Monday, April 4, 2011

Orange Line Fire

Via @Zerkaboid @unsuckdcmetro A front row view of this evenings #wmata #orangeline fire, enjoy:

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Metro Rider's avatar

Metro Rider · 729 weeks ago

She drives the train and puts out fires too, give that driver a raise!
Job well done!
Dude. Way to rob from the moment.
(1) Does it show her DRINKING the soda? No. Last time I checked, there's no rule against transporting beverages, just consuming them. Wait, is that a mountain dew in your cubicle?! I don't care if it's for lunch break later!
(2) Are you a trained firefighter? "It never really seemed..." Do you know if this was a class A or C fire? The ABC dry chemical extinguisher was used exactly as it was intended. The fire went out. Oh yeah, it's a DRY CHEMICAL. When the wind blows, it moves the particulate matter, just like smoke.

Pick something worthwhile to complain about and give this lady a pat on the back for a job well done. I hope to god you aren't a supervisor of personnel; you'd probably nit pick their faults even when they do something extraordinary.
Matt, they don't leave their posts for hours at a time. What do you THINK the driver would be doing with Mountain Dew in the cabin? Looking at it all day while thinking "Oh man, can't wait until my shift is done in five hours so I can drink this baby!" Don't be so naive.
Anon Ever's avatar

Anon Ever · 729 weeks ago

Ahmm... I, for one, do not care that she has a beverage in that train. Makes me wonder about bathroom breaks I confess. However, if it keeps her awake so she does not sleep on the job, works for me.

That was a small fire but, dang, it sure did not want to go out, did it? :D Job well done, Ms. Train Operator!
What do I think? I think that there's no proof of anything, so stop jumping to conclusions and accusing her of things.
Look at the video. The bottle is half empty (excuse the pun, lol).

Anyways, I agree this is largely irrelevant in the face of a metro employee doing an outstanding job.
So because it's half empty means she drank it on the train, and not before? You should be a detective - you're very good at deducing truth out of speculation.
What makes more sense to you? That she's casually enjoying a drink to help keep her alert while she's operating the train (which Mt Dew would be great for), or that she drank half of it before starting her LOOOONG shift, let it sit and go flat, and then plans to finish the rest of it off after her shift? This isn't rocket science...

Again, really, I don't think this is a problem. I don't know why you insist on exacerbating an argument out of this... :-|
Um, there could be another reason for the bottle besides drinking what's in it...just sayin'...
GDopplerXT's avatar

GDopplerXT · 729 weeks ago

One thing I noticed: you don't know how to spell "illicit." If you're going to nitpick, you should get your own little details right first.
So, metro train operators are trained firepeeps now? I also was watching how the other one crossed the third rail .... by putting his hand on the cover over it (which is not designed to take his weight).

I am sure the company that insures metro would be *very* interested in seeing this!

Oh well, what is a few more dimes for the passengers to pay in?
10 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Look closer. He was using the cover to steady himself on the steep grade, not sitting on it.

Does your car insurance company know you drive with a hand held cell phone? I'm telling.
Can holding your cell phone the wrong way zap you with a lethal dose of electricity? Fail analogy.
Can that rail cover steadying your step cause you to kill many others by swerving into them? (Are your eyes and mind on the road or on the cell in your hand? ) Analogy works.
When I talk on the phone while driving my mind is on the road. I don't know about you but I can multitask, and I'm certainly no more of a danger to myself than I would be off the phone.

A better analogy would have been talking on a cell phone while at a gas station: potentially starting a spark that could result in a fire.
I beg you to please try and autocross a car whilst talking on a cell phone, It's impossible.
I use both of my hands. Ever hear of Bluetooth? ;-p

Also, Autocross? The Beltway can be bad at times but not THAT bad, lol.
Step 1 in dealing with a potential electrical fire: Cut off the source of the electricity.
The electricity is still running through the rail. Notice how the train's lights are still on? It's still receiving power.
Electricity can be shut off in blocks on the third rail.
Tell away. I do not drive or even operate a bicycle.
What is the other train doing? It's interesting to see somebody put out a fire, but there is no reason for that train to stop right outside the station. If they're going to do a switcheroo, you can still get to East Falls and hold at the station.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
ViennaBound's avatar

ViennaBound · 729 weeks ago

The other train stopped so the second worker could come out and help fight the fire, even though the first conductor pretty much had it under control.
It looked like the first driver's extinguisher had run out. I could be wrong, but that second Metro worker did stay on the other side of the tracks for a while while the first one worked.

Good job to that train operator!
So what exactly caused the fire to begin with? While the actions of the driver(s) are at times commendable, I'm much more concerned why there was a fire in the middle of the track...
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Flying debris (plenty of it around Washington on a windy day like yesterday) can become lodged on the high voltage rail and cause a short circuit and catch fire. It could have been something a simple as a sandwich wrapper from Wendy's.
track fires are usually one of two things. a dirty insulator that then conducts electricity and smolders. when a trrain goes by it"stokes" it until it starts to flame. second cause: sparks from the train get into old railroad ties where they have cracked. the sparks ignites the untreated wood and starts a fire
horseydeucey's avatar

horseydeucey · 729 weeks ago

Some people see a fire put out by WMATA employess and want to complain about a soda bottle? Holy shit... Let's focus on real problems, shall we?
Slick Pullah's avatar

Slick Pullah · 729 weeks ago

People complain too fucking much....
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Isn't that also a complaint?
I enjoyed seeing the competent, professional behavior of the train driver. I hope whomever made the video sends a note to METRO management.
How do we know the bottle actually contains Mountain Dew? wink wink
Kudos to the driver for putting out the fire instead of just doing nothing. Kudos!

Second, I'm curious as to which train this was - or around what time and where. Our train was stopped in one of the tunnels at one point last night and I'm curious if that was the issue.
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
i doubt it. it is daylight in the picture
The sun sets at 7:30.
It was at about 6:45
This happened again on the Orange Line this morning around 5:30 am between East and West Falls Church. The operator stopped the train twice to extinguish fires. I somehow missed this post on Monday. Thanks to Unsuck for sending my the link via email.

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