Wednesday, April 13, 2011
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Great NBC Folo on Parking Abuses
Unsuck DC Metro
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Sweet Bobby · 728 weeks ago
Oh, wait.
none · 728 weeks ago
I cringe every time I think my fares go to pay entitled assholes like them.
Who's with me?
Sam · 727 weeks ago
anon · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
This even affects professionals. I am earning less now as an attorney than I was five years ago; wages simply haven't risen back up to pre-recession levels.
In the real world (i.e. in a non-union job), raises are based upon performance. And by private industry standards, there are a large number of WMATA employees who are lacking in the performance department.
abc · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
ATU 689 may not have actually received the money yet, but it doesn't mean that they aren't fighting to be given their mandatory raise that they are "entitled" to.
Ted Williams · 728 weeks ago
1 Yet more evidence that many (most?) Metro employees are scum.
2. Metro Transit Police needs a thorough house cleaning, starting at the top.
Guest · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
D'oh · 727 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
Anon · 727 weeks ago
Welcome to Entitlement America 2011.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
I have, and I'm not even blue-collar.
varun · 728 weeks ago
Meredith · 728 weeks ago
But that's a theoretical argument. Why doesn't it work in practice? Because Metro doesn't have adequate parking. It would be one thing to fill empty spaces that weren't going to fill anyway, but I frequently was unable to find parking in Vienna when I used to commute via Metro (I've started slugging) and that's one of the largest parking facilities in the system.
So while I don't object to the principle of letting employees park for free (at any job) it obviously would be a bad financial decision and customer service system to allow Metro employees to park for free, and Metro police completely ignoring these violations is outrageous.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Most people dont pay to park at their place of employment.
Joolz · 728 weeks ago
Exactly · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Rory · 727 weeks ago
Jason · 728 weeks ago
Riders are upset that fees are increasing and service isn't improving. So we take out our frustrations on those who wear the uniform. But asking metro employees to pay for parking won't do anything to change the fact that WMATA is broke and broken.
Kara · 727 weeks ago
The key words are 'employee spots'. They are not usually unlimited and in places that you want available to your customers. Combine that with there being more cars in Huntington than metro people working there and the length of time some cars are there and you are left with one conclusion: they are using it as a park and ride.
In addition to the vests some of them had parking passes for other lots (many expired, so they may not be employees at all). Even if parking is free it is common practice anywhere (like an apartment building) to require current and visible passes so you can make sure the people parking there are only the people who should be doing so.
Ever and Anon · 727 weeks ago
They are breaking the law, and flaunting it. Who is taking out frustration on the uniformed staff? Nobody. The uniformed staff are abusing the paying public. Since you seem so supportive, why don't YOU pay for all of Metro employee parking so I can pay less than $50+ a week just to get to work?
GO Unsuck! Once again you got the news station(s) involved and we may see improvement!
Guest · 727 weeks ago
all metro employees park there.. the vests and hats probably union but the printed passes, most likely not union.. If that is what you meant..
Sam · 727 weeks ago
And regarding the Metro office, considering those spots are not available to the general public for revenue-raising purposes, who cares if they are free or paid for employees? They aren't taking away spots from customers there. If it is free, so be it.
RIders are upset that Metro annually complains about budget problems and says that riders need to make some sacrifices yet Metro is spending money inefficiently and irresponsibly. Overall, I think Metro is great but ATU 689 is destroying the entire operation. Almost every problem Metro has is related to its employees. Customers are willing to suck up the hot cars, door problems, headways. But when you see 4 Metro employees sitting around talking about the Redskins game for 20 minutes and then sue for a mandatory pay raise... there needs to be a change.
Here's a great tip - go to Pentagon station and observe the Metro employees. Because photo/video recording is not allowed, it is a safe haven for their actions. They know that legally no one can take their picture there.
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
First of all, Joolz (above) is correct. This has been going on for a long time at multiple locations throughout the system. One could probably make a "past practice" argument to support it continuing.
I agree with Jason (above). Many, if not most, employees are allowed to park for free a their workplace. Requiring Metro employees to pay for parking will do little to improve the "Metro Experience" for passengers.
The fact is, most Metro employees actually do pay for parking. All employees who park in public lots must pay the same as anyone else. My understanding is that employees who park at the Jackson Graham Building (JGB) must also pay.
Money isn't always the main issue. As Meredith pointed out, the amount of parking is often inadequate. When I worked at Grosvenor from '94 to '98, this was a serious problem. There were several times when I got to the station to begin my evening shift and all available parking spaces were taken. All the 'prime' spots in the Park & Ride area were usually taken -- not by Metro employees, but by passengers who either didn't know or didn't care that they would be parked illegally after 3:30 pm. The same cars that were there at 2:50 were there at 5 and 6 pm. Transit and MoCo police rarely ticketed them either.
In any case, I (and other employees) had no legal place to park -- I'm including the spots along Tuckerman Lane. There was literally no place within probably a mile or more to park. So my choice was to either park in the bus loop (clearly illegal and asking for a ticket) or be late checking in. Usually a spot would clear up in time, if not I would try to park along the curb so that my car would not be obstructing traffic or blocking any vehicles. On four (4) occasions when I parked at a Park & Ride meter (because there were no other spots available and it was legal until 3:30) I got ticketed because I either got called away or forgot and didn't move my car before 3:30 pm. The Transit Police didn't seem to care that it was an employee's vehicle.
When I asked about the possibility of getting a few dedicated employee parking spots -- way at the back of the lot, the least desirable spots -- I was told no way, because it was such a political hot potato. These spots would have been subject to the same rules regarding payment as all of the others but it was still a non-starter.
It seems kind of petty and short-sighted to me to deny an employee someplace to park at their work location. I agree that it should not be the prime spots, but we need someplace to park. It's just common sense. If there is a problem at a station my guess is the folks stuck on the trains waiting for ATC, CMNT, or Power dept. to arrive probably won't care where they park, as long as they are able to respond quickly. No dedicated parking spots often = longer response time.
I read the comments on Unsuck DC Metro and the WTOP website. I agree with some of the criticisms and negative characterizations. I won't begin to defend the actions of all metro employees, but many/most are doing a dirty, dangerous, thankless job. They are not the enemy. When I was in ATC I worked with some very intelligent, competent, and conscientious technicians. They did the best they could in any given situation. Most of the Metro employees I know (technicians, train operators, mechanics, supervisors) do not fit the stereotype (lazy, overpaid, knuckle-dragging, incompetent, rude, etc). I my experience, most were/are decent people just trying to make a living and do the best they can. It is not fair to lump them all into one big group.
Thanks for riding Metrorail. We regret the inconvenience. ;-)
Anon · 727 weeks ago
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
However, there are legal concepts like "adverse possession" that essentially say that if a person breaks the law long enough (by trespassing) the property in question becomes theirs.
If I were an attorney defending this practice (which I'm clearly not) I would point out that this has been going on for decades in some locations and has been tolerated by WMATA management and the Transit as well as local Police.
That said, I agree that employees should not be parking in the prime spots near station entrances.
As I said in my original post:
"It seems kind of petty and short-sighted to me to deny an employee someplace to park at their work location. I agree that it should not be the prime spots, but we need someplace to park. It's just common sense."
I realize that parking is a huge issue in and around D.C. and all major cities, but if a business (any business) is to function, its employees must be given _somewhere_ to park.
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
The fact that others have broken the law in the past and were not punished does not justify you breaking the law now.
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
The primary concept that applies is what is sometimes referred to (at least with regard to union/management contracts) as 'past practice'. The idea that if something continues long enough it sets a precedent of sorts, regardless of what the contract says.
In this case, I believe (but I'm not sure) that the land in question belongs to Metro. It has been designated as "Kiss & Ride" parking, but in fact has been used as employee parking -- with the full knowledge (in most cases) of WMATA management and the state, local, and transit police. I'm not saying that it's _right_, I'm merely stating a fact. I'm not suggesting it would be a good idea, but an argument could be made that at least some of those spots should therefore be converted to employee parking.
This has been going on for years, sometimes decades. On-duty employees -- police, operators, technicians, mechanics, administrators, custodians -- have gotten used to parking in certain areas and (generally) not being ticketed.
I agree with the majority of posters here that this should not continue, but the fact is that if we want the stations to open on time, if we want techs and mechanics to respond to problems and emergencies (snow, mechanical and/or electrical failures, etc) as quickly as possible, they MUST have someplace to park. I hope most people can agree with that.
I understand the anger and frustration over this -- in fact I posted here about my experiences at Grosvenor when the shoe was on the other foot and passengers were using the Kiss & Ride spots for long-term parking. I would suggest though that in this case the anger be directed primarily toward WMATA. It is their decades-long refusal to provide parking for employees (at stations that have public parking) that led to the current situation.
This problem would all but go away if Metro would simply designate a few of the least desirable spots in every lot and/or garage for employee parking. If it would make everyone feel better to force the employees to pay for parking, fine. Most employees already pay for parking anyway. As I mentioned, all employees who park in regular lots, including at Metro HQ, must pay the same rate as passengers. The money is a secondary issue. The main thing is having someplace to park.
It seems to me that the main obstacle is politics. WMATA is afraid that if they _openly_ provide parking for employees -- even if it's 1/4 mile from the station -- people will riot in the streets. So they do nothing. At the same time, they realize that employees do have to park somewhere, so they turn a blind eye to what's depicted in the video clip. The result is worse than if they'd just bite the bullet and designate a few spots for employees.
Metro Ryder · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
L A Cochran · 727 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
dcn8v · 727 weeks ago
Anon · 727 weeks ago
Paul · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
abc · 727 weeks ago
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
NEBTD! · 726 weeks ago
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
John · 727 weeks ago
Everly Anon · 727 weeks ago
John · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
What's even worse, however, is the attitude they had when they were busted. Not a one of them acted ashamed.
The dude in the truck is the face of Metro I know best.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Metro Ryder · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
abc · 727 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 727 weeks ago
Apparently you believe in STEALING, bithces!!!
F'n JD · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
First I look at how much I get accomplished in a typical day.
Then I look at how much work kiosk-guarders fail to get done in a day.
Umm, maybe I am wrong, but if they actually are making more money than me should they not be the ones doing more work? Or are they so overworked they want to trade jobs? :)
KWM · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Ann · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
KWM · 727 weeks ago
The only people who cry race in situations like these are the ones trying to deflect attention from the real issue. The sad thing is that everytime someone cries racism for lame crap like this, that person dilutes and nullifies the claims of people who have a genuine problem, and I agree that there are many. Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
Makes me crazy when we can't just deal with the issue at hand without dragging a lot of irrelevant nonsense into the mix. Grow up, and deal with the consequences of your actions, regardless of who you are or what you look like. Try as you might, you cannot make illegal parking a race issue.
abc · 727 weeks ago
abc · 727 weeks ago
ksu499 · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
Yes, people should obey the law. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they get caught, sometimes not.
The fact is that in my experience over 27 years at Metro, the parking regulations were not routinely enforced -- whether the vehicles belonged employees or passengers. People (both passengers and employees) knew this and would take advantage of the situation. That's just human nature.
As I mentioned in my original post:
"[At Grosvenor] All the 'prime' spots in the Park & Ride area were usually taken -- not by Metro employees, but by passengers who either didn't know or didn't care that they would be parked illegally after 3:30 pm. The same cars that were there at 2:50 were there at 5 and 6 pm. Transit and MoCo police rarely ticketed them either."
That may still be the case for all I know.
Where were the news crews then? Where are they now? Why the spotlight on Metro employees?
It's no secret that many people do what they can get away with, especially when it comes to traffic laws and parking regulations. There are also some that simply do not care if they get caught or are issued a ticket. I recall one passenger at Grosvenor who whipped his Range Rover into a metered Kiss & Ride spot at about 3:15 pm and started dropping quarters into the meter. Trying to be helpful, I pointed out that there was no parking in that area of the lot after 3:30 pm (some people honestly did not know this and were thankful when I pointed it out). I suggested that he might want to park at one of the 'red' meters (same cost) about 100 feet to the south. His haughty reply went something like this:
"Parking tickets are just a cost of doing business", then he turned and walked away.
I realize two wrongs don't make a right. I tell that story to point out that there are plenty of people out there who flaunt the law and/or have a sense of entitlement and/or are arrogant. Only a small fraction of them wear the Metro uniform. Many are wealthy and because fines aren't tied to income they can go through life breaking laws left and right. Sure, they get caught once in a while, but the fine is pocket change to them. Where is the outrage over people like that?
All I'm saying is we should be even-handed in our criticism and not just pile on one group of people (Metro employees in this case). If illegal parking at Metro stations is a problem then the police should enforce the regulations, simple as that.
The main point I'd like to make is that employees must have someplace to park. Not on the sidewalk with velvet ropes, but somewhere. IMO it should be free. I understand that some people must pay for parking, but generally that is because their employer does not have their own parking lot. All across America, the vast majority of people are provided free parking a their place of employment, that's just a given.
As for the stereotyping of Metro employees, it is no better than stereotyping minorities. Are there lazy, rude, incompetent Metro employees? Sure, there are employees like that everywhere. There are also rude, obnoxious passengers. But majority of passengers and Metro employees are decent people. Most Metro employees don't deserve the criticism and hatred that is directed at them.
abc · 727 weeks ago
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
What most people do not realize is that the pay for all members of ATU Local 689 is tied to the "top operator rate" -- the highest base pay for a bus driver or train operator. The starting pay for an ATC tech (and other techs and mechanics) is 90% of the top operator rate. If Metro needs to raise the starting salary for certain positions, they must give _everyone_ a raise. That's obviously not possible so management is pretty well stuck trying to convince people that the job isn't that bad after all.
Finally, the oversized gas guzzlers are usually purchased by those employees who practically _live_ at Metro. They work huge amounts of overtime (OT) to afford those toys. To be honest, when I was still at Metro I was often surprised by some of the vehicles I'd see parked in the lot -- luxury cars, high-end sports cars, and SUVs. The majority of the cars were ordinary commuter cars -- Civics, Corollas, etc, but there were some expensive ones mixed in. In addition to working a ton of OT to afford the fancy cars, we don't know how the employees got those vehicles. Maybe some are from police or wholesale auctions or were otherwise purchased used. Also, from talking with other employees over the years I got the impression that many of them really couldn't afford their mortgage and/or car payments and/or kids college tuition. I don't expect them to get any sympathy. All I'm saying is that just because a person is driving a Lexus it does not necessarily follow that they are independently wealthy or even in good financial shape.
SO WHAT! K.M.A** · 726 weeks ago
Tom · 727 weeks ago
I have lived in the D.C. area most of my life and remember what it looked like before Metro. Every area that Metro has opened a station has become renovated and attractive. Both residential and business development near Metro continues to generate substantial revenue. Could you imagine what this metropolitan area would look like without Metro?
As far as this parking situation, find a "real" issue to spend your energy debating.
I wonder how many of those who post here are doing so while being paid by their employer. Really, use your time doing something positive. It will make you feel a lot better than fussing about employees trying to park.
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 727 weeks ago
A. Wilson · 727 weeks ago
Oh, and the areas around any of the above-ground Orange Line stations are eyesores with virtually no development.
Just sayin'
Anony · 727 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
abc · 727 weeks ago
1. Metro employees hate light skinned people
2. Metro employees like to call people stupid, although most of them probably don't even have a college degree or know proper English.
3. Metro employees think they are above the law since they come largely from a race who ancestors enslaved each other.
4. Metro employees like to play the victim.
5. Metro employees only care about getting more money-they don't care if it causes other to suffer by having to pay more money, if it causes people to quit using public transportation, and ultimately they don't get that this will ultimately cost them their jobs.
washingtondcmetro 20p · 727 weeks ago
There have always been people who look down on blue collar workers -- Metro employees included. When they find out that someone they consider "beneath them" may actually earn more than they do it hurts their self-esteem and they lash out.
The fact is, there are many people working in blue collar trades that have an annual income higher that that of many white collar workers -- usually because they work a lot of OT.
We all make our own choices. There is nothing preventing those who think Metro workers make too much from applying for a job.
What I find interesting is that many of the people who complain about how much Metro workers are paid wouldn't take a job at Metro if it was offered to them.
snm · 727 weeks ago
Clearly, what we have here is a positive thinker!
anti Tom · 727 weeks ago
abc · 727 weeks ago
zigzag · 727 weeks ago
Now What B**** · 726 weeks ago
zigzag · 727 weeks ago
zigzag · 727 weeks ago