Thursday, April 21, 2011

WTF Happened at Woodley Park?

Photo: Mieko Yamaguchi

Update from Metro: "We received a call from the Zoo Police regarding a group of youth who were fighting and headed toward Woodley Park. The youth did enter at Woodley Park and were disruptive. They were contacted at Gallery Place, warned by Transit Police and sent on their way."

This makes you wonder what many Metro stations would be like in a real emergency.

Twitter was abuzz (sample) about a clusterfrack at Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan. It was hard to tell what happened, but there certainly were broken escalators and unruly teens.

A friend texted from there at 5:43 p.m. that "Woodley Park Metro escalators, up and down, just came to an abrupt halt. Super crowded."

Here's a later perspective from Karen:
I got off the train at approx 6:25 p.m., and the platform was packed with hundreds of teenagers, pushing and shoving each other to get on the trains (both tracks had trains that had just arrived)

I saw one Metro cop standing at the top of the first, shorter escalator looking down at the train platform, presumably seeing all the pushing and shoving, but he did not come down or say anything. He just watched.

I got past the farecard reader, and it was pandemonium on the upper level platform. That is because NONE of the three escalators were working.

People were jammed trying to decide what to do.

There was a large crowd at the elevator and hordes of people streaming down the escalators.

That also made it difficult for passengers to go UP because people were walking down all three broken escalators.

Teenagers (mostly boys) were pushing and shouting and being basic, unruly teenagers.

Mix that together with tourists, strollers, a man in a wheelchair and rush hour commuters, and it was extremely chaotic.

During my wait for the elevator (at least 4 trips went up and down before I could get to the front of the crowd and board), a few Metro cops came down the escalators and shouted at the kids to stop loitering and either board a train or get out of the station.

That did little to thin out the crowd.

The real issue was the broken escalators.

Even if there were not hundreds of teenagers there at rush hour, you would still have had the normal evening commuters, and they would have had to walk up that extremely long escalator. I am young, I don't mind walking but the tourists with strollers cannot.

It's Easter and Passover week and spring break, so how can the station that services the National Zoo have no working escalators?

This is the second time this week - on Monday (I think), there were no down escalators, just one going up.
If you can add any other information, please do in the comments.

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While the broken elevators were problematic, the main problem was the absolute number of people in the station at one time. I get off at the WPAMNZ station every day at the same time (around 6:30) and it has never been like this. getting off the trains themselves was difficult due to the mass on the platform, and it was even worse near the fare machines. Metro employees were doing nothing, and the cops -- there were approx. 6-8 in the station, not sure if they were DCPD or metro cops -- were clustered together near the escalators and weren't trying to direct the crowd or calm anyone down.

Due to the number of cops both inside (i saw 6-8) and directly outside the station at street level (another 2-3 with a copcar on the sidewalk) it appeared they were expecting this flood of people into the station. However, they did nothing to control the crowd and provide direction for those going down the escalators or on the platform.

by the way -- does anyone know why there were so many people in the station? there usually aren't that many kids -- did an event get out? was there something at the zoo?
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 726 weeks ago

I saw DC police inside the station doing nothing. Once I finally got out I saw that the DC police had parked their cars on Connecticut (hard avoid in that location), but one was parked in an intersection. My bus couldn't get around these police cars and we could all see the police talking to each other on the side walk. The were not taking notes or doing anything that looked like they were doing anything but chitchatting. After my bus made it past the car blocking the intersection (several light cycles), the police moved their cars. Completely useless.
I was walking up Conneticut Ave and passed a massive group of what seemed like DCPS kids fighting and blocking a couple of lanes of traffic. It was hard to get through walking, can't even imagine having to deal with them at the broken escalators.
NeedToShed's avatar

NeedToShed · 726 weeks ago

This is Metro's subtle way of letting you know that you need exercise.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I think broken escalators might be why DC is the fittest city in the nation
There were a bunch of kids with name tags or something at the Pentagon City mall a little after 6 yesterday as well. I think there might be something event.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
I work at Pentagon City mall, thats a normal occurence every day at this time of year. In Spring, huge groups of tourist kids from all over the country come to DC. PCity is usually their lunch/dinner stop before (or after) sightseeing.
I used to work for one of those companies that took the teenagers to Pentagon City. It's likely either a leadership group (if the kids were dressed up and well-behaved) or a tourist group (if they were unruly and in jeans). I'm not aware of any of those types of conferences that would have impacted WP, especially because they all take a charter bus to get around DC.
There was a train offloaded at union station from what I heard. that might have had something to do with the crowds?

OH, and of course...

Fire David Lacosse in C Minor!
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
David Lacosse is not even incharge of the elevator department anymore. Get your facts straight before you make stupid coments.
He's still working there. Still at the same position. WMATA just created a position above him.

He's still a waste of money and space.

Try again. He is not in the same position. He is not in charge of maintanance they moved him to the parts department to run that
He should still be fired for being incompetent when he was in the job, then. Why should we expect great things from him wherever else they ferret holed him now?
Did I say demote David Lacosse? NO! I said FIRE David Lacosse! He swept a whole host of escalator safety issues under the rug and people got hurt. He, I mean you, are in incompetent moron.

Don't say "He is not in charge of maintenence" say "I am not in charge of maintenance"

Or do you think you are such a big shot you have to speak in the third person, David Lacosse.
Metro's already proven they can, quite literally, kill people with no meaningful repercussion. Why should they bother caring?
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 726 weeks ago

Waiting for the elevator was awful. The people with strollers thought they got precedence over everyone else. One lady almost ran an elderly man down with her stroller so she could get on the elevator. Luckily, the elderly man had a companion that pulled him out of the way. Another couple pushed past a man in a wheelchair, so they and their stroller could get on first. Of the 5 families with strollers I saw, only 1 had the foresight to take the baby out and fold up the stroller so more people could fit on the elevator.
Depressing Toads's avatar

Depressing Toads · 726 weeks ago

Sorry Unsuckers, I'm just not feeling it today.
In a related note, I was on a packed escalator at L'Enfant plaza yesterday coming up from the blue/orange platform to the green/yellow (greenbelt/mt vernon side) platform at around 5:00pm.

Can anyone guess what happened? I'll give you a hint - it was the only working escalator and it was packed.

All of a sudden and with no warning it lurched to a halt. No one fell, thank goodness, but it was packed with tourists that had that look of primal fear in their eyes that I see so often at L'Enfant. No WMATA employees observed this happening. I thought about saying something to the station manager, but then I reazlied that s/he wouldn't do anything about it anyway.

Bedlam. But hey, at least we can ride feeling safe since MTP are keeping us safe with their random bag checks.
Glad to hear the police finally made it into the the Metro, but sorry to hear that it didn't have much of an impact. After some teens tried to pull me from the escalator I was walking up (one pulled my leg to try to trip me and one pulled my hair to try to knock me down) I made it to the top and saw 10 law enforcement officers standing on the sidewalk on CT Ave. I told them what had happened to me and that they had to get down there because it was chaos and kids were getting way too unruly. One just shrugged his shoulders and a few of them starting making their way down the escalators. I live in the neighborhood and have unfortunately seen this before, but I felt so sorry for the tourists. Some of them must have been pretty shaken up.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Someone needs to start putting these animals down.
UnSuck Fan's avatar

UnSuck Fan · 726 weeks ago

I'm sorry to hear that these youths were rude and disrespectful to you, Jane! Stay safe!

Oh, and pardon the sarcasm: Nice to see the officers giving a flying leap!
Where were the cops?'s avatar

Where were the cops? · 726 weeks ago

There were literally thousands of unruly teenagers leaving the national zoo and walking to the WP metro yesterday between 5 and 6 yesterday. I was driving down Connecticut when a group of over 200 of them decided to push across Connecticut Ave against a red light (at rush hour no less) and tormenting any drivers that were in their way (yelling at them, smacking their cars, dancing in front of cars so they couldn't move forward).

It was very unnerving. I heard from the zoo that this had been going on for hours since they arrived earlier that day and can't help but wonder WHERE WERE THE COPS?

I called the zoo and the cops when I got home and the zoo security blamed local police's lack of responsiveness, local police blamed metro police, metro police blamed local police. (Zoo said there was no program - they all showed up unannounced.)

It's the nation's capital for heaven's sake! We can't get emergency crowd workers out when they are needed?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Given that we used to have the highest murder rate in the nation, "it's the nation's capital" is unfortunately a weak argument.

As for where the cops were, probably handing out speeding tickets or something. What would they have been able to do anyway? Ya lay a finger on a kid these days and it's "POLICE BRUTALITY." And even if you somehow manage to make a few arrests, they get sent to DYRS, learn how to be a better criminal, maybe even break out (get some practice for when they go to the actual big house), then return to the streets to wreak more havoc.
Funny thing about escalators, if they break down, they become stairs, which you can walk up. For those of you who are unfamiliar, walking is the act of putting one foot in front of the other, then doing the oppisite to propel yourself forward.
8 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
No, I suppose there's no way to know whether or not you're a troll, a misanthrope, a WMATA employee (but in that case you're a misanthrope by default - it's ok, you can look the word up), or just an asshole.

For you to downplay Woodley Park’s lack of escalator service, factored in with the presence of hundreds of unruly teenagers and (in all likelihood) terrified tourists that come to enjoy our city to spend their money, there's a problem.

You can’t walk up or down “stairs” when there’s nowhere to go. People have a reasonable expectation to feel secure when using public transit. Obviously you disagree.
stop bitchin' start a revolution and boycott metro then there will be one less body in my way!
Wow, your desk must be warped from all the drool. You're as stupid as James--who probably only just figured out the walking thing (but will never advance beyond that).
Mr. Lacosse, is that you?

Escalator steps are higher than a regular staircase (if you don't believe me, look at Metro staircases that are next to an escalator), so it's more difficult to walk up an escalator when it's stationary because you have to lift your legs higher. Couple that with the fact that WP is a deep station with very tall escalators and no landings, and you have a difficult climb.
Mr Lacosse had an angry posting above in response to My calling for him to be fired (In C Minor)
Try C Major
Wow, great point!
I've re-mixed my Fire David Lacosse Symphony to the tune of C major and it really is a work of art! Thanks!
I checked WMATA's report card for Woodley Park yesterday, and was surprised to see they dinged themselves--only an A-.

At least we know they keep it real.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Depressing Toads's avatar

Depressing Toads · 726 weeks ago

If nobody dies, it's always at least an A-
If you give a grade below and A, then you believe in Slavery
- Jackie Jeter
The situation at Woodley Park last night was seriously scary. I've lived in DC for several years and have never understood why people were afraid of the metro, and have never encountered problems with teenagers on the metro in the past. Swarms of teens were sprinting down all three broken escalator banks, and several were running down the stairs holding children. I was nearly hit in the face with a large empty stroller that a girl was dragging behind her as she ran down the stairs. When I exited the station there were 10 or 15 MPD and Secret Service (?) cops standing alongside Connecticut Ave and I informed them of the dangerous situation inside, however one MPD cop stated that they didn't have jurisdiction and were waiting for metro transit police. Seems like a f-up on everyone's part.
Something doesn't add up in the story:

During my wait for the elevator...

I am young, I don't mind walking but the tourists with strollers cannot.
"Clusterfuck" is generally a good descriptor for WMATA.

Y'know, the other day I was driving and suddenly the car notified me that I had a flat tire. And that did not piss me off nearly as much as WMATA's delays, crowding and unruly teenagers do.
1 reply · active 726 weeks ago
It would be more appropriate if your car notified you that an incident had occurred and delays were anticipated.
Metro Ryder's avatar

Metro Ryder · 726 weeks ago

As I recall, last spring there was a week of teen Hell at Woodley, but only the short escalators were out, so not as bad. I think I'll be using alternative routes home for the remainder of the week.
In other news, US Marshals believe in slavery:
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Anony Mouse's avatar

Anony Mouse · 726 weeks ago

How does one get a job at Metro? They offer such great job can kill someone, and after Metro fires you for publicity purposes, they find you another job within the system! There are so many people I'd like to kill, but I'd really like to keep getting paid. Working at Metro would be perfect!
How much you want to bet that if he's convicted, he will continue to draw a Metro paycheck while in prison?
What did you expect. The riders of this system continue to amaze me. You actually expected a 1960s era jobs program to transport you place to place efficiently? You actually expects Metro cops (hired from the same lowest-common denominator pool as the Metro employees) to do their jobs?

Metro is doing EXACTLY what it was intended to do. It just wasn't to be a subway.
Sometimes strollers are smaller (usually for small children and not babies) and can fold up easily and can be brought up the escalator without a hassle. Tourists seem a little overwhelmed by Metro in general so who knows if they're paying matter what, it IS harder to walk up all those stairs with kids, strollers, bags, groceries, or whatever you might have to also carry.
Au contraire, kara_h. Metro frequently announces, in station, that strollers can be taken on escalators when the elevators are out of service. In fact, they go so far as to give you safety tips for managing the stroller on the escalator.

So yeah, it's posted as "not allowed," but with so many elevator outages Metro's basically given up.
StillPOed's avatar

StillPOed · 726 weeks ago

I'm sure yesterday some had a similar experience to mine. I was travelling from Beth to MC a little after 6pm on the last car. The train car was lightly populated until WP, when it became more packed than morning rush. The kids were loud and poisterous but seemingly pretty harmless. I had a brief thought that I should just stay on until GP, figuring that most if not all would get out there, but decided I would run the gauntlet at MC. Perhaps that was a mistake. I can live with numerous hands rubbing and patting my bald head but I was incredulous when I felt several hands reach into my front pocket trying to relieve me off anything valuable. I turned to look at the kids, when I felt a hand reaching into my back pocket to try to take my wallet. It was such a mob scene that I literally had to run my eyes up the arm to the shoulder to the face in order to identify the culprit. In not my finest moment, I shoved the face of the young woman who thought she had right to my wallet. I turned to walk out the door and received a punch to the jaw. I stepped off the train and then glared at my assailant who was being restrained by her peers. Not a good day.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Lesson here - don't keep your wallet in your back pocket!
You only shoved one of them? Yeah, not your finest moment.
I'm not trying to sound macho, but if I found someone's hand in my pocket I might break their fingers. Seriously. If you are assaulted, you have the right to depend yourself.

The rubbing and patting your head is assault. Reaching into your pockets is assault as well as attempted larceny.

No one has a right to assault you or to attempt to steal your belongings. The law affords you the right to defend yourself - by resorting to violence, if necessary.

I have autism and I am very, very sensitive about people touching my head. In fact I usually freak out if anyone touches my head. If I found a hand patting my head or reaching into my pocket, I might instinctively react with violence.

Fair warning to any thugs reading this.
Unsuck you might wanna look at this:

Transit police showed up pretty quick, IDK which station or line that was though.
StillPOed's avatar

StillPOed · 726 weeks ago

The police and Metro need to be smarter and more flexible about how to handle these mobs. They need to be disbursed. In this particular case, Metro should have unloaded every other Shady Grove bound train at VN and turned them southbound. Yes it is unfortunate how ghettoized this city is, but we all know that they mostly live in Anacostia and PG, and when they are ready to leave, get them home.
Depressing Toads's avatar

Depressing Toads · 726 weeks ago

UPDATE FROM METRO: We think the word "youth" is kinda like "deer" in that it's both singular and plural.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
What is a Yout?
You know, a young person, a yout! Betcha didn't think anyone would get the reference!
I think I know, Vinnie....
To StillPOed,
Nowhere in the original post did it say anything about the race of the youth. People of all colors and races visit the zoo. And since I work in the NW Mall area, I can say for a fact that the fair complexion youths now visting DC are just as unruly and obnoxious as the long-time DC residentss. So next time keep your racist remarks to yourself.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
In this case, however, the youths who were causing the disruptions were black, and appeared to be from the area because they were going back on the Metro and were not being led by teachers or camp counselors in an organized way.

Racism is inexcusable, but it is counterproductive to ignore race. I am really shocked that race has been mentioned so seldom on this page. Do Ctrl+F "black" and see what I mean.
JimmyTankins's avatar

JimmyTankins · 726 weeks ago

Yeah, StillPOed comments were dumb but I will say this:

Yesterday, as I was coming up the long Woodley Park metro escalator with my girlfriend, large groups of black kids on the other side started screaming, pushing, kicking, throwing drinks and garbage, and sliding down the middle of the escalators, and knocking over safety barriers. People were on there with baby strollers. They finally stopped the escalators entirely, then shut down access to the metro. The chaos then continued outside of the metro. I live in Woodley Park and had family in town yesterday. It was embarrassing to walk them down the streets crowded with loud, ignorant, violent, foul-mouthed black youth. Not to mention about 200 unruly black pedestrians marched down one of the lanes on Connecticut Ave during rush hour (rather than the sidewalk) throwing things at traffic and banging on cars.

I'm not insinuating a particular race is at fault, just stating what I saw. My point being that fixing escalators is one way to unsuck DC metro, but you can't fix uncivilized people, which seems to be a bigger concern for me lately.
what was a little alarming about this was being on a train further down the line and hearing the CTC dispatcher warning train operators heading into WPZ to be cautious of the melee on the platform. (i was standing behind the cab and could hear the radio.) had a transit officer on my train, too. he got off before WPZ. :

so, what's an operator supposed to do? pull in, and decide whether it's safe to open the doors? :P
In late March I was here with an out of town friend, and the escalators were broken. I am in pretty good shape, and halfway up these escalators my legs were screaming at the effort. My friend, who is a strong but not in good cardio shape, fared much worse. A lot of older people and a few with strollers looked completely lost. So I totally believe that broken escalators could have instigated such a problem.
JimmyTankins's avatar

JimmyTankins · 726 weeks ago

Hey, Unsuck DC Metro. Can we get an update on this post following the aftermath of yesterday's zoo stabbing? When I came home arriving at the WP station, it was utter chaos throughout the metro and spilling out above the station. I would love to see leaked security footage - dropped the ball on filming from my own camera - it was a mess.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
JimmyTankins's avatar

JimmyTankins · 726 weeks ago

Awesome, thanks.

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