Friday, April 8, 2011

Dealing with Troublesome Riders

Video contains explicit language

Several comments yesterday suggested the best way to have handled the rider with the pit bull would have been to take the bus out of service, call Metro cops, tell the woman the cops were on their way, explain to riders what was going on, give them their options and then apologize for the delay.

One former bus operator we spoke with said when they used to drive in rough part of town, there were certain riders who expected a free ride and could present a major danger if denied what they thought was a right.

"People used to ask me how I never got stabbed," they said. "The reason is I just let them on the bus and never confronted them, and if they needed transfers, I gave those to them, too. It' s not worth getting stabbed or beat up."

We were curious about what kind of official training Metrobus drivers receive, so we asked Metro. Here's what they said:
The instructional materials and techniques we use to help Bus Operators deal with customers in general and also difficult customers include:

Basic customer service standards, understanding customer expectations, what transit customers want, how to avoid confrontations, listening skills, the importance of greeting customers, body language, and the importance of positive language.

We teach techniques on avoiding confrontations, how to recognize angry people, how to know the operators own personal triggers, how not to retaliate and how to de-stress after difficult encounters.

We use interactive video and role-play situations where students practice using these strategies and techniques for situations that might arise on the bus, along with more emotionally charged situations where they practice keeping hostility from escalating.

We also cover these same types of customer situations in the context of customers with special needs.
Other items:
Metro considers ways to close budget gap (Examiner)

Comments (36)

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We really need to give bus drivers a break. How would we feel if we had to drive through a bad part of town and deal with self-entitled surly riders day in and day out? I'm sure that would take a heavy psychological toll.

I always make a point to greet the driver pleasantly whenever I get on a bus, and say goodbye or thanks when I depart. It's common courtesy - something people around Washington take for granted.
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Same. A lot of bus drivers are dicks, but nevertheless I still say "howdy" or "good morning/afternoon/evening" while getting on and "thank you, have a good one" when getting off.
MadAsHeck's avatar

MadAsHeck · 728 weeks ago

"Howdy"?!? Which bus route takes you to Texas?
SouthernTransplant's avatar

SouthernTransplant · 728 weeks ago

Not everyone was born in the Northeast part of the country.
I used to take the bus in upper NW DC and while there was one driver who was a %^&#$ I absolutely agree with the sentiment that most of them do absolutely deserve a break. Given how some passengers act on Metro rail, I can only imagine how they act on the buses--in certain areas in particular--to drivers who try to enforce the rules.

I saw the post yesterday on the woman with a pit bull who couldn't produce papers showing the dog was a service animal and then proceeded to park her butt in front of the bus. Yes, if the driver inched towards her that was wrong, but honestly after dealing with passengers like her, I can understand the frustration.
While the majority of bus drivers do their job satisfactorily, there are many who go above and beyond. However, there are far too many who, frankly, seem untrained or unable to deal with some basic human interactions, and I'm not even talking about stuff like in the video or the pit bull woman. Obviously, I can't speak to these drivers' intelligence, but the social intelligence of basic problem solving doesn't seem to be there.
You could arm the bus drivers with tasers, but given their propensity for beating up guys dressed up as crime-fighting dogs, I can only imagine the terror they would bring upon Washington if they had tasers.
Corresponding Toads's avatar

Corresponding Toads · 728 weeks ago

People often ask me why I never get stabbed. The reason is simple: I'm just too damn handsome.

Happy Friday, unsuckers.

Much love,

That Toads Guy
It seems like for everyone respectable and friendly bus driver I've seen on Metro, I've encountered equally terrible ones. I call the bad ones Bizarro drivers. They clearly operate on what we consider to be the opposite rules of the road.

Stop hiring Bizarros WMATA.
You know, I never thought about it that way. I can't imagine how bad it is having to drive through those roughest areas of DC.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Crap, I avoid them myself because I'm fearful of what could happen in ONE occurrence, let alone doing it every day.
If video cameras work and are recording everything, there may not be a big problem.

Sure, the bus driver lets you on for free. But you get arrested later via the evidence in the video camera. Metro could even post the videos online so as to find the people.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Or, crazily enough, if it happens on a regular basis, the Metro police could actually be ON THE BUS.
What and miss their doughnuts?
But they could use the bus to take them to doughnuts! WIN WIN!
By the way, for anyone that is curious, this appears to be one of the 16 route buses headed down Columbia Pike in South Arlington...on its way from the Pentagon towards Bailey's Crossroads. S. Scott and then Courthouse Rd.
I work at a bar and was taught basic self-defense and security techniques. We know not to let in a drunk and/or belligerent person in our establishment. Why can't Metro do the same? It seems letting someone on the bus who is already a problem before they get on is opening them up for liability issues if something happens later.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Think about what you're saying. Have you seen some metro drivers? Some are in their 50s or 60s. What are they going to do? Judo chop! Push the scofflaw down the steps then speed away in a 14 ton behemoth? What if the crazy person has a gun and starts firing at the bus as they "speed" away?

Add to the requirements before you apply to drive a city bus: Must have been a bouncer in previous employment.
And to think I got pounced on yesterday for me "distorted sense of entitlement" comment! Jeesh!

Yes, it's true, there are many really wonderful men and women who for Metro, and it's sad that they get lumped in with all of the ones who just don't give a crap. Once I was on one of the "S" line busses on 16th street. An obviously drunk, disorderly, and deranged man got on, and was just insisting that the whole bus full of people acknowledge his presense... with what, applause? He was a total wack-job. Anyway... it was one of those situations that made you hold your breath and look for the next stop. the driver managed to get the man's attention and difused the situation very adeptly.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I'd say give them a gun, but they might shoot a cop.
Meanwhile, Metro still paying employees bonuses:
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Does the Metro Board have to approve these BONUSES?
Get the Metro Board to release their vote on these bonuses!!!!!!!!
Maybe we should just install booths in Metro Buses ala' The Fifth Element. If a passenger causes problems some turrets pop down and demand he or she place their hands on the Yellow Circles.

Of course, then everyone would need a MULTI-PASS.
Navy Seal Steve's avatar

Navy Seal Steve · 728 weeks ago

I have and will make a citzens arrest of anyone committing any crime or disturbance.
5 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Are you are Guardian Angle?
He's the Guardian Right Angle!
Try to pull some shit like that on me and you'll be sorry. Don't be one of these heroes out here that ends up in the Anacostia river.
*** Internet tough guy alert ***
I like swimming. I am a Navy Seal afterall.
Hey did the Metro Board get bonuses? How about finding out Unsuck about the board's decision on theses bonuses!'s avatar · 728 weeks ago

Speaking of unruly riders, you MAY be surprised how MANY think that riding mass transportation is a God-Given Right.
questioneer's avatar

questioneer · 728 weeks ago

I see there was no comment on ADA and assistance dogs. Does this mean that this pit bull should have been let on the bus?
We see no response on this issue on the blog.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago's avatar · 728 weeks ago

Yes. The service team duo should have been able to enter the bus. As long as the dog had the "Service animal" vest on OR the woman could produce papers verifying the animal, they should've been let on the vehicle. There's always the case that the woman DIDN'T have the "Service Animal" vest on AND she may not have had papers for the animal but those details never came out. If that ISN'T the case...I'd put my money on the fact that some lawyers are already calling her, in hopes of filing some million dollar discrimination lawsuit.

It happens more often than you think -'s avatar · 728 weeks ago

Scratch that....Just revisited the post and saw that the animal DID have a vest on.

Wmata/Metro lost this battle.

Expect to see things like this happen more frequently as rates go up for MetroAccess and forces persons living with disabilities to ride pubilc mass transportation.
Has it ever occurred to them with all the money they waste, how inexpensive it would be to give them a buttom to 911 or a code they could say into the speaker system, etc to get these wack jobs of the bus-one time I was on a bus with a guy who was talking about killing someone. That being said the drunks of that area (if it is the 16 as somebody said) aren't limited to the buses. I was driving once and slammed on my breaks because I though I saw an animal in the road-turned out to be a drunken Mexcian who didn't know the difference between the road and the sidewalk. Luckily someone had already called 911 and I narrowly missed hitting him.

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