Friday, April 15, 2011

Rider Hall of Shame: Doorman

From Alex:
This guy got on the Green Line to Greenbelt on the evening rush from Chinatown. He proceeded to sit there and make people walk around him, even when the train pulled into numerous stations. What I didn't grab a picture of was that he also put his feet up and blocked people's path. Can you say fire hazard?
See other Hall of Shame members:
The Encroacher
Wide Stance
Arm Barber!
Fetal Seat Hog
Don't Mind me
La-Z Boy (or Girl)
Super Mega Fail
Ottoman Empire
Happy Thanksgiving from Metro
Your move
Full-On, 4-seat Fail
Everybody cut, everybody cut
Cheekhanger II: Revenge of the Cheeks
Anger Management
Metro Employee Chillaxin'
Cheekhanger III: Pole Strikes Back
Party Down

Other items:
Major track work this weekend (WMATA)
Illegal Metro parkers busted at Twinbrook (NBC4)
More trouble for Dulles rail (Examiner)
Board outlines ways to trim budget (WTOP)

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I would have "accidentally" kicked him with my shoe and nailed him in the head with my bag. No need to for anyone to behave like that when riding the Metro
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
As would I have. What an ignorant slob. The fact that he's /voluntarily/ sitting on a metro floor should also tell you something about this person.
Safety hazard, too. I'm surprised no one took a header over him.
Ever and Anon's avatar

Ever and Anon · 727 weeks ago

Can you say a-hole? What a jerk. Must be desperate for love if he's so into the I-am-all-powerful-and-entitled bit there.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

Wow, Unsuck. You've reached a new low with this one. Where do you expect this guy to sit, when all the real seats are taken up by weirdos? That space in front of the doors is prime real estate, and if I have to sit there, I like to take as much space as possible. Because I know I'M worth it, and I know "other people" on the metro simply don't matter.

Honestly though, some suckface should have given him a handicap seat. He's got a social handicap that just won't quit!
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
VeggieTart's avatar

VeggieTart · 727 weeks ago

I seriously hope you're trolling, Toads. Some of us actually stand when the train is crowded. And if he's disabled and needs a seat, he has a mouth and can ask someone to let him sit in the actual bench. Duh.

I freaking HATE morons who block the doors like this. I have a pretty big purse; I would have loved an opportunity to whack him in the head with it--accidentally, of course.
Toads doesn't troll--he just presents an alternate point of view :-)
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

jkuchen's got it right, Tart. don't confuse me with a troll just because I have warts all over my leathery skin
No accident I would just kick push and shove him off he train and out of my way.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
GuestinDC's avatar

GuestinDC · 727 weeks ago

I would feel very disturbed if riders started beating him up just because he was sitting on the floor. Even though I agree with this post that he is a loser for sitting on the floor and blocking the door, it would not occur to me to commit a violent crime.
He's a Yankees fan. What do you expect?
The one time I would wish for one of those oblivious guys with the huge backpacks to be on the train. It would be fun to watch that guy get whacked on the head with one of them.
This type of behavior will continue on Metro as long as it is allowed and tolerated. I would NEVER ever advocate violence. However, I would hate to see this guy sit like this on the NYC or Chicago systems. The outcome would be a lot different.
I've "accidentally-on-purpose" elbowed/kneed my way past inconsiderate people like this on several occasions. And I'm not even sorry!!!!! Ha!
Or you can just tell him to get out of the way.
This is why we need face recognition technology!
Worst place on the train to sit, too – right in the middle of the car in front of the cattle pen entrance doors that I always due my very best to avoid.

What goes on in the mind of someone like this?

Is he from out of town, and thus would he claim ignorance of what seems to be common sense? I have to believe that even someone that’s never been on public transit before should have the sense to not sit on the damn floor in front of the doors.

Is he mentally ill? That could explain it.

Is he just a dick? Probably. In that case, it’s too bad someone didn’t say something. People like this deserve to be told, politely at first but followed up a quick kick in the pants if necessary, that this sort of thing is unacceptable.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago

From the looks of him, his wife left him ~35 years ago. I'd be doing the exact same thing.
Nothing says "pity me" better than sitting on the disgusting floor of the Metro. Nothing says "pleaese junkpunch me" more than sitting on the disgusting floor of the Metro.

So, Toads, maybe what he needed was just a reassuring pat on the shoulder immediately followed by a savage junkpunch?
typical Yankees fan
What an ignorant and inconsiderate arse; but sadly not an out of the ordinary daily occurrence on metro. Big sigh....
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 727 weeks ago

I don't know what the Green Line is like during rush hour and if it's as busy as the Red Line. He should be grateful that he's not on the Red Line heading in the direction of Shady Grove because I'm pretty sure he'd get trampled on a couple of times from the tons of people who get on at Gallery Place, Metro Center, Farragut North, and Dupont Circle!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The pic is mine. I can tell you that green line is not nearly as bad, but it's still crowded. The pic doesn't look bad because

a) we were a couple stops from gallery place and people had been getting off moreso than getting on
b) most people were looking at him and going to other ends of the train.
hrh king friday 13's avatar

hrh king friday 13 · 727 weeks ago

Would it be okay if I crotch humped his head?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Pity someone didn't fart in his face.
Probably just drunk and overly comfortable/lazy because of it. He also looks like he wants to have (loud) conversations with passers-by.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I've seen this guy on the Greenline before. He's usually drunk, you can smell booze on him.
This is very intriguing. I'd like to know more details. Did he seem like he was drunk or on drugs?____He doesn't appear to be a mentally ill bum. He is a bit scruffy, but doesn't look unclean. His clothes are in good shape and his shoes look kind of new and almost a trendy style.

He might be a Vietnam Vet with some mental issues. Could be on some type of disability pay and he went downtown to see the memorial which triggered a fear of getting shot so he is down in his foxhole hiding from Charlie circuling around him.

Honestly, I would love to know what this guy's story really is. It is fascinating to see this display of someone just bucking the social expectations and then to see how others react. Maybe he wants attention. I just wish I could understand!
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Some social experiment, if he managed to block your grandma and she fell and broke her hip would you find it equally amusing.

I don't get peoples whose hearts only bleed for the stupid and forget about the rest of the world. There was some lady standing in the median of the road the other day smoking a cigarette with a sign begging for money and people were dumb enough to give it to her. Hello-you really think she is going to use that money for food-she gonna buy drugs, cigarettes, and booze.
He looks like the guy that hands out the Examiner in the AM at Huntington.
He's got crabs now.
Say what?'s avatar

Say what? · 727 weeks ago

Anyone who SITS on the floor of a Metro train has some serious issues going on upstairs. SN: Tourist season is in full effect on Metro this wk; wouldn't be surprised to hear that he's "not from 'round hur," LOL!
If he knew what was living in the carpet believe me, he would jump up! Nasty!
That guy is a doork.

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