Hey Samuel, I was in a metro bus accident and have some experience with this-what I'm going to write though is going to be rather long though and I have to go to work and then be there early tomorrow, so I don't have time to post everything right now, but check back here tomorrow or Thursday and I'll post some stuff from my experience that might help.
Okay Samuel, so here is the deal-they will NEVER call you back. My insurance agent could barely get a letter in my case saying that metro wasn't at fault. You are probably going to have to go to outside resources. Depending on how much money you are talking about and how strong your case is and if you can find an attorney who will take it for a percentage of the win with no money upfront you may need to go that route. You may also need to try contacting the media to draw attention to your case. Also was the driver solely at fault-you may be able to collect from the other vechile involved much easier. Also if you have car insurance, you may have uninsured motorist coverage and that my cover your medical bills.
My son cut a corner too tight when learning to drive. A Ride-on bus hit him in the driver side rear bumper. Luckily not much damage, and even more lucky that the driver seemed as interested in getting the hell out of there as we were. Sure, maybe he could've stopped in time, but it was my son's fault, no one was hurt, and there wasn't any damage so I have no problem wanting to avoid police attention. All these types of things are SO situational.
I guess these statements were rejected in lieu of the whole "Meet a Metro Driver who has gone 2 million miles without an accident!" (or whatever it was) advertising campaign. Nobody was fooled Metro.
Learn more about what's going on at your own job first! This blog is good for one thing! People to make up crazy stories about Metro!! #Anything for attention!
What is it like to work for Metro? Is the reason that all of the WMATA employees that comment on this blog hate the people that pay their salaries for expecting a modicum of professionalism from them?
If you're not happy with WMATA go pay Exxon, BP, and Dutch Shell $4 a gallon for gas.....that is if you even have a car!
And if you actually knew something passenger fares pay a small portion of salaries. Most is from subsidies from local and fed govt from people who DON'T take Metro
You are paying for upper mgmt. to take their SUVs home. Some live as far as 100 miles one way from the nearest Metro station. They don't buy their own gas, the taxpayers do And many times, a worker is called away from his job to fill gas in SUV and do inspection of vehicle. Metro does not know how to handle the money they have. Can you image how they go through a blank check if given to them.
Mr. Unsuck ... can you ask your domain host for a list of the hits you receive from @wmata.com? I imagine there must be some way to trace the IPs of posts made by these "Not a WMATA Employee" readers.
I noticed you posted your name. Your boss may give an hour to two off early for a job well done> Sad, but true, this stuff is not made up. I hope this blog gets the attention of our elected officials. Keep the up the great work unsuck!!!
Regarding the first posted & captured tweet: This should correspond with UnSuck’s post regarding cheating. Perhaps WMATA should have a miscellaneous category somewhere amongst those tests.
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
Get in touch:
Email: unsuckdcmetro (at) yahoo (dot) com (cc Metro at csvc@wmata.com)
If you have a tip, submit here. Submit anonymously via Tumblr here.
June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
Samuel · 728 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 728 weeks ago
F'n JD · 728 weeks ago
abc · 728 weeks ago
I was in a metro bus accident and have some experience with this-what I'm going to write though is going to be rather long though and I have to go to work and then be there early tomorrow, so I don't have time to post everything right now, but check back here tomorrow or Thursday and I'll post some stuff from my experience that might help.
abc · 727 weeks ago
RedLineROFL · 728 weeks ago
Ever Anon · 728 weeks ago
March 4, 2010 - "I don't want to hide problems. That's the worst thing you can do."
Jan. 27, 2010 - "Is the culture of safety present at Metro? Yes. But not to the degree that it needs to be."
Talk about political B.S.
OLR · 728 weeks ago
Edward Thomas · 728 weeks ago
OLR · 728 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
dan · 727 weeks ago
Not a WMATA Employee · 727 weeks ago
And if you actually knew something passenger fares pay a small portion of salaries. Most is from subsidies from local and fed govt from people who DON'T take Metro
guest · 727 weeks ago
Jeremy · 727 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 728 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 728 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 728 weeks ago