From Michael:
My partner and I got on the S2 on April 7 (bus #6466) at about 6:25 p.m. in front of the Capitol Hilton (16th and L stop).Metro had no report, they said.
My partner swiped his card, and the machine beeped. Nothing. He swiped it again. Nothing.
He asked the bus driver if he needed to add money.
The driver mumbled something incoherent.
My partner and I looked at each other like, what the hell.
So he swiped a few more times, and then asked the driver for help in adding money.
The driver just stared off into space.
Finally, my partner put a $10 bill in the machine, which registered, but didn't get added to his card.
My partner asked the driver again for some help.
The driver continued to stare off in space.
He was wearing sunglasses, by the way.
We looked to the other people on the bus, who were also wondering what the hell was going on.
Some of them looked like they are blaming us, but the ones in the front and who could see the rear view mirror could see that the bus driver was catatonic.
Finally, we took seats, since he clearly was not responsive. At this point, I was unsure if he was going to be able to drive, but he did, and it was fine.
At the next stop, more people got on, and one more person needed to add money to their card. She tried to work the machine, to no avail, and asked the driver for help.
Again, no response. Just more staring off into space.
She finally asked someone for some coins, put in some money and sat down.
The people in the front of the bus were just looking at each other, wondering what was going on.
We took the bust to our stop, and there, at 16th and U, we saw a police car. We explained the story to the officer, told him the bus number and the driver's name. He immediately, turned on the lights and stormed up 16th St. Minutes later, 5 more squad cars tore up 16th.
It must have been about 6:40, and I would think the cops would have caught up to him around 16th and Euclid.
I don't know what happened after that, but would appreciate if anyone else knows what happened.
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Matt G · 728 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 728 weeks ago
If so, that's a violation. Even if nothing was wrong, he gave a distinct impression to many people that something was, indeed, wrong. In such case, is it safe to assume everyone is safe, inside and outside of the bus? What if he's diabetic and was having the beginning of a hypoglycemic episode?
Jack Wiley · 728 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 728 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 728 weeks ago
John · 728 weeks ago
He was a riot. Metro needs more people like him!
Anonerly Ever · 728 weeks ago
Gets old after awhile. Then I see first-timers hear him. He can crack up the entire car. "If you all walk through different doors, you will still end up on the same platform... if your group goes through only one door you may find some still on the train...." I agree.. They do need more like him!
John · 728 weeks ago
Matt G · 728 weeks ago
Emily · 728 weeks ago
kittycatbob · 727 weeks ago
Emily · 727 weeks ago
OLR · 728 weeks ago
Steph · 728 weeks ago
tengoalyrunr30 80p · 728 weeks ago
Sam · 728 weeks ago
John · 728 weeks ago
That lady?
HurricaneDC 76p · 727 weeks ago
Steph · 728 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 727 weeks ago
@bgriffler · 727 weeks ago
JoeSchmoe · 727 weeks ago
Quest · 728 weeks ago
I know you have to show your Metro ID but not your license to get your bus I was told.
OLR · 728 weeks ago
dan · 728 weeks ago
I'm very curious to know whether it was apathy or some form of impairment.
Sizzle · 728 weeks ago
I also find it a tad strange that whoever sent this story in felt that they NEEDED to tell the police simply because their Metro Bus driver was rude to them...just sayin'
vanceastro 111p · 728 weeks ago
Kat · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 728 weeks ago
lawl · 728 weeks ago
thedofc · 728 weeks ago
OLR · 728 weeks ago
Ray · 728 weeks ago
dan · 728 weeks ago
Anyone know for sure?
jkuchen · 728 weeks ago
GDopplerXT · 728 weeks ago
Also, this is admittedly slight nitpicking but your second statement is not quite true. I always add fare to my card at a Metrorail station even though I only ride the bus.
James · 728 weeks ago
@kara_h · 728 weeks ago
I do not know of anywhere that driving impaired is even close to legal, although the exact restrictions vary by jurisdiction. For example, if you have epilepsy you are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle for a period of time. That time period varies from state to state: a year or more since the last seizure, that period of time since stopping all anti-convulsants without problems, and so on. Some restrictions are complete, even if my seizures go away totally I would never ever be allowed to fly a plane (that rule really hit a friend who wanted to fly jets all his life).
Newt · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 728 weeks ago
Ruby Tuesday · 728 weeks ago
Or did I miss something?
Anon · 728 weeks ago
dan · 728 weeks ago
metroopensdoors · 728 weeks ago
William Jackson faces multiple charges
The Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) arrested William Jackson, 19, of Washington, D.C., and charged him with unauthorized use of a vehicle and fleeing an accident, today, July 9.
Jackson was driving a Metrobus when it struck a tree at 17th Street and Massachusetts Avenue, SE, around 4:15 p.m. He continued to drive the bus to 14th Street and Potomac Avenue, SE, where the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) conducted a traffic stop on the bus after receiving a 911 call from a witness who observed the accident. The suspect fled the bus and was apprehended by MPD at 16th and Potomac Avenue, SE.
There were no injuries reported as a result of the accident. A preliminary police report indicates that the suspect is not a Metro employee, however he entered Metro’s Bladensburg bus facility wearing a bus operator’s uniform, boarded a bus and drove it out of the lot. MTPD continues to investigate the incident.
News release issued at 11:51 pm, July 9, 2010.
dan · 728 weeks ago
My objection to your comment is that the thief in the story you cited wasn't stopping to allow passengers to get on and off the bus, he was joyriding in a stolen vehicle.
Matt's complaint isn't about a joyriding Metrobus thief; his complaint is about a non-responsive Metrobus Operator that may have been in some way impaired while driving a huge freaking bus with lots of passengers on board. If true, that is scarier to me than a stolen Metrobus.
Obfuscate and misdirect; the WMATA way.
Maybe what REALLY happened is that a customer's glove got stuck in the fare meter, causing it and the driver's communcation skills to fail?
fredasaurus 0p · 727 weeks ago