I do not know whether to pity that man or roll my eyes. Meanwhile, guess all that back pay will be do well for the Metro employee's homicide trial. Once again Metro and the union looks like idiots... lost/settle a massive lawsuit while re-hiring the one who cost them the money (not to mention a life) in the first place.
Where does the money for the lawsuit settlement come from? They sued metro for 100 mil and then settled out of court. Is that money part of WMATA's operating budget? Or do they have a slosh fund for the annual lawsuits?
I have to say homicide sounds like a ridiculous charge in this case. Reckless driving or something of that nature would make more sense. Red lights get blown through all the time in dc and I have to say most mini van taxi drivers I see drive far worse than the bus drivers-not that the bus drivers drive all that great-but in their defense it is the people higher up at metro who write impossible schedules and then never bother to revise ridiculous schedules and then force drivers to somehow make them that cause a lot of this. Most of the drivers who stay on schedule I see routinely blow through red lights.
Let's assume a minivan weighs about 4000 pounds (roughly 1800 kilograms), and is travelling at about 35mph (about 15.6 m/s).
Now let's assume a bus weighs about 25,000 pounds (roughly 11,500 kg) and is moving at the same speed.
Using the formula for momentum (P=MV): and standard units (it’s science):
The minivan travelling at 35 mph (15.6 m/s) has a momentum of approximately 28080 kg*m/s.
The bus travelling at 35 mph (15.6 m/s) has a momentum of approximately 187200 kg*m/s.
So, 28080 kg*m/s compared to 187/200 kg*m/s. The bus, travelling at the same speed, has more energy behind it than 6 taxi minivans careening through a red light simultaneously.
Now, which do you think is more dangerous? Which carries more passengers?
I'm hardly defending metro, I'm simply saying the charges are too much. Let's say your driving, make an error and hit and kill a pedestrian. Very tragic however, do you think you should spend the next 5 years in jail? Do you drive at all? I suppose as someone who drives and sees how difficult road conditions are in this area I find it a little disturbing to send someone to jail for an accident. And not to mention the family of the person killed is completely out for money and revenge. 100 million dollars-really? Yet they don't seem to care about doing anything to promote actual changes such as requiring metro to reexamine bus schedules. People want the bus drivers to get the bus there on time, but also for them to drive safely. Unless many of the schedules are rewritten this can't happen. So this part is metros fault, but not that of the actual drivers.
Yes, it's annoying when a person takes up both seats, but I think the title/caption of this picture is rude/inappropriate. What if this person does have a disability? It's okay now to make fun of one's disabilities just because they are taking up an extra seat?
Maybe he believes in slavery. He believes the seat exists to carry his bag for him and to carry him when he falls asleep-it's his slave. Wonder if the seat woke him up when he got to his stop-if not crack the whip.
Thank you unsuck for being one of the last few places that I don't have to be Politically Correct all the time... i dont really care if this ONE individual does have a disability... If he does... i guess our bad... but for this ONE that may have a disability, there are hundreds of Seatards whose only disability is seatard.
When you complain to those advertisTers that we don't have,won't you share with them our belief in slavery too! Apparently you believe in slavery too...you just don't know it yet!
Unsuck keeps this site running for the people. You think he gets paid to complain over the internet?? Think again, Guesto.
Also, Tard is the name of a village in Hungary. Seatard just happens to rhyme with retard, just like maggot rhymes with F-
Sucks when people only want to comment when they point out an issue of sensitivity. This is the internet. Prepare to be anywhere between mildly and extremely offended.
Oh boy, the Toads has been in this situation plenty of times. "Seatard" (HOW RUDE, UNSUCK??) is seated like this because it's the only way he wouldn't puke. He was doing the other riders a favor!!
P.S. It can't be that crowded, considering the empty window seat in the row in front of him.
Toads, I'd always imagined you squatting on all fours on the seats, giving other passengers the evil eye with a small amount of dribble bubbling out of the sides of your mouth.
ROTGLMFAO. Thanks, I needed that this morning. I still have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. I had a terrible argument with my wife last night and was really depressed this moring. I need a laugh like this.
I have terrible arguments with my wife all the time. But the key to winning these arguments is simple: picture your wife as Justin Bieber. That way, you're only fighting with an obnoxious Justin Bieber.
This is standard Toads' Code brought to you by Corresponding Toads
"Hi, Sir, I just wanted to let you know that your ass goes in the seat, not your face". " uh, duh, unga, angg, bubba, duh, danga" "Oh, leave him alone, he doesn't know any better. He's seatarded". "I see. I am sorry. There are schools for the seatarded. He can be trained to use a seat, but he may never be able to use it like a normal person". "Maybe, but he's profoundly seatarded so we can only expect so much. The other day at the swimming pool, he laid down on the concrete and put the lounge chair on top of himself. Then, when we went to the movies he sat backwards and wasn't facing the screen and wasn't able to understand why he missed the movie. Such is the nature of seatardation". "That's so sad. There are making strides though. I know a seatarded guy who can drive by using a system of mirrors like a parascope". "Toileting is the biggest probably that I've encournted with my seatarded brother".
Isn't the Seatarded Olympics this summer? I love the musical chairs event. They have to wear protective helments though because last year they had a lot of concussions from seatards trying to quickly sit at the same time.
It's funny that the (anonymous) commenter that complained that (as I imagine him/her speaking) "We shouldn't, like, make fun of people (read: idiots like the seatard), because it's intolerant, man," created the Seatard Meme.
Unless they are stinky - I enjoy asking the seat hogs and the like to move over if there are no more seats on metro. I will even help them move their stuff so I can sit down. The legspreaders/rubbers also just love it when you cram your book, magazine or bag into the area on the seat between you. I have even asked men to "reign in their legs so I have some room to sit down". My favorite are the fart ninjas... all of the sudden it hits you and you have no idea where it's coming from but it smells awful. I called one guy out on it and he tried to tell me he wasn't farting when he was the only one in that area and me and another person were sitting "upwind" from him. Oh yeah like that smell came from nowhere... I hate riding metro.
They don't call DC the Fart City for nothing. This is where fart ninjas go to retire. Well they're supposed to retire, but they never actually stop farting.
That being said, if a woman ever asked me if I farted, I would probably reply with a fart. Then she would KNOW I wasn't the original farter, because my farts rank up there with rotten egg sandwiches and spoiled watermelon.
Haha! Thankfully you are immune to your own farts or you would asphyxiate yourself. I looked at the guy with death butt and calmly asked him if he would please stop farting. He denied it but got off the train at the next stop and it was much more pleasant breathing afterwards. Sometimes you have to confront people to get them to realize that what they are doing is not acceptable. That being said, farting as a defense mechanism is hilarious but is is really fair to punish all those people for one douchebag haha? I think a good step backwards with elbows and briefcase/backpack would have worked just as well.
Has anyone seen the Gollum woman on the Red line? She is classic Rider Hall of Shame material. This woman carries one crutch and a severe case of what I'm assuming is drug addiction. She got on the red line last wednesday at about 4pm heading towards Shady Grove. She begged for some money, then started speaking gibberish and proceeded to sit down... She then begins to violently attempt to snot rocket into the seat next to her (vacant). It was so loud it sounded like the train was scraping the walls of the tunnel. She did this repeatedly as nearly everyone near her dispersed to other areas of the train or got off and onto another car at the next stop.
Thinking this is the worst part, she then starts hacking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings and violently dry heaving onto the seat from Metro Center until she got off the train at Friendship Heights.
Most people moved away from her inside the train as she appeared possessed (exorcist style). However, at Dupont, a metro employee got on, watched her for a few minutes, and then proceeded to laugh and walk to the other end of the train and continue laughing with everyone else.
If anyone has photos of videos, she would be an excellent candidate for the hall.
Here's the problem with the "seatard" moniker. Some of you find it funny because it is reminiscent of 'retard' or 'retardation'. Fair enough?
These terms are linked to, or refer directly to, people medically diagnosed with mental retardation. Therefore, 'seatard' is only funny if you find people with mental retardation, funny.
I get it, "lighten up" it's the Internet, freedom of speech, we aren't talking about a person with a disability, blah, blah, blah. To a (what is now referred to in people first language) person with intellectual disabilities, or to a family member or friend of a person with intellectual disabilities, do you think it hurts less?
I don't blame any of you for not knowing that this could be hurtful. There was a time when I wasn't aware that this could be hurtful. My only hope here is to use my right to free speech to pass along a bit of knowledge and experience that I've learned over the years so maybe one or two folks here might have their hearts and minds open to a point of view they had not previously considered.
And yes, in full disclosure, I work for Special Olympics, but have been a long time follower of this blog which I greatly enjoy. Good day all.
I think Unsuck was referring to social retardation, not mental. I could be wrong though. Oh wait, I'M NEVER WRONG.
We get it, words offend people sometimes. Hell, I get offended when people say "Hi" to me. Like, really? You just said "Hi" and you DON'T EVEN KNOW ME?!! You know, stuff like that is really offensive to me, a simple Toads. But I've grown to understand that people are just ignorant, and think they can say whatever they want to me, or talk trash about a Toads even though a Toads's never done wrong.
Did I mention this is the internet? Lots of crazy, whacky, offensive stuff on here.
You mean I am actually agreeing with Toads on something?
I have had people on the internet complain I said something offensive to whatever group. The REALLY funny bit is if they knew me in RL they would know I was either part of the group in question or do so much with the group that for sensitivity purposes I can almost be considered part of it.
Fake political correctness gets 0 sympathy from me. I get it, jump on any perceived attack, no matter how tenuous. Given what was maybe there could it possible be a play on seat-turd? With reduced emotional signal over the net it is generally agreed-on to give a little latitude, but be diligent.
I've worked with special kids my entire career--you want talk about understanding and patience! I'd like to think I can tell the difference between a put down and a funny joke. This is definitely the latter.
"These terms are linked to, or refer directly to, people medically diagnosed with mental retardation. Therefore, 'seatard' is only funny if you find people with mental retardation, funny."
That is a logical fallacy. If I find A to be funny and A shares characteristics with B, then I must find B funny, too. No, that's not how it works. A and B are comparable because of part of their term, but not because of actual content. That's why context and meaning are important.
I usually hold my farts and let them stew until I need them to punish annoying passengers like door man or the various seat hogs. I eat saurkraut every morning for this purpose. Just today we were butts-to-nuts jammed on very narrow platform and some douche behind me was pushing me and stepped on my heels. So, I let it rip and, he quickly backed off. It's like a skunk defense.
Hmmm it seems the Toads virus is replicating. I'll allow it.
But really, if you're going to carry on the Toads legacy, we can be just a little more clever with our insults. There's a reputation we have to uphold.
Stick to the Toads' Code acronym: Respectable, Punctual, Hipster, Lady-Killer
Over 700,000 of you take Metro every day. Whether it's a simple tweet from the front lines, a funny photo or story or something more substantial, tell us. Got an idea of something we should do? Let us know. More than half of this blog has been written by riders just like you.
Get in touch:
Email: unsuckdcmetro (at) yahoo (dot) com (cc Metro at csvc@wmata.com)
If you have a tip, submit here. Submit anonymously via Tumblr here.
June 9, 2010 "Apparently, you believe in slavery." Feb. 23, 2010 "Our members go to work every day cognizant of their responsibility to perform a job on behalf of our customers – the riding public.”
Ever and Anon · 726 weeks ago
stupidraidersfan 80p · 726 weeks ago
Matt G · 726 weeks ago
Anone · 726 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
Soylent Green Line · 726 weeks ago
Now let's assume a bus weighs about 25,000 pounds (roughly 11,500 kg) and is moving at the same speed.
Using the formula for momentum (P=MV): and standard units (it’s science):
The minivan travelling at 35 mph (15.6 m/s) has a momentum of approximately 28080 kg*m/s.
The bus travelling at 35 mph (15.6 m/s) has a momentum of approximately 187200 kg*m/s.
So, 28080 kg*m/s compared to 187/200 kg*m/s. The bus, travelling at the same speed, has more energy behind it than 6 taxi minivans careening through a red light simultaneously.
Now, which do you think is more dangerous? Which carries more passengers?
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
John · 726 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
Anonymous · 726 weeks ago
KGB · 726 weeks ago
calling the PC policE
abc · 726 weeks ago
BK1 · 726 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 726 weeks ago
Guest · 726 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 726 weeks ago
tom.thanks · 726 weeks ago
It's confusing to receive a satisfying experience from a free service, especially being a WMATA rider.
abc · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
Also, Tard is the name of a village in Hungary. Seatard just happens to rhyme with retard, just like maggot rhymes with F-
Sucks when people only want to comment when they point out an issue of sensitivity. This is the internet. Prepare to be anywhere between mildly and extremely offended.
im m · 726 weeks ago
Anonymous · 726 weeks ago
dan · 726 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
KWM · 726 weeks ago
@kara_h · 726 weeks ago
Sam · 726 weeks ago
Ever anon · 726 weeks ago
· 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
P.S. It can't be that crowded, considering the empty window seat in the row in front of him.
dan · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
I was born with the evil eye so don't count it against me.
Matt G · 726 weeks ago
guest · 726 weeks ago
Guest · 726 weeks ago
guest · 726 weeks ago
Just kidding.
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
This is standard Toads' Code
brought to you by Corresponding Toads
P.S. Don't follow the Toads' Code.
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
Ever · 726 weeks ago
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
" uh, duh, unga, angg, bubba, duh, danga"
"Oh, leave him alone, he doesn't know any better. He's seatarded".
"I see. I am sorry. There are schools for the seatarded. He can be trained to use a seat, but he may never be able to use it like a normal person".
"Maybe, but he's profoundly seatarded so we can only expect so much. The other day at the swimming pool, he laid down on the concrete and put the lounge chair on top of himself. Then, when we went to the movies he sat backwards and wasn't facing the screen and wasn't able to understand why he missed the movie. Such is the nature of seatardation".
"That's so sad. There are making strides though. I know a seatarded guy who can drive by using a system of mirrors like a parascope".
"Toileting is the biggest probably that I've encournted with my seatarded brother".
dan · 726 weeks ago
horseydeucey · 726 weeks ago
Seat-licking is the new shit, my people!
Guest · 726 weeks ago
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
dan · 726 weeks ago
Nice job, Anonymous, you weak-kneed PC toady.
Soylent Green Line · 726 weeks ago
Wouldratherdrive · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
That being said, if a woman ever asked me if I farted, I would probably reply with a fart. Then she would KNOW I wasn't the original farter, because my farts rank up there with rotten egg sandwiches and spoiled watermelon.
Wouldratherdrive · 726 weeks ago
MiddleEarth · 726 weeks ago
Thinking this is the worst part, she then starts hacking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings and violently dry heaving onto the seat from Metro Center until she got off the train at Friendship Heights.
Most people moved away from her inside the train as she appeared possessed (exorcist style). However, at Dupont, a metro employee got on, watched her for a few minutes, and then proceeded to laugh and walk to the other end of the train and continue laughing with everyone else.
If anyone has photos of videos, she would be an excellent candidate for the hall.
@ryan2499 · 726 weeks ago
These terms are linked to, or refer directly to, people medically diagnosed with mental retardation. Therefore, 'seatard' is only funny if you find people with mental retardation, funny.
I get it, "lighten up" it's the Internet, freedom of speech, we aren't talking about a person with a disability, blah, blah, blah. To a (what is now referred to in people first language) person with intellectual disabilities, or to a family member or friend of a person with intellectual disabilities, do you think it hurts less?
I don't blame any of you for not knowing that this could be hurtful. There was a time when I wasn't aware that this could be hurtful. My only hope here is to use my right to free speech to pass along a bit of knowledge and experience that I've learned over the years so maybe one or two folks here might have their hearts and minds open to a point of view they had not previously considered.
And yes, in full disclosure, I work for Special Olympics, but have been a long time follower of this blog which I greatly enjoy. Good day all.
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
We get it, words offend people sometimes. Hell, I get offended when people say "Hi" to me. Like, really? You just said "Hi" and you DON'T EVEN KNOW ME?!! You know, stuff like that is really offensive to me, a simple Toads.
But I've grown to understand that people are just ignorant, and think they can say whatever they want to me, or talk trash about a Toads even though a Toads's never done wrong.
Did I mention this is the internet? Lots of crazy, whacky, offensive stuff on here.
@kara_h · 726 weeks ago
I have had people on the internet complain I said something offensive to whatever group. The REALLY funny bit is if they knew me in RL they would know I was either part of the group in question or do so much with the group that for sensitivity purposes I can almost be considered part of it.
Fake political correctness gets 0 sympathy from me. I get it, jump on any perceived attack, no matter how tenuous. Given what was maybe there could it possible be a play on seat-turd? With reduced emotional signal over the net it is generally agreed-on to give a little latitude, but be diligent.
Guest · 726 weeks ago
III · 726 weeks ago
Dan · 726 weeks ago
That is a logical fallacy. If I find A to be funny and A shares characteristics with B, then I must find B funny, too. No, that's not how it works. A and B are comparable because of part of their term, but not because of actual content. That's why context and meaning are important.
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
Guest · 726 weeks ago
To some.
Willy · 726 weeks ago
Top Job · 726 weeks ago
guest · 726 weeks ago
GlenmontGirl · 726 weeks ago
sketcher · 726 weeks ago
Insulting Toads · 726 weeks ago
sketcher · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 726 weeks ago
But really, if you're going to carry on the Toads legacy, we can be just a little more clever with our insults. There's a reputation we have to uphold.
Stick to the Toads' Code acronym: Respectable, Punctual, Hipster, Lady-Killer