Addition: this post sheds some light on the doors closing issue.
From Stephen who says he reported this incident to Metro:
On April 13, at Wheaton, we boarded, and then the doors closed on someone's bag behind him. It was caught, and he was struggling to pull the bag in but couldn't.Other items:
Instead of doing something about it, the operator made an announcement that the person who was holding the door open was delaying people.
This is not the first time I've seen a driver refuse to release a bag, so I got on the intercom and told her that SHE was holding things up by not releasing the doors.
We got into an argument that ended with her threatening to call the police.
A few weeks ago, I complained that a Metro train door had snatched a woman's purse away from her and taken it away, leaving her on the platform.
Last December, Metro doors closed and separated a woman from a child in a stroller.
In 1999, Metro separated a woman from a very small child. The child panicked, tried to go in the direction of his mother, and WAS KILLED!
No doubt, Metro would blame it on the child's poor judgment.
It's the same attitude they exhibited a couple of years ago, when a Metrobus hit and killed two women crossing the street in a crosswalk, on the walk signal.
Metro's response was to install blinking lights on the fronts of their buses and add a talking alert to warn people that they're coming through!
Metro's solution is to blame the passengers.
How many people does Metro have to kill before it shapes up, does things right and stops treating us like cattle?
How will new VA seat on Metro Board shake things up? (Examiner)
Officials invited to discuss Dulles rail station (WaPo)
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
We're all adults, and we know that the doors are going to close when the announcement is made. People make conscious decisions to try and beat the door closure and are then shocked when something adverse happens. I have no sympathy for people that voluntarily do stupid things when they clearly know better.
Once I saw a mother rush to jam a stroller (with child in it) between the doors to keep them from closing so she could board. By Stephen's logic, it was the train operator's fault that this lady shoved her kid in there and used them as a door stop. How dare Metro make her do that! The operator called her out on it, too: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please do not use your children to force the doors to stay open. Thank You."
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
Also, keep them inside your house at all times.
And don't let them watch TV.
Make them eat their vegetables twice a day.
And DEFINITELY don't give them internet access for timewasters like Unsuck DC Metro blog!!
Children are our future so don't get separated from them on DC Metro because the next thing you know, your child could be DEAD.
Sizzle · 727 weeks ago
Is it stupid to try and beat the train doors? Yes.
Was the train operator being an obnoxious b*tch? Yes.
Should the person who sent this story in chill out a bit next time and let the operator do their job? Probably.
I also find it interesting that the length of time that the operator refused to open the door was ommitted. Could've been 10 seconds for all we know. And then whoever seen this story in had the nerve to take it upon themselves to yell at the operator? Seems a little ridiculous, if you ask me.
I'm all for more professional Metro employees, but I've seen enough douchebag/idiot/obnoxious riders that I think it's good when they get called out on their dumb behavior.
Sam · 727 weeks ago
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
vanceastro 111p · 727 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
jgrill · 727 weeks ago
The operators in these cases were at best obstinate, at worst guilty of misconduct.
xxx · 727 weeks ago
Another Anon · 727 weeks ago
I believe they actually have to look out the window to make sure the doors are clear, so they can clearly see that customers are still waiting to board. What's the harm in leaving the doors open for an extra 10 seconds.
Having waited patiently for a train, I shouldn't have to rush to get on board just because the operator wants the doors open for as little time as possible.
Doors closing · 727 weeks ago
Metro operators seem to take things too personally. When someone holds open a door why would the operator act like this is an insult? Just open the door and shut up, nobody's asking for you to berate the customer. Yes, people are stupid, but they're not being paid to do a job like you are, train operator. Seems like the whole organization takes everything personally. Smartrip card didn't register... get ready for the station manager to act like you are personally at fault. I would love to see metro employees given civics exams, funny stuff that would be.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
From my experience, the passengers get really pissed when the train operator closes the doors before they can leave the train.
Probably two-thirds of passengers from Shady Grove disembark at either Dupont or Farragut North. The doors need to be held open longer at these stops.
Kat · 727 weeks ago
n2deep · 725 weeks ago
the totten. · 727 weeks ago
this is not hard: just stop being an asshole.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Do you think Metro operators follow SOP?
Guest · 727 weeks ago
There isn't an SOP at Metro that isn't riddled with vague or contradicting directives. Metro SOP's are often written as a knee jerk response to some event, only to be watered down or ignored when the rules become a nuisance.
WTF · 727 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Either way, because re-opening doors just encourages these assholes.
Mike · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
Bobo · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
I seem to recall that it's a violation for train operators to fail to look.
abc · 726 weeks ago
Anne Anony Mouse · 727 weeks ago
Yo12345678910 · 727 weeks ago
WTF · 727 weeks ago
Bring on the cattle prods.
gleeindc · 727 weeks ago
Now, don'tcget me started about citizen drivers who ignore the yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks.
Sam · 727 weeks ago
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
Stephen · 726 weeks ago
Yes, it's good to watch. But as I understand it, the pedestrian has the right of way, and the driver is required to wait. A driver who would point to the light as justification for trying to run over a pedestrian shouldn't be driving anything; she should probably be in jail.
Ebo · 727 weeks ago
I gotta side with the conductor on this one, some people are just ridiculous when it comes to catching a train.
Sam · 727 weeks ago
Her response? "Yes they are. Obviously you don't ride this system. You must be a tourist."
As much as I love to blame tourists, some of us locals are just as bad.
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
Bobo · 727 weeks ago
M. · 727 weeks ago
Sometimes no weekday mornings on the orange going towards Vienna the wait is 12 min. + and so the train is packed. A lot of riders get off at Ballston and as I try to get on sometimes there is such a crowd that I can't get on the train and I end up being late for work.
I've learned to push though to get on and one time I was forced to use my bag to help me get on the train.
At busy stations, don't you think you would give riders a few extra seconds to exit/enter? Especially when you are forcing riders to wait over 10 minutes during rush hour when I'm being charged extra to ride?
It makes me think the operator is either a.) stupid b.) doing it on purpose
No One · 727 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 727 weeks ago
A large part of the problem seems to me to be people getting on the train (Dupont to Union) and stopping just inside the doors because "I'm ONLY going 1 or 2 or3 stops".
Move to the center of the car.
Learn which cars (of the trains you commute on) have the fewest people.
And if you have to go up one station to come back because you couldn't get off the train?
Well, welcome to my world.
(And am I the only one suppressing the urge to "mooo" at the exiting herds @ Union Station?)
Sam · 727 weeks ago
What I really hate (which are the people I think you're talking about) are the ones that push their way to the front as the train is pulling in and stop right inside the door. That drives me nuts. But the people that wait until everyone boards and get on last and wait by the doors... they don't really bother me too much.
@Hell_on_wheelz · 727 weeks ago
The last on, stand-by-the-door people are being sensible - especially when they "step out" to let others move off and on the train.
Darn few of these folks around and they are definitely appreciated by those of us who are captive to either end of the cars.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
curious george · 727 weeks ago
JacksonsGirl · 727 weeks ago
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
@DCzenC · 727 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 727 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
@aisasami · 727 weeks ago
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
dcn8v · 727 weeks ago
.notled. · 727 weeks ago
@Hell_on_wheelz · 727 weeks ago
And the result is the same - if you can't get through the doorway you picked for entry you have to wait for the next train, no matter the weather.... no one is going to wait for you to try the next set of doors.
You'd think that at least one could get the opening / platform difference consistently happening at the same platform-location train after train but that is not the case. One train the car entrance will be higher by 3 inches, the next dead on, the one after that a couple of inches lower (which sux if you're trying to get off the train!).
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
gac · 727 weeks ago
You might think - but you'd be wrong.
GDopplerXT · 727 weeks ago
You might think - but you'd be wrong.
Marko · 727 weeks ago
People hate to make the comparison to New York, but I can guarantee a situation like that would never reach that level of danger with their more responsive doors and drivers.
ggs77 · 727 weeks ago
Jennifer · 725 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
The Train Operators who have killed people all were black and not a thing happened to them. Why are these people charged and or locked up?
These people all getting away with murder and much more!
CAF · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 726 weeks ago
abc · 726 weeks ago
Ashleigh · 726 weeks ago
n2deep · 725 weeks ago
its ME ME ME!
beema · 725 weeks ago
Nice, real nice.