Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yet Another Perv


If you've been a victim of this guy, contact Investigator Lang at rlang[at]

From Jess:
I wanted to alert everyone to another sleazy guy on the Metro. I have contacted Investigator Lang from having read the other grope articles, and below is what I wrote:

I want to report an issue on the Orange line.

I got on at Court House at around 5:30 p.m. The train was already packed.

As the doors were closing, a man forced his way in behind me.

Within seconds, he was pushing himself up against my back with his very obvious erection pressing into my hip.

The more I tried to lean or move away from him, the more he pressed himself against me.

As soon as the train arrived at Clarendon, I moved away from him, but he followed me.

The train was still incredibly packed, so I didn't have a lot of room to move.

I was able to block myself with my purse, and at the Virginia Square stop, I told him to stay the f*** away from me. I said it loud enough for others around me to hear.

Then, I jumped off the train and onto another car.

I think he got off at Ballston.

He was tall, around 6' with tan skin. He could be Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian, or Spanish.

He was wearing a track suit--maybe green and black--and a chain (not sure if it was gold or silver).

His face was scruffy and looked as though he needed to shave.

He had dark short hair, a little wavy with a bit of gray.

He had dark eyes and a longish face.

He kind of reminded me of John Turturro, the actor, think Mr. Deeds.

I'm not sure if this description has been reported before.
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Laurence's avatar

Laurence · 727 weeks ago

As a father of two girls, these pervs make me sick! I know trains get packed, but there is no reason to act like an animal. Ladies, a quick punch in the nuts gets the message across better than yelling
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
A stomp on the foot can also be effective.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

I'm sorry this loser thought it was okay to violate you, Jess. Your description is fantastic though, and I'm sure this guy is still out and about. He'll be caught in no time, 'cuz Officer Lang is the mang.

But I hope you can still appreciate John Turturro. He's done a lot of great movies! And he is the Jesus.
I think less of Mr. Deeds and more of the Jesus from The Big Lebowski.
Ever Anon's avatar

Ever Anon · 727 weeks ago

Another track suit. I am beginning to dislike track suits on principle. And I think I will take Laurence's advice and Toad's hopeful thoughts to heart here...
Make a bigger scene; get the attention of EVERYONE around you that a guy like this is harassing you in a lewd manner and there will undoubtedly be several people that will force him to stop, or force him to get off the train. Heck, maybe you'll be lucky enough to have a Service man/woman to really teach the asshole a lesson. I've always found the men and women in uniform to be the first to step up to problems on the Metro.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 727 weeks ago

I'm going to stay away from anyone in a track suit on metro. Sounds like track suits are the perv outfit of choice.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Track suits and track repairs are ruining Metro! :)
This is the age of smartphones; start photographing these guys!
MetroRider1981's avatar

MetroRider1981 · 727 weeks ago

Funny this is the photo isn't even on a #WMATA/ #Metro bus or train so get your pix straight and stop trying to use ANYTHING to bash Metro!!! I notice how everyone always makes an extra effort to broadcast all the negative things that happen with Metro but, its like pulling teeth for anyone to state the good/positive......
8 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
First: Not true, MetroRider1981. I have personally praised several metro employees on this very blog who stepped up and did their job, as have many others commenters (e.g., a bus driver who adeptly managed an unruly rider). Second, The purpose of this blog as I understand it is to shine a light on some major problems that have developed in recent years both from WMATA and from our fellow riders. Things have gotten out of hand and some changes need to be made -- both in Metro's management and in what riders will tolerate from one another.
Oh I get it, everyone felt so good to vent there anger on metro again, dosn't matter to them if it was founded on a spoof, feels good to be angry. just go with it.
Wonder who's on Metro's payroll???It's just a stock photo. Do you even ride Metro? It is very difficult to say anything positive about it. I don't think the picture is the point here. Women are being harassed and groped, and it needs to be brought up and brought to people's attention. I don't see this as a way to use ANYTHING to bash metro.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

I guess since the accompanying photo isn't of a Metro train, then Jess wasn't actually sexually assaulted on a Metro train.


Who cares where the picture came from?? It's to illustrate exactly what happened to this girl ON A METRO TRAIN. You can start pulling my teeth as soon as you GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
its possible.
Sadly, Metro 1981,

When the negatives outweigh the positives and Metro CONTINUES to have these problems and they are ignored by the agency, why not complain? Yes, there are a few Metro employees who go above and beoynd, but sadly, the majority are surly, lazy and don't care.

When people are simply trying to go to work and about their business in peace, it is inexcusable for anyone to be groped and assaulted both verbally and physically without provocation. I stopped riding Metro over 3 years ago due to a job change and I see things have only gotten worse. I do not miss it one bit.
Learn to English
I take it the ATU has an Unsuck DC Metro committee, its sole purpose being to try and defend WMATA/ATU online.

We see right through your charade, mob-member.
Question- is it ok to push the button in the Metro car for talking to the operator in an emergency when this happens? My hope is that the train operator would hold the doors closed at the station until Metro police arrive and can arrest the person (I've actually seen this happen once, where the train stopped in the station and held the doors closed until the cops had come through the cars). Or is that button only there if there's a fire or a heart attack- something like that?
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Or he won't respond at all and will make an announcement requesting "whoever pushed the emergency button" to come to the front of the train becuase they don't f-ing work.
Or he'll yell "You kids stop playing with them buttons!" over the intercom.
This wouldn't be the same guy, would it? Was the original guy released on bail or something? The track suit description sounds familiar to the one the original one was wearing.

Either way, ewww. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Jess. If they try that with me they'll be getting a swift kick between the legs.
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 727 weeks ago

Ugh. This is so gross I can't even think of something witty or sarcastic to write. Ick!
When I saw the picture I thought you were talking about Senator Larry Craig on the left of the photograph.
I'm very sorry you had to experience this. If I witnessed this on the metro I would have done something to help you. Thank you for the good description. I hope I run into him so I can knee the ba$tard.
Track-suit insight:
I'd guess track-suits could be the perv-ensemble of choice due to the material being very thin and silky. I'm no metro-perv, but have friends who frequent Gentleman's clubs that advise against wearing jeans. My point being that a perv in a track suit is probably someone who got dressed and went to the metro during rush hour intending to grope, rather than just a dude on a busy train who got aroused.
Yah, I wouldn't use this photo. I specifically thought you were talking about the tall man on the right. And if I were the tall man on the right and came across a blog that insinuated I had done something like this, I would tend to want to get litigious.
I felt compelled to post on this story to ask-when did this take place? The description fits to a T someone I witnessed yesterday who made me extremely uncomfortable to the point where I took in every detail I could. This was afternoon on the Red line though-I will follow up if the timelines match with an email to the investigator and post what happened. I am so sorry Jess!!
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

If you can't:

A) take one glance at the headline picture and realize it's NOT DC Metro
or B) read the article and see the guy in the photo is NOT wearing a tracksuit...

then you shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place. Actually, if you lack a basic reading ability or the least bit of common sense, you've got bigger problems to worry about.

If *you* were "the tall man on the right and came across" this blog, you wouldn't give two shits. You got paid to pose in a stock photo that doesn't even show your full face.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago


Chicks get molested on Metro all the time. If you see this shit go down, and the woman is clearly uncomfortable, do something about it. Or be a complete wuss and stay out of it. You'll probably live longer that way. You'll be safe in your wuss castle while innocent women are helplessly dry humped on public transport.

1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I agree, what the heck, your not constructive in any way. My grandmother wines less
Oh no, you had to ride on a cattlecar with a brown person! Call the police!
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

No reason to call the police for being brown or in a cattlecar. But it's a good idea to call police when someone is following you around, grinding their junk all over your hips.
If that actuallyl happened.... her response was odd to say the least..... look at it this way... "OH im so sexy men like to touch me with their penis and im scared of it...I want to run away and hopefully find a big strong man to rescue me. "
Wow. Just wow. I have no idea whether you are a man or a woman Guest, but if you are a man you should be ashamed of yourself for downplaying the disgusting groping and harassment that occurs on metro. If you are a woman... I just hope it never happens to you. You'll sing a different tune then.
crime fighter's avatar

crime fighter · 727 weeks ago

how about blow a whistle or pepper spray him ?????
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Yes, if there's one thing that a cattlecar needs, it's pepper spray.
Another question- how many of you have the Transit Police on speed dial? Even if you think it's pointless to call, with the amount of time we spend on public transit in a given week, it might come in handy. See something, say something.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I do. Haven't had to call them yet, but I have their number in my phone in case I ever have to.
I don't, and I think there ought to be a campaign to have 911 calls route to MTPD when placed within the Metro system. Having people use a separate number for MTPD is just a horrible idea and whoever thought it up obviously cares not one iota for public safety.
This is absolutely disgusting and I hope this person is caught.

With that said, I recently witnessed a confrontation on the orange line to Vienna where a woman started screaming at a guy. (Train was not packed and the guy did not match the description above so I am positive it isn't the same incident). The guy was walking past her (she was facing the front of the car and he was coming up behind her) and his messenger bag bumped into her buttocks. She turned around and started screaming at him saying that he grabbed her butt and sexually assaulted her and all then she started dialing her cell phone saying that she was calling the police. I stuck up for the guy and said that his bag bumped into her when he was walking past and her response? "You're saying that because you're a man."

She got off at East Falls Church; not sure if anyone ever encountered her before but afterward, someone on the train told me that she regularly acts that way.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I don't know how anyone gets on at East Falls Church and isn't molested daily.
Why is that?
Just try it.
I think I ran into her the other morning on the way in. Crowded metro, I'm standing holding on to the seat railing at the first seat (I'm too short for the ceiling rails) and my bag, I think, bumped this woman. I felt someone kick me so I shifted, just thinking I was in the way. Got kicked again, shifted again. Then she goes off on me, "Will you move your bag so it stops poking me in the ass!!!??!!". I apologized saying I didn't know and moved my bag. She starts in again - "How could you not know?" I asked her if that's why she kicked me, twice. "I didn't kick you!!!?" I told her to have a nice day. Everyone was really nice to me on the train after that. But at least this crazy is equal opportunity - I'm a woman.
I know that lady! She is always yelling and screaming at people. On the orange line? What a small world.
On packed trains (like depicted) it is difficult not to have some contact. Men can be in a, well, um, state of arousal (not on purpose), that has nothing to do with being crammed against an individual. It's just an unfortunate coincidence like being called to the chalk board whilst in a state of arousal.
6 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
That being said there are cases that are pervs acting out. And they do need to be stopped. The case above sounds like a legitimate case of a perv.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

It's one thing to get an NRB (no reason b*ner) but it's something else when a woman is being FOLLOWED by a man whom she is clearly trying to get away from.

Cold showers, baseball.

P.S. I know you understand that this is "a legitimate case of a perv", and that you are just standing up for right to have NRB's.
I simply don't believe it.... If the guy was into poking her on a train infront of other people, following her is a completly different MO... If he was a stalker her would not have done something on the train to draw attention while people were around.
What?? Don't get on the train if you are in a state of arousal. I'm male.
I think that is more rare than, say, someone's Blackberry clipped to their waist and bumping someone, who THINKS it is an erection. The nerves in ass/hips/lower back aren't exactly as sophisticated as the hands, for example. I think it's a problem that some people (again, not to downplay the obvious legitimate claims like this woman's) may feel a bulge and immediately think it is an erection rather than the more likely cell phone, iPod, keys, wallet, etc. that might be in someone's pocket.
Good point, and I worry about all the people on here calling for women who believe they have been groped to snap and post photos in the same discussion in which several people point out a woman that loudly and routinely falsely accuses men. I'm all for outing the legitimate creeps, but I'd rather not see an innocent man branded a pervert/groper/molester just because his bag/ipod/etc bumped into someone's butt on a crowded train.
WMATA is constanly trying to rape us all. Don't know how this latest assault was prevented:
Definitely speak out if you have no other option-not all of us males who ride Metro are metrosexual grasseaters who sit comfortably thinking of thier next manicure while they look at a pregnant woman standing right beside them.

Some of us are even fathers of daughters and husbands of wives we love very much and will go out of our way to help.

curious george's avatar

curious george · 727 weeks ago


As a guy I can't imagine what this kind of situation must be like. I would apologize for my gender except I do not regard these perve as being the same species.

I always keep an eye out for people like that. It would be a shame if they fell down repeatedly. Please, please speak up if someone is doing this to you. A hard day at work and a perv to take it out on. Priceless.
Looking at the photo at the top of this page, it appears to be a perfect illustration of the wrong problem. The young woman's issue appears to not be that she is being groped or grinded upon, as the guy in the gray shirt if anything looks to be pulling his hips away from her. Rather, it seems she's recoiling from the sweaty, pit-stained underarm that is being thrust in her face. That's an issue that we haven't had to think about for a while, but that with the arrival of warmer weather is just around the corner.
To make this at all relevant to the actual situation, I'll add that I bet gropey pervs sweat a lot. You should therefore avoid sweaty people on metro for yet another reason.

I've been assaulted before and still deal with the aftermath. People think they can intimidate me due to my small size. So I do react more violently than most. Knee them in the groin and begin punching (and real punches, learn how now) while screaming "I'm going to eat your eyes/fingers/nose/whatever!" Do not let up on the kneeing, punching, and kicking until they're on the ground. Someone who thinks so little of women is liable to fly into a rage after any retribution. This behavior may get you arrested. It will more than likely not leave you with PTSD and night terrors. It's your choice, but I saw door #2 and will pick door #1 every time until these sexual offenders and catcallers aren't common occurrence anymore.

A more moderate path is to do as they do in Japan: Identify the offender, there you hold up their hand because it's usually groping, and scream pervert. Make up your own version.

Here's my backup plan for the emergency button: Cover your fingers with a something and rip open the door that houses the emergency door open lever. It should get some attention. Metro needs to do more to protect women.

I did scream at a man who was just generally menacing women on a fairly empty train by standing two feet away and staring before sitting next to them and whispering filthy things. He found a new train after the yelling. Sadly you have to sometimes be an angry bitch to not be a victim.
I feel bad for John Turturro that you chose to classify him as that guy from Mr Deeds.
Second the angry bitch thing. It goes against how most of us want to be, but this is what works on these guys. With practice you can turn Angry Bitch Mode on and off.
The same exact thing happened to me on the orange line! I got on at foggy bottom metro around evening rush hour and was only traveling two stops to courthouse. A shorter hispanic man (maybe 5'6'', as I am 5'10'') got on with a sweatsuit on, and pushed unneccessarily close into my leg, with what felt like an erection. I thought maybe it was something else in his pocket, but as I kept trying to move away, he would just push into me more. I couldn't believe it was happening and thought maybe I was just imagining the whole thing. By the time we got to the courthouse metro, I just sprinted off the metro and called my boyfriend, almost crying. I still can't believe it happened and just want to forget the whole thing. People are just messed up and that was plain disgusting.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
You took the Orange Line cattle cars during rush hour and were able to both see and racially profile your so-called molester? Amazing.
Yes. He was right next to me, genius.
No, he was a little that movie though.
I'm pretty sure that WAS John Tutturo.

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