Thursday, April 28, 2011

$2.4 Million for Work Never Done

Over the past 5 years, Metro has paid out nearly $2.4 million in grievance back pay for work never done, according to documents obtained by Unsuck DC Metro in a freedom of information request.

Worse yet, a good chunk of that money has gone to people like the McGruff assaulter, and the bus driver charged with negligent homicide, both of whom were fired--for a period--and then rehired with back pay.

According to a source familiar with Metro's finances, some of the $2.4 million is paid out in labor "squabbles," for example when someone with less seniority gets to work overtime when it should have been offered to someone with more seniority.

But, they add, there are "serious outrages" hidden in those numbers.

A lot of cases, like the McGruff case, are "because someone didn't dot all of the i's and cross the t's," the source said.
During my tenure there, there were several cases of revenue collection people being caught on video filling their pockets with money from the ticket vending machines in the rail stations and then getting their jobs back after filing a grievance.

In my personal interactions with the fine folks from the Metro Employee and Labor Relations Department, it always appeared to me that they were 100 percent in the pockets of the unions; others were just plain incompetent and made up the rules as they went along.
According to the documents, "most grievances are settlements with local 689. There are very few with 922 and local 2."

According to Metro, ATU 689 makes up 69 percent of the workforce at Metro. Local 922, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, makes up 3 percent and Local 2, the Office and Professional Employees International Union, makes up 7 percent.

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There is no accountability. How about having all the drivers licenses checked through a system in place at DMV. If you hire criminals what do you expect as the outcomes?
Shame on you for expecting more!
Wow, just unbelievable. Jackie Jeter=Criminal, no if's ands or buts about it.

Mr. Unsuck, who are the arbitrators who ALWAYS rule in favor of ATU even though evidence clearly shows these people are at fault? Maybe its time to expose THEM as well as people like Jeter? Just a thought.

2.4 million dollars for McGruff type people.... how much did those fare increases generate?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 725 weeks ago

The neutral arbitrator is the two cases mentioned above is David Vaughn according to this story:

His resume and contact info are at:
More proof that unions are obsolete.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
White males are obsolete too.
I agree. This is an example as to why these unions need to be REFORMED, not ELIMINATED.
Thank you Unsuck for going where no other media will.

Metro's waste needs to be exposed, and believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Have you found out about the complaints made against incompetent officals which cost metro millions?
Daily Rider's avatar

Daily Rider · 725 weeks ago

Is the union wrong if it insists that firings go by the contract? Sounds like the management is not going by the book when they let these miscreants go.

The cronyism and nepotism rumored to exist makes one wonder if this is deliberate. "Sorry we have to terminate you, brother. You know you can always grieve the firing, you know. (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 725 weeks ago

No, the union isn't wrong to insist that actions be fair. But it needs to have common sense.

For example, say a Metro employee stole money from ticket vending machines, and was caught on video. Then Metro took action to fire that person, but didn't submit the correct form or whatever. It sounds like the union is latching onto that mistake by management to insist on hiring the person back with pay, rather than facing the obvious fact that that person is a criminal who is lucky not to be in jail.

This "protect our members at all costs" attitude by the union is just wrong, and destroys the public perception of the union. But they don't just don't care. There's this feeling of entitlement running rampant: "I deserve my job regardless of how many accidents I cause", "I deserve to punch McGruff", "I deserve free parking at Huntingdon". Where does that attitude come from???
NFLDraftDay2011's avatar

NFLDraftDay2011 · 725 weeks ago

But that is because the people fighting for these criminals are attorneys and in the real world, it is required to fill out the correct form. It's unfortunate, but that just means they have good attorneys.

It's like the murderer who gets off because he or she was not properly read his or her Miranda Rights. It sucks, but that's why people have to make sure they are doing everything by the book.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 725 weeks ago

Rumored to exist? I, for one, did not know the Freedom of Information Act could produce written rumors.
Daily rider is on to something. The grievance process is for friends, voters for those in office now and family. You have family from dc, md in union and company offices who work for each other or ignore complaints until the 20 days expires. Management has 20 days to investigate a complaint on a union member. If it takes longer than 20 days then the action/discipline is not issued. (This is a system managers use for their buddies)
Well done, Unsuck. This is what we, the riders, need to bring to the table the next time Metro wants to discuss fare increases and cuts in service.
7 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Wait, when do we actually get an opportunity to bring these issues to the table?
When do they ask us? What meetings? I wouldn't mind going to one of these and speaking my mind....
When Metro holds public hearings on certain topics. But it seems that every time Metro holds a public forum, very few people actually show up.
They occasionally hold public forums. They give very little notice, and I confess, I've never been able to attend.
In addition, they also hold their Riders' Advisory Council (open to the public) on the first Wednesday of each month at WMATA HQ at 6:30pm. I agree that their occasional public forums are not advertised far enough in advance, but the RAC is a set schedule that anyone can attend.
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 725 weeks ago

It's time to circumvent all DC officials - since the recent elections of Mayor Gray, Kwame Brown, and now Vincent Orange should prove to anyone with half a brain that DC officials mean to do nothing about it. Why should they? I'm sure they can stick their thumbs in the pie somehow.

Maybe we should be petitioning VA and MD instead. Even though I don't admire Governor McDonnell's ardent conservatism, for once I would love to see some Tea Party scorn aimed at a worthy target - WMATA.

Too much to hope for? I think we all know the answer to that.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 725 weeks ago

Disciplinary grievance/arbitaion are heard and decided quickly. A grievance filed for "unfair labor" can take years before a hearing. I was told by an union offical that union members who have been fired have their cases heard before a silly "unfair labor" complaint. The union is clogged with disciplinary grievances. The union lawyers are Labor lawyers getting on the job training as criminal defense lawyers.

Metro's Labor and Civil Rights Dept. is another of Metro's programs that is a waste.
Job Criteria: No experience necessary--a plus. Must have family or friend who works here. Must be willing to move to a different dept if you can not do your job. (Companys motto--move the problem) Must be incompetent--required. Benefits: you will not get fired because you can't do your job.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Who are these arbitrators? They seem to be just as bad as the union reps.
former employee's avatar

former employee · 725 weeks ago

Arbitrators look to the future of where their jobs may be. Company and Union decide on arbitrators. I know in arbitration, Metro lawyers come to hearing unprepared. They always ask for continuance. Union lawyer takes advantage of this.
Take a look! There are students being hired on the website.
Find out how many are family members and look at those salaries!
High school graduates can make a huge salary at wmata. WOW!
Where? info? Link?
Commenter X's avatar

Commenter X · 725 weeks ago

Why do I have the feeling that the entire organization is corrupt?
Here you go unionizers! Further evidence that your mob-like organizations have no place in this world.
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
That statement is made of stupid with a layer of ignorance icing.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 725 weeks ago

Money shot: "In my personal interactions with the fine folks from the Metro Employee and Labor Relations Department, it always appeared to me that they were 100 percent in the pockets of the unions." There needs to be some kind of thrid party investigation into the finances of everyone working in those departments. Something is not right.
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 725 weeks ago

Unsuck - will you make the documents available for us to review, as well?
3 replies · active 725 weeks ago
Sure. Will have to wait til I get home this evening.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 725 weeks ago

yo Unsuck, you really need to get a dropbox account. it's free and it's faaaabulous
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 725 weeks ago

Perhaps another FOIA request: how much has WMATA paid to settle lawsuits stemming from employee negligence?

The negligently homicidal bus driver not only got his job back with back pay, WMATA paid something (probably significant) to settle the $100 million lawsuit by his victim's family.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
How about finding out about all the lawsuits against wmata.
Another Anon's avatar

Another Anon · 725 weeks ago

I guess that's what I was saying . . .
How many lawsuits has Metro had to settle due to managers who fail to do their jobs?
You have to wonder if these guys will get their jobs back after arbitration.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
How about the train drivers who ran over and killed people. What are those costs? Did these drivers get a station or parking lot job?
Shame on them and that poor woman. Yeah, where was the station manager?
Where's the MSM on this? This is OUTRAGEOUS! I know it's not a huge amount of money, but basically, what you have here is another entitlement.

The "if you f*ck once; we're sorry" policy.

Good grief! What happened to this country?
elizabeth's avatar

elizabeth · 725 weeks ago

This is awesome... This is the first time I've seen a post where there is no arguing and everyone agrees about how horrible it is! Stealing caught on camera, lawsuits, broken trains, fires on tracks... Let's raise the riders' rates as many of them don't have a choice in how they get to work! Ridiculous- what will WMATA think of next... I shudder to think...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 725 weeks ago

you're lucky I was sick yesterday
The bulk of anti union articles are generated by Metro Managers, don't be sucked into the game... As long as managers can keep the "smoke screen" going you won't see the abuse of power and large scale steeling going on right under your nose. It is easy to do since it seems that 689 has the rudest bunch of people I have ever seen but remember "Managers " hired them. Metro riders can be just as loud and rude, the union people have no protection from these violent passengers with just 3% Metro employees overseeing all law enforcement issues.

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