1999 "Don't be a pervert" poster from the Tokyo subway. Via Timothy
From anonymous:
I have been groped three times by the same person. The groper is a male Caucasian, about 5'10", heavier build, around 50 years old.Other items:
The last time this happened was late February. I'm sorry I cannot provide a specific date, as I guess I tried to suppress the incident. It was on a weekday at Shady Grove between 7 and 8 in the morning.
He gets on at Shady Grove, and I believe gets off or switches trains at Gallery Place. He always had a blue Jansport backpack.
On all occasions, I would sit on the inside of an empty 2-seater, and over a span of a year, maybe year and half, he has unfortunately sat next to me.
He would attempt to surreptitiously touch my leg with his hands that were beneath his backpack.
I have tried calling Metro police in the past regarding this matter, but the woman who picked up was of no help. She would not log any of the information I had fresh in my head at the time and insisted I go meet with an officer at a station.
If this can be somehow relayed to and taken seriously by Metro police or anyone who can be of help, I would feel so much more comfortable dozing off at times on the train.
Thank you.
Metro hires consultant to make business case (Examiner)
Development begins along Silver Line (Fox5)
Radner · 728 weeks ago
OLR · 728 weeks ago
Mike · 728 weeks ago
Fat chance as shown by the phone call. Afterall why keep stats that count. The ones Metro makes up are so much more comforting.
I might suggest, you sit in the outside seat and when the pervert wants to sit down, just pipe up and say- "No you're a pervert who gropes me. Go and bother someone else. "
He might just be embarassed enough to not bother you anymore. And the chances of him doing anything with a full car of people is slim.
Good luck.
John · 728 weeks ago
"My Name is Investigator Lang I work with the Metro Transit Police. I would like to inform all of you that the above offender was arrested today 3/30/2011 thanks to detailed post by Allie. If there are anymore victims, I would like them to come forward. My email address is rlang [at] wmata.com. I appreciate any help anyone can give in this matter. Thanks. "
Seems like this guy is adamant about catching these guys, so I would try to get in touch with him.
hrh king friday 13 · 728 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 728 weeks ago
This sucka is gonna get what's coming to him. I'll be on the look out for a weirdo white dude who keeps a blue Jansport backpack in his lap.
CNR · 728 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 728 weeks ago
Dani · 728 weeks ago
I caught the orange line toward New Carrollton at Rosslyn this morning (8:40-ish). I squeezed into a car that was full to capacity, and somehow this man managed to get in right next to me before the doors closed. I were packed together, and I could feel the guy next to me (Latino, about 5'3") feeling my thigh.
I tried to move away from him (the best I could in a completely fullt train), and his hand just moved with me. Then he turned enough to push his erection into my thigh, so I pushed him away. As the train slowed down, he slid his hand up to my ass and kept it there. I hit him and moved away the second some space opened up at Foggy Bottom.
I didn't create a scene, but I almost wish I had. I'm just so pissed. Really, it's annoying enough when men graze you ("accidentally") on the Metro, but this was completely ridiculous and offensive.
OLR · 728 weeks ago
abc · 728 weeks ago
no creative name · 728 weeks ago
A similar thing happened to me on the red line from shady grove one morning. I had a window seat, and a stocky Hispanic man sits down next to me and immediately does that whole leg-sprawl thing, and puts his hand on his leg closest to mine. He then reaches out and starts touching my leg. I deliberately clear my throat and turn my legs closer to the window. This just makes him spread his legs further apart, and he touches my leg again. This is when I say, loud and clear "Would you PLEASE STOP touching me!" Guess what? This got the attention of riders around me, and he crossed his arms across his chest, gave me an annoyed look, but he GOT OFF at the next stop.
These scum thrive on not being called on their inappropriate behavior. They know its inappropriate, which is why they try to find targets that they think will not speak up.
guest · 728 weeks ago
HurricaneDC 76p · 728 weeks ago
Try riding during rush hour with a backpack and tell me you won't have someone bump into you.
Kathryn · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 728 weeks ago