Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Post-Quake Open Thread

Via @lampertj First time seeing this service advisory in my 4 years using metro. #wmata. @unsuckdcmetro

Via @quinny141 @unsuckdcmetro metro bus going the wrong way on Connecticut, don't see how you can chalk this up to the #dcquake pic.twitter.com/H0tYE95

Via @biancayg: Foggy bottom towards franconia springfield @unsuckdcmetro yfrog.com/kg8gujpj

Via @TheHornGuy Earthquake damage at Dunn Loring Metro. #earthquake #wmata yfrog.com/klur0enj

Via the Metro website.

How was your commute home after the quake?

The reviews were mixed on Twitter.

For what it's worth, I pulled the plug early on work and DC and hopped on the Metro back to Va. It was slow, but there were no problems, and the crowding was similar to rush hour.

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Re metro graphic:
I think i'm blind
Sweet Bobby's avatar

Sweet Bobby · 709 weeks ago

I cannot complain about my commute, all things considered. 40 minutes from Union Station to Dupont. Then again, I walked. No way I was going to risk Metro on a day like today.
1 reply · active 709 weeks ago
I caught a ride with a co-worker... I was NOT going to be underground in a tunnel when an aftershock hit.
It took me almost 3 hours to get from Bethesda Metro to my apartment in Alexandria. Ugh!! While I have a bit of a headache, I'm glad to home safe and (relatively) sound, and thank Metro and their employees for getting us home that way.
I actually did appreciate WMATA's putting that info front-and-center (even if the graphic is a tad over-dramatic). I was responsible for surveying my office building and dismissing the staff, and I was extremely frustrated by the lack of useful information from the Mayor's office, AlertDC, OPM.gov, local news stations, etc. Hell, OMP only *just now* switched their green checkmark to the yellow "!" thingy.

As far as my ride home around 4pm from Gallery Place -- things were slow and crowded, but I've experienced far worse on perfectly normal days. I was actually pretty impressed with Metro's performance this afternoon, given the unexpected crush of people and the safety concerns.
2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
I think what this really demonstrates is that Metro's normal service is about on par with a post-natural disaster situation....
lol!!!! That is hilarious!!
The first thing I heard most people utter was screw Metro.

So, if you had a nice commute, it's because a good percentage of your customers don't trust you enough to rely on you.

I walked 90 minutes rather than deal with the BS
2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
Great comment. Everyone I know's first comment was "avoid Metro."

Some transit system. Wait til the shit really goes down.
Yeah. Although who in their right mind would want to descend into an underground tube that may have been structurally damaged and could be crushed in an aftershock?
That metro graphic is hilarious in its hideousness.

gurus my ass
This is a great topic. When I first thought "how am I going to get out of DC and back to Va," my first thought was to write Metro off.

How terrible is that?

2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
Me too. I'm hitching a ride with a co worker to Court House then taking the 38B.
Us too- my coworkers agreed that trying to take Metro home would be the last resort. I walked. At least it was a nice day!
Phd in Metro's avatar

Phd in Metro · 709 weeks ago

Metro 101: if theres any kind of fuck up, think of ANY other option than metro. :)
when in doubt, don't take metro
Commute wasn't really that bad for me. About an hour and 40 minutes from Archives to Springfield.

Just out of curiosity, Stessel said (according to WTOP) that there is no damage to Metro. Yet, they are saying that they are running trains at 15 mph while they inspect tracks. Wouldn't the "no damage" claim be a little premature?
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 709 weeks ago

Not as adventurous to walk from my office bldg. in DC to my home in MD so I took the subway.  After Upper Management gave the okay to leave early,the  most important part was jumping on this website for any information.  As usual, UnSuck came through!
Who you gonna call?

Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 709 weeks ago

I took metro and it was fine. Took longer and was more crowded due to slow speeds, but fine. I admit I was a little scared to use metro for various reasons, so I waited an 1 1/2 before I took it. I figured any major safety concerns would have been found by then.
I was actually impressed at how well it went. Instead of going Union Station - Dunn Loring via Metro Center I walked over to Eastern Market to ensure I'd get a seat. Took forever and there was some pushing and yelling at Metro Center and Rosslyn as people pushed on before people could get off but the driver was excellent and couldn't have done a better job keeping us informed as to what was going on. I was expecting it to be much much worse!
RedLineRider's avatar

RedLineRider · 709 weeks ago

I was told by several people to skip metro and hop a bus home, but I saw traffic outside my building crawl. A coworker said it took 30 minutes to move his car around the block. So Metro it was, for me.
I left my office at my usual time at 3:30 and went to the Judiciary Square station. I was expecting hoards of people but was pleasantly surprised to find the station not much more crowded than usual. Though I commute to Shady Grove, I hopped the next train to Grosvenor, since the first car was virtually empty (yay, a seat!). Of course, the car quickly filled up once we were through Gallery Place and Metro Center -- standing room only, but riders were courteous and calm. Our driver was very communicative, and he constantly explained the situation and apologized for the delays (as if the quake was his or Metro's fault?)
When I finally reached Grosvenor, I exited the train, and the train to Shady Grove was directly behind. This time I had to stand, but I didn't mind since I was blessed with a seat on the longest leg of my journey. This driver was also communicative, and the riders on this train, while exhausted, were also calm and courteous to one another.
Normally leaving Judiciary Square at 3:30 I would pull into Shady Grove around 4:10-4:15. Today, I pulled in just before 5:30. Of course, a longer commute was to be expected, but I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of today's Metro commute, both from the drivers and my fellow passengers.

Metro gets a rare thumbs up from me today.
John B. Cole's avatar

John B. Cole · 709 weeks ago

I thought that Metro did fairly well communicating with the riders. I was shocked by the riders on the Orange Line who refused to clear the doors so that us passengers waiting at Capitol South could board. That's not Metro's fault.
2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 709 weeks ago

If you were looking at my train, you would have realized they had no place to move away from the doors. :)
Agreed. Took Blue from Fed Triangle at 4:30 and thought I could switch to Orange at Rosslyn (forgot this is nearly impossible even at regular rush hour - mea culpa). Waited for 8 Orange line trains until I could get on one Westbound. Metro train drivers were all polite and informative (we were near the operator cab front platform area) and several announcements were clear and timely (yes, really). Was home by 7:30.

Had a good time chatting with other passengers (special shout out to the Orthopedist for the Pentagon who was just coming off a 16 hour shift - thanks again for your service). Only sad moment was the drunk lady who peed standing up and left a large puddle - we warned other standees and called her the puddlecreator - while yammering to her kids she was "stuck at Rosslyn and not in some bar."

For a major Metro event, they did OK in my book. Thanks for getting us home (I'm sure puddle creator would concur).
LOLz metro graphics #fail
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 709 weeks ago

Traffic was a nightmare. I luckily caught the GUTS shuttle across the river to 36th and M and then WALKED to Dupont. I met my boyfriend for dinner, then manged to catch a bus home. Saw a few traffic lights out here and there.
From Foggy Bottom to Rosslyn, my train went well over 15 mph. Don't get me wrong, i was happy to get home earlier, but i wonder about how strictly the speed limits were enforced. knowing wmata, not at all.
1 reply · active 709 weeks ago
It was strictly enforced for me on yellow and end of blue. My guess with your faster train is that the tunnel under the Potomac was probably one of the first things inspected and cleared.
2.5 hours from Pentagon to Vienna.
auragoneoy's avatar

auragoneoy · 709 weeks ago

From Smithsonian via Blue line to Braddock Road then Yellow to Huntington. Great operator on the Blue line; kept calm, informed people on the platform that other trains were right behind us. It was crowded and some jerks tried to jam into already filled cars but all in all, not a bad, if slow, commute home. And an added plus - all the escalators at Huntington were working! Hats off to our Blue line train operator (I gave him a personal kudo when I got off).
2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
Just wondering - why do you take blue from Smithsonian to Braddock to switch to yellow? If you got on yellow at L'Enfant, you'd get home a lot sooner and would avoid the Metro Center-Foggy Bottom-Rosslyn corridor.
auragoneoy's avatar

auragoneoy · 709 weeks ago

Getting on @ Smithsonian meant I was able to snag a seat. Rather do that than stand all the way on the Yellow from L'Enfant.
Elizabeth's avatar

Elizabeth · 709 weeks ago

Obviously a much longer trip than usual, but a slow, steady commute with oddly courteous people is always appreciated- I was expecting worse and was pleasantly surprised. The conductor did a good job and Metro did as well as could be expected in the circumstances.
WorstPublicTransit's avatar

WorstPublicTransit · 709 weeks ago

Did anyone actually see an "inspector" out there? I know I didn't. How many people would have been killed in an actual emergency? Is it safe to say that Metro would be directly responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in an actual emergency because they lack the ability to formulate an effective plan to get large groups of people safely out of the city in a timely manner? Trapping people in underground tunnels for two to three hours after an earthquake waiting for a train which is going to be overcrowded to dangerous levels could easily result in thousands of deaths the next time something like this happens. Of course, in the DC area, maybe that is what is going to need to happen so that something actually gets fixed.
2 replies · active 709 weeks ago
I saw multiple inspectors. One group was inspecting in the tunnel between L'Enfant Plaza and the Potomac portal and another group was inspecting around the stretch between National Airport and Braddock Road.
what exactly am i looking for when i am looking for an inspector? a guy with a clipboard, white lab coat and the giant words on his back "Inspector"?
I was lucky. I was allowed to dip out on work immediately after the earthquake. Made my way through the crowds down to Navy Yard (which I was sure wasn't going to be open). Very little crowding, but I noticed it was getting bad the further up the Green Line I went.

By the time I got to Ft. Totten and transferred to Red, they were clearly stating over the loud speaker that trains were only operating at 15 mph because of the quake. So it took me about an hour and a half to get from Navy Yard to Silver Spring (usually takes about 45). Can't complain though. Better safe than sorry.

Guess I can't really comment on the crowding since I managed to get on the train within the first 10 min. after the quake, but I felt that Metro was doing a fairly decent job communicating with riders about the speed limits.

My sister wasn't so lucky, though. Said there was a line to get in line to get down into the Crystal City Station.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 709 weeks ago

Got to Ballston station just after 3. 2.5 hour ride from Ballston to New Carrollton. Dead train ahead of us, 20 minute wait at Ballston for the next train - sign kept saying "5 minutes." Train overly packed to the point that when we arrived at Metro Center operator was announcing to the platform no new riders; only people allowed off. Of course everyone then tried to board the over-stuffed train. Riders at the doors were becoming beligerent with those trying to board; near riot at one point (but it worked; nobody dared take on the "door guards"). Operator did all he could with messages, including us waiting another 20+ minutes at Stad. Arm. to proceed as Metro found damage on one track near Deanwood. At the end, the operator bellowed, "We made it folks!" Everyone applauded. Horrid packed ride all the way. Operator did quite well with what news he had to use.
Frustrated's avatar

Frustrated · 709 weeks ago

Metro did great by keeping us informed, but sucked when it came to the Green Line. They sent more yellow line trains through L'Entant plaza then green line trains. I was prepared for delays but a 45 minute trip took me 3 hours.
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 709 weeks ago

Regarding the picture of the Metrobus "going the wrong way on Connecticut" above. Whoever posted that and made the comment is an idiot and obviously couldn't be bothered to pause and think of a plausible alternative explanation.

That bus is not going the wrong way up Connecticut; that bus is going north on 18th street, which is one way and crosses Connecticut at a very slight angle. What we see in this picture is actually a bus trying to make its way through an intersection that is totally blocked by *cars* heading southbound on Connecticut Avenue. Check Google maps if you don't understand how this works.

So this *is* easily explained by the earthquake, contrary to what @quinny141 says. Intersections all over downtown were blocked by cars, buses and trucks. Metro buses were stuck in the same mess as all the rest of the traffic.
3 replies · active 708 weeks ago
Anonerly Ever's avatar

Anonerly Ever · 708 weeks ago

It is so nice to see that those with superior knowledge have no need to belittle those who make an honest mistake. Considering WMATA's penchant for screwing up everything every time, it is an understandable mistake too.
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 708 weeks ago

I think you're wrong, and while it was a mistake, I find it hard to believe that it was either honest or understandable. I think the commenter just wanted to take a shot at Metro (which *is* totally understandable, right?).
Thanks for the explanation. I was really scratching my head over that one.
I am shocked to say, I have to give metro pretty high marks. While the slow trains didn't help, that actually is proper procedure (They closed down the system in Japan when that earthquake hit to inspect the rails, although that was a bigger earthquake). It seems the delays werent as bad as I would have thought. I gotta tip hy hat to metro!

Now as to the rest of the city of DC, massive fail.
Green line was awful toward Branch Avenue between 4 o'clock and 6. Of course plenty of Yellow Lines in the same direction, even sometimes three in a row before a Green line would show up at Navy Archive. I guess it's more important for certain riders to get home before others.
RedLineROFL's avatar

RedLineROFL · 709 weeks ago

It took me 2 hours vs. 1 hour to get home. Green line out of Suitland was fine, but the switch to Red at Gallery place was packed solid. Overall, most of the people I saw were very understanding and considerate. The operators were communicative and pleasant. Basically, WMATA ran yesterday as it should EVERY day, well, except for the 15mph speeds.
My boyfriend walked 5.5 miles home from work, instead of talking the Metro. The amounts of people that he saw going into stations keyed him into knowing that he'd wait forever for a train... and when he tried to board at Rosslyn after walking halfway, he turned around and left. He knew that cab fare would've been ridiculous as well, because of the traffic situation, and vetoed that idea as well.

I had to work last night. My commute took over 1.5 hours, instead of the usual 40 minutes (and I was heading from VA into DC)... but I knew that the situation was less than ideal, and left a lot earlier than I usually do. I was actually impressed with how Metro handled the situation; I had no issues with customer service, most people were polite, and issues were communicated very efficiently. I was afraid that the system would completely shut down.
I decided to walk home, I left the national mall around 4pm and walked to VA, I got something to eat, rested and started walking again, then a saw a bus that would take me close to home. The bus driver was great and I was home at 6:30. I don't think we should be too hard on Metro, they didn't know this was going to happen and everyone was trying to get home at the same time.

Now I chose to walk because I didn't want to get stuck on a packed train under ground. Will I walk home again? Yes
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
Ever and Anonerly's avatar

Ever and Anonerly · 708 weeks ago

I'd have walked home too from Virginia to Maryland but have yet to figure out how, exactly, to walk on that river... :D
I really can't complain. Kept checking the Metro website and left around 6pm after they posted that overcrowding had eased at many of the downtown stations. Got on at Dupont, got a seat, went home. It was slow but no problem.

My takeaway is that those of us who can wait, should. I stayed at work, but if that's not an option, that's what bars are for.
It took me 2 hours to get from Farragut West to DCA. I left at 3:30 and almost missed my 6pm flight. Missed several trains because they were too packed to get on, and waited probably 20-30 minutes between each train. The station manager at Farragut West wouldn't let anyone on the platform until it was less crowded. I would have taken a cab if the streets where I work around K Street weren't in complete gridlock. The metro was a complete mess in my opinion.

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