... did the pedicab pull up alongside the bus as it was idling and waiting to turn, or was the pedicab there first?
I think a little more perspective would be useful in helping this hoard of raving commentators come to some kind of agreement... but, I suppose this IS the internet after all won't hold my breath...
Everly Anonerly · 708 weeks ago
Interesting question about where, exactly, was the pedicab. A very good point there. Still, I am saddened and concerned that when the bus driver jumped out his first thoughts were to verbally assault instead of first seeng if everyone was alive to be verbally assaulted.
John · 708 weeks ago
DCRider · 708 weeks ago
Everly Anonerly · 708 weeks ago
John · 708 weeks ago
- Jackie Jeter
Jeff · 708 weeks ago
Folks, the fact that you're on a bicycle doesn't entitle you to run red lights or otherwise pretend you're anything other than another vehicle that must follow the law (and common sense).
dddddda · 708 weeks ago
U St · 708 weeks ago
Jeff · 708 weeks ago
But when the light turns to red and everyone's coming to a stop, the cyclist should take a position between cars just like any other vehicle. It's called safe cycling. Riding up against a vehicle that's about to turn right and getting into his blind spot (which he has no reason to check when turning right from the right turn lane) is called cycling like an idiot, and you're eventually going to get what you deserve, like this guy did.
John · 708 weeks ago
Kara · 708 weeks ago
John · 708 weeks ago
James · 708 weeks ago
The two groups of people in DC who on the whole ignore just about every basic rule of the road.
mike · 708 weeks ago
JoeN · 708 weeks ago
or if he tried to sneak between the bus and the curb, then the biker failed even more...
Those pedi cabs should be restricted to less congested roads... on CT ave any Dupont is just silly IMO
F'n JD · 708 weeks ago
anon · 707 weeks ago
Has anyone been charged for killing the employees