From Tim:
I don't get all the people thanking Metro over its performance during the "disasters" in the past week. I pay them nearly $10 a day (plus my tax money), and I feel that's thanks enough for the service they provide. For the record, when I see a Metro worker performing above and beyond, I go out of my way to thank them.From James:
The earthquake was nothing, and the hurricane was, pardon my pun, overblown." Metro did what they should have done, and we shouldn't have to be surprised by it.
I really think Metro has stepped up its game in the past week. Service was relatively unscathed, and the communication was great. Hats off to a newly unsucked Metro.Through a relatively minor earthquake and over-hyped hurricane, the Metro hate was pretty minimal.
Not sure if that's because people opted not to take Metro at all, or if Metro stepped up their game.
Did Metro dodge a couple bullets and then make PR hay? Did Metro perform at praiseworthy levels? Did Metro provide the basic level of service we should have been expecting all along?
Curious to know what you think.
BradK · 708 weeks ago
I braved the metro shortly after the earthquake, and all the staff behaved commendably, however the general attitude was that nobody wanted to use the service (even the people that were using it.) Weather or not metro performed admirably during the two natural disasters is only a small piece of the puzzle. I want that admirable service every time I use the metro, not when there is a random act of god.
Once again, I want to write my thanks to the officers and the employees that I interacted with on Tuesday afternoon, they did a great job fending the masses away from the platform edge in a polite manner. MTPD also did a great job of making sure the man in a wheelchair made it on to the train without everyone stampeding around him.
I just want that commendable level of service EVERY DAY; then we can put posts like these to bed and 'unsuck' the physical state of the system as well as the management of the system.
DCRider · 708 weeks ago
I think the telling thing here is this:
During a week when ridership was down due to two different natural disasters, Metro provided for the most part the same level of service as usual.
So what that tells us is that the status quo for Metro is about on par with a post-natural disaster situation!
Dezlboy · 708 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 708 weeks ago
DCRider · 708 weeks ago
Kara · 708 weeks ago
DCRider · 708 weeks ago
KnowsAboutWMATA · 708 weeks ago
Airbalac · 708 weeks ago
Radner · 708 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 708 weeks ago
Ryan S · 708 weeks ago
As far as the "overblown" comment, I agree with "Ever and Anon" - it's impossible to predict the exact path and severity of a storm, so by definition some preparations turn out to be unnecessary. Still, the storm is causing record flooding up north and the death toll has increased to over 20 at last check, so while DC may not have been impacted as hard as it could have, it was still a serious storm.
@VeggieTart · 708 weeks ago
During the events before Irene, I pretty much stayed close to home. I did see tweets that Metro rideship was way down, probably because nobody was going anywhere.
dcn8v · 708 weeks ago
If only we could see that added effort more often- I think it would make a big difference. For the record, I didn't take Metro on either day because I feared the fallout of the events. I'd think about it next time, though, since they did all right with these two.
MoneyIsMyThankYou · 708 weeks ago
Yeah Right. · 708 weeks ago
@NoPants_McGee · 708 weeks ago
James · 708 weeks ago
yankees fan · 708 weeks ago
Matt G · 708 weeks ago
John · 708 weeks ago
michael · 708 weeks ago
Fortunately I know never to trust the Metro status and chose to walk home instead...
eed017 · 708 weeks ago
Brian · 708 weeks ago
DC worker · 708 weeks ago
governmentbasement 70p · 708 weeks ago
frozen · 708 weeks ago
I'm a native Floridian, and I'm tired of people saying "omg, I've been through a hurricane." I'm sorry, but this was no hurricane. This was a severe storm, precautions needed to be taken, and there were some unfortunate incidents. Occasionally, trees fall on houses when lightning strikes, that doesn't mean we need to send the region into panic-mode whenever there's a thunderstorm.
As far as metro, I definitely give them props for the earthquake. They were in unknown territory there and it seemed like they proceeded with the right balance of safety and efficiency. For Irene, this is the kind of stuff they should be prepared for, so I think they met expectations (which doesn't happen as often as it should).
Matt G · 708 weeks ago
James · 708 weeks ago
Matt G · 708 weeks ago
TehBorg · 708 weeks ago
frozen · 708 weeks ago
However, there is a very real risk with overhyping. If the media act like the world is coming to an end every time a storm approaches, people stop taking their warnings seriously. THAT can have disastrous consequences.
Just Me · 671 weeks ago