If you've been a victim of this guy, contact Investigator Lang at rlang[at]wmata.com.
From Jess:
I wanted to alert everyone to another sleazy guy on the Metro. I have contacted Investigator Lang from having read the other grope articles, and below is what I wrote:Other items:
I want to report an issue on the Orange line.
I got on at Court House at around 5:30 p.m. The train was already packed.
As the doors were closing, a man forced his way in behind me.
Within seconds, he was pushing himself up against my back with his very obvious erection pressing into my hip.
The more I tried to lean or move away from him, the more he pressed himself against me.
As soon as the train arrived at Clarendon, I moved away from him, but he followed me.
The train was still incredibly packed, so I didn't have a lot of room to move.
I was able to block myself with my purse, and at the Virginia Square stop, I told him to stay the f*** away from me. I said it loud enough for others around me to hear.
Then, I jumped off the train and onto another car.
I think he got off at Ballston.
He was tall, around 6' with tan skin. He could be Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian, or Spanish.
He was wearing a track suit--maybe green and black--and a chain (not sure if it was gold or silver).
His face was scruffy and looked as though he needed to shave.
He had dark short hair, a little wavy with a bit of gray.
He had dark eyes and a longish face.
He kind of reminded me of John Turturro, the actor, think Mr. Deeds.
I'm not sure if this description has been reported before.
Ridership down (WMATA)
Metro seeks to staff up at $3.95 million price tag (WMATA)
Laurence · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
But I hope you can still appreciate John Turturro. He's done a lot of great movies! And he is the Jesus.
Eric · 727 weeks ago
Ever Anon · 727 weeks ago
OLR · 727 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
ECC · 727 weeks ago
MetroRider1981 · 727 weeks ago
KWM · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
zahzu · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Who cares where the picture came from?? It's to illustrate exactly what happened to this girl ON A METRO TRAIN. You can start pulling my teeth as soon as you GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Ted · 727 weeks ago
When the negatives outweigh the positives and Metro CONTINUES to have these problems and they are ignored by the agency, why not complain? Yes, there are a few Metro employees who go above and beoynd, but sadly, the majority are surly, lazy and don't care.
When people are simply trying to go to work and about their business in peace, it is inexcusable for anyone to be groped and assaulted both verbally and physically without provocation. I stopped riding Metro over 3 years ago due to a job change and I see things have only gotten worse. I do not miss it one bit.
Matt · 727 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 727 weeks ago
We see right through your charade, mob-member.
dcn8v · 727 weeks ago
@bgriffler · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
EMD · 727 weeks ago
Either way, ewww. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Jess. If they try that with me they'll be getting a swift kick between the legs.
Anony Mouse · 727 weeks ago
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
LalaDC · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
I'd guess track-suits could be the perv-ensemble of choice due to the material being very thin and silky. I'm no metro-perv, but have friends who frequent Gentleman's clubs that advise against wearing jeans. My point being that a perv in a track suit is probably someone who got dressed and went to the metro during rush hour intending to grope, rather than just a dude on a busy train who got aroused.
MRH · 727 weeks ago
Anonny · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
A) take one glance at the headline picture and realize it's NOT DC Metro
or B) read the article and see the guy in the photo is NOT wearing a tracksuit...
then you shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place. Actually, if you lack a basic reading ability or the least bit of common sense, you've got bigger problems to worry about.
If *you* were "the tall man on the right and came across" this blog, you wouldn't give two shits. You got paid to pose in a stock photo that doesn't even show your full face.
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Chicks get molested on Metro all the time. If you see this shit go down, and the woman is clearly uncomfortable, do something about it. Or be a complete wuss and stay out of it. You'll probably live longer that way. You'll be safe in your wuss castle while innocent women are helplessly dry humped on public transport.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Nero · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Stef · 727 weeks ago
crime fighter · 727 weeks ago
Nero · 727 weeks ago
dcn8v · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
With that said, I recently witnessed a confrontation on the orange line to Vienna where a woman started screaming at a guy. (Train was not packed and the guy did not match the description above so I am positive it isn't the same incident). The guy was walking past her (she was facing the front of the car and he was coming up behind her) and his messenger bag bumped into her buttocks. She turned around and started screaming at him saying that he grabbed her butt and sexually assaulted her and all then she started dialing her cell phone saying that she was calling the police. I stuck up for the guy and said that his bag bumped into her when he was walking past and her response? "You're saying that because you're a man."
She got off at East Falls Church; not sure if anyone ever encountered her before but afterward, someone on the train told me that she regularly acts that way.
WTF · 727 weeks ago
zahzu · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
phan · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Cold showers, baseball.
P.S. I know you understand that this is "a legitimate case of a perv", and that you are just standing up for right to have NRB's.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
eric · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
crucible · 727 weeks ago
Some of us are even fathers of daughters and husbands of wives we love very much and will go out of our way to help.
curious george · 727 weeks ago
As a guy I can't imagine what this kind of situation must be like. I would apologize for my gender except I do not regard these perve as being the same species.
I always keep an eye out for people like that. It would be a shame if they fell down repeatedly. Please, please speak up if someone is doing this to you. A hard day at work and a perv to take it out on. Priceless.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
To make this at all relevant to the actual situation, I'll add that I bet gropey pervs sweat a lot. You should therefore avoid sweaty people on metro for yet another reason.
iwill · 727 weeks ago
I've been assaulted before and still deal with the aftermath. People think they can intimidate me due to my small size. So I do react more violently than most. Knee them in the groin and begin punching (and real punches, learn how now) while screaming "I'm going to eat your eyes/fingers/nose/whatever!" Do not let up on the kneeing, punching, and kicking until they're on the ground. Someone who thinks so little of women is liable to fly into a rage after any retribution. This behavior may get you arrested. It will more than likely not leave you with PTSD and night terrors. It's your choice, but I saw door #2 and will pick door #1 every time until these sexual offenders and catcallers aren't common occurrence anymore.
A more moderate path is to do as they do in Japan: Identify the offender, there you hold up their hand because it's usually groping, and scream pervert. Make up your own version.
Here's my backup plan for the emergency button: Cover your fingers with a something and rip open the door that houses the emergency door open lever. It should get some attention. Metro needs to do more to protect women.
I did scream at a man who was just generally menacing women on a fairly empty train by standing two feet away and staring before sitting next to them and whispering filthy things. He found a new train after the yelling. Sadly you have to sometimes be an angry bitch to not be a victim.
Lou · 727 weeks ago
Kat · 727 weeks ago
Sara · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Sara · 727 weeks ago
@outsidebrian · 727 weeks ago
If so, you definitely don't want to f**k with him...
Sara · 727 weeks ago
beema · 725 weeks ago