Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Woodley Park Rider Recounts Yesterday's Chaos

Photo: Daquella manera

An eyewitness account of the Woodley Park station in the wake of yesterday's stabbing at the National Zoo.

From Jay:
Yesterday, around 5:30 p.m. at the Woodley Park station, I observed
hundreds of teenagers rushing the faregates to get down to the platform.

There were so many that they were getting backed up on the [broken] down
escalator, and police officers were stationed at the street entrance barring
anyone else from coming down.

That effort was too late of course, as the throng of teens who had already
entered were so rowdy that they were shoving and elbowing everyone out of their
path to get to the fare gates. Some were jumping over the gates, and others
were waiting for exiting customers to use their farecards and then push through
the open gate, shoving the paying customer out of the way.

One boy tried to do this to me, but I kept advancing through the gate and
said "excuse me, it doesn't work that way," and he backed up.

I became worried when I saw the enormous mob of people on the mezzanine,
between the fare gates and the street escalators. All were broken and one was
blocked off.

It was hot, in the 80s, and there were people completely stopped on the up
escalator wheezing and grasping the handrails.

I saw customers of all ages getting jostled, and the teens were shouting so
loudly I thought a riot was about to break out. They began chanting something
that sounded like "jump the tracks," and it kept getting louder until the noise
was unbearable.

I ran most of the way up the broken escalator just to get out of there.

I saw one police officer planted on the mezzanine and two on the street
level, but they were not effective. There needed to be at least four or five
more doing something to a) keep the teens from jumping the fare gates, and b)
protect the other customers.

I would not at all be surprised surprised if someone was hurt during this chaos.

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Around the same time (5:30) I was on either a blue/orange train going from Farragut West to L'Enfant, when the train stopped at Federal Triangle for about 5 minutes. The train operator got on the loudspeaker and announced to the train for passengers to "Stop fighting, Transit Police are on the way".

He later announced that the train wouldn't move until the police arrived. He said there was a fight in the back, but I was in the first car and didn't see anything.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Hopefully this article won't incite tons of race comments like the last one, but we can't count on that once "abc" starts commenting...
20 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
non-savage's avatar

non-savage · 726 weeks ago

2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Soylent Green Line's avatar

Soylent Green Line · 726 weeks ago

In fairness, it appears the neither Metro nor the zoo were prepared for the 20,000 people that attended the Easter Egg hunt held annually. Don't ask me why they hold an easter egg hunt at the zoo, though.

Sadly, we're coming closer to someone getting killed by these mobs, My guess is that WMATA will continue to do nothing until that happens, and then spin up some bogus PR campaign that will somehow result in additional funding for bag checks.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
JimmyTankins's avatar

JimmyTankins · 726 weeks ago

(Updated repost from last WPZ entry) Left work early to meet family yesterday. As I was coming up the long Woodley Park metro escalator around 4:45-ish with my girlfriend- large groups of black kids on the other side started screaming, pushing, kicking, throwing drinks and garbage, and sliding down the middle of the escalators, and knocking over safety barriers. People were on there with baby strollers. They finally stopped the escalators entirely, then shut down access to the metro. The chaos then continued outside of the metro. I should have captured some video but was more concerned about our well-being.

Sidenote: I live in Woodley Park and had family in town yesterday. It was embarrassing to walk them down the streets crowded with loud, ignorant, violent, foul-mouthed black youth. Not to mention last week when about 200 unruly black pedestrians marched down one of the lanes on Connecticut Ave during rush hour (rather than the sidewalk) throwing things at traffic and banging on cars.

I'm not insinuating a particular race is at fault, just stating what I saw. My point being that fixing trains and escalators is one way to unsuck DC metro, but you can't fix uncivilized people, which is a much bigger concern for me lately. Thank god spring break is over. Albeit, this is a public safety issue requiring tighter security during such events and not so much WMATA's fault.
9 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Is the violence of the black youth, which so many of us have seen, due to some genetic predisposition? No. Does the violence cluster in the black youth population, compared to other groups? Clearly yes, if you pay attention. Therefore, it is a race problem. Race is a proxy for other things, of course, but clearly, the black community is troubled. Denying that is just denying reality, I humbly opine.
13 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 726 weeks ago

Where were the police?
Metro Police Department...are you listening?!?
Stop standing around chatting with your friends outside faregates, and go to where the thousands of teenagers are gathering for an event. It was advertised ahead of time, so no reason police resources couldn't be there.

If there is an event with thousands of people, you MUST have extra police. Or the event planners have to provide private security. If one of these things cannot be done, there should not be an event permit granted for the event.

I really feel like this city is Wild Wild West, where there are no rules and everybody just does whatever they want to.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Commenter X's avatar

Commenter X · 726 weeks ago

No mention of race is made in the story. None.
What's everyone complaining about? These are just frustrated youth lashing out against gentrification.
4 replies · active 688 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago

Please have your knife with you at all times while riding Metro.
In other news, a group of riders that were waiting for their train recently jumped into the trackbed to help out an elderly couple that fell onto the tracks. MTPD's response? "Don't do that; call MTPD instead." In the event that one can even get through to MTPD, their slow response time would only result in the fallen couple getting hit by a train.

MTPD - people lost all faith in you. You're a joke. Vigilante justice is on the way.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
You guys think it's bad now? Wait until this summer. Thankfully BRAC will have me off of Metro and back into my car by the time the summer crime wave hits and I won't have to ride packing my personal back-up.
You replace a mayor who cared about reducing crime and replace him with one who doesn't care and police are going to follow his lead. This type of violence requires either a large police response (unlikely) or a community to make this unacceptable behavior (even less likely).
HunterWorthen 's avatar

HunterWorthen · 726 weeks ago

It really was African American Family Day at the zoo yesterday. I thought that was a joke when I first heard it so I looked it up on the zoo website. No joke. Yesterday was African American Family Day. Those kids had chased someone down from 7-11. They stabbed him on two different occasions, in two different locations in the park. Awesome.
8 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
This is utterly ridiculous! Everyone on this board is focusing on unrelated details about what happened as opposed to what metro could have and should have done to prevent it!

I don't care if the kids were black, white, purple or green. I don't care if people were stampeding into the station because of a stabbing or because aliens had landed. It doesn't matter. It is completely irrelevant to how metro handled this problem.

There was an incident that happened outside of the Woodley Park metro station that caused a rush of people into the station. The incident happened on a day when the station should have been better staffed and had more security on hand due to the crowds that were expected (or should have been expected). The Easter celebrations at the National Zoo are traditional and are well known.

A similar incident could happen at another station under similar circumstances. The Smithsonian station on July 4, Dupont Circle station on Pride Day, metro center whenever there's a protest planned.

Woodley Park should have had more officers on duty on Monday, regardless. The result was that everyone in the station was put at risk. The outcome that I would like to see from metro is a reevaluation of their security practices at stations when a high volume of traffic is expected.

And for the love of god people, stop race baiting! Youth violence or the race of those committing the violence is not the issue HERE. The issue is how metro responds when these problems arise on Metro property and more over, that they haven't responded so people feel they are 'safe' committing crimes on Metro property.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
One take's avatar

One take · 726 weeks ago

I recall some years ago, there was a shooting during African-American Easter Family Day at the zoo...so in some ways, things are getting better (?); shooting down-graded to stabbing. How sad is that?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I got off at the WPAMZ station at about 5:30 yesterday. It was absolutely insane! As far as I could see, there were no police or Metro personnel on the platform. There was one Metro transit policeman outside the faregates yelling at the crowd but being completely ineffective. There were a few more Metro transit police outside the station standing around and shooting the sh*t.____I walked up the escalators and a young woman with a baby fell right in front of me because she tripped and I ended up carrying the baby the rest of the way up the escalator for the lady (btw Metro states that escalators are for riding and not walking up and down because the steps are steeper than normal stairs). Luckily she was only scratched up a little and the baby was fine.____It's crazy (but unsurprising) to me that Metro was not better prepared for the onslaught of people at the station once the Zoo closed or even after the stabbing happened. It seems a lot of the fighting at the zoo was due to people loitering around and being bored. If Metro moved people more efficiently, I would venture to guess that a lot of the violence issues would be solved.
MTPD should take a page from the PG County police. They sent out an entire riot control force, complete with tear gas and horses after a basketball game at UMD.
1 reply · active 726 weeks ago
I know this is off topic but how the hell did this happen?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Seeing as race issues haven't been solved in oh, forever, I doubt they're going to be solved here.

However, we just might be able to make Metro a little better--I'd say Unsuck as at least mad them more accountable...

Let's talk about race on other blogs and share here a desire to make Metro better for all of us.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
The Zoo throws a party, and when the animals get out of hand, close doors and throw everybody out. Can Metro do that?
If you want to get angry, take your anger to the Zoo and the organizers. Metro is neither a babysitting outfit or social workers.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Like everyone else has commented, this is a bigger problem than just poor Metro management. I hope that they will collaborate with the D.C. Police and the city its self to find a remedy.

How closely does Metro work with the D.C. PD? Are there meetings going on between Metro, city officials and the schools? Those are the questions I would like to see answered on Unsuck..

How about extremely harsh penalties for those who are violent on the Metro? There has to be something that will deter these out of control teens.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
What about the parents of these kids ? Are they not the ones that should be responable for them ? Metro police and MPD need to start holding the parents resonable for there teens. If your little teen angle gets in trouble the parents sould be fined $500. this would make the parent pay a lot more attention to where there kids are and what there doing. and it would be great revenue for the city because the is no shortage of bad teenagers runnig amuck through out the city
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
We got the same riot conditions starting around 4:30 pm at Gallery Place/Chinatown, and it proceeded to get worse as the day/evening progressed. Massive swarms of out-of-control teenagers were wreaking havoc inside and outside the station. They even got on top of cars and started jumping up and down. One woman was thrown to the ground and her purse stolen as she tried to break up a group of teens. There was a HUGE police presence, but they couldn't contain the crowds. They even used pepper spray on some of the rowdy groups of teens. Several people in my office building called the police, including our security guard, but even with many officers in the area, they just couldn't contain the crowds of violent kids. It may have been some of the overflow from the zoo and the same ones that terrorized other Metro stops on that day. It was a scary situation!
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
It will take some preppy Hill intern getting stabbed or pushed in front of a train by these hooligans for something to change. The police are clearly outnumbered and indifferent. We will have National Guardsmen in Metro stations by September, bank on it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

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