@bdennisr Hoarders: The Metro Episode @unsuckdcmetro http://twitpic.com/3vxio3

Via @empresspam Pigs @unsuckdcmetro #wmata (@ King Street Metro Station) http://picplz.com/Q4zQ

Via @kazahel Jackass just left this on the #wmata seat next to me. http://t.co/qL7oR75
Curious about what other riders think.
From T.:
I know you've posted a lot about eating on the Metro and the resulting garbage, but to me the bigger problem, in terms of filth on the Metro, is all the newspaper refuse left behind by lazy, unthoughtful riders.We asked Metro, and, in short, the answers are as follows:
It's not uncommon to see entire cars strewn with discarded Expresses and Examiners--less so other papers, I assume because people actually pay for those.
Not only are this unsightly, but over the years, I've seen them used to hide more serious piles of shame such as bodily fluids.
Don't get me wrong. I like having the papers available, if only for the sudoku, but I have a few questions about the arrangement between Metro and Express/Examiner.
Does Metro get any benefit or money by allowing these companies to freely distribute their for-profit products on Metro property?
Do these companies help pay for the man hours Metro must spend to clean up the garbage?
Does Metro get a break on advertising in these papers?
Here's more:
"No, we do not get any compensation from the papers for cleanup. The Washington Post did provide the recycle bins which are located in the mezzanines. We have posted signs and the train operators ask customers repeatedly to take their papers and belongings with them.And speaking of the recycling bins:
The decision to allow the hawkers was because we felt it was a value added service for our customers."
From Chris:
The other afternoon, I was in Union Station about to enter through the turnstiles in the middle of the platform, and I saw a worker collecting the trash from one of the bins.Other items:
I then watched as they continued to the newspaper-only bin.
They dumped the contents in with the trash that was just collected.
Why are they going through the effort of setting up special bins and asking us to recycle when they just throw the contents away with the trash?
Nationals' greed may hinder Metro's ability to take fans home (WAMU)
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Charge the examiner/express a distributiuon fee metro!
phan · 727 weeks ago
F'n JD · 727 weeks ago
Sue WMATA Sue!
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
anon · 727 weeks ago
Ok, look. Let me try to make this simple for Metro. I'll dumb it down a bit.
You don't need people standing in front of subway entrances, blocking foot traffic.You don't need people standing at the top of escalators and stairways. You don't need to open yourself up to a lot of liability, should someone - attempting to dodge the attempts of an overzealous hawker - slip and fall on the icy steps you haven't sanded/salted too well.
If Metro is allowing the paper hawkers solely "to add value" then all they have to do is allow the newspapers to put in vending machines or kiosks, away from entrances. Boom, less intrusive, probably means fewer papers (as people would need to walk a few steps to get a paper), hence less left on the train. These people serve little purpose other than to get in the way. I'm tired of someone stopping to get their Examiner right at the top of the stairs, thus bottlenecking everyone. Cut it out!
Metro has only itself to blame for the newspaper trash. If it's free, people will grab it. Don't allow - for free(!?!?!?) - newspaper companies to hand out their crap, and you'll see....less crap. It's just science!
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Anyone can pass out leaflets or other reading materials in public places. I guess inside stations would be a grey area...
anon · 726 weeks ago
The best work around would be for the huskers to stand X feet away from a station entrance, including tops of escalators and stairs, etc., if they were to be there at all. But they're not needed, that's for damn sure.
erwos · 726 weeks ago
anon · 726 weeks ago
Sam · 726 weeks ago
dddddda · 726 weeks ago
Anony · 727 weeks ago
Nice thinking, guys.
F'n JD · 727 weeks ago
SuiteDee · 727 weeks ago
People suck, so I pick up the papers in my car b/c it's MY TRAIN!
I'm over letting self-absorbed, sloppy riders and door-huggers ruin my day!
Peace! ;0)
JustMe · 726 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
As for the junkpiles left on the metro everyday, I've grown to love it!
If you're ever worried about someone sitting next to you, just grab the nearest Express and put it on the aisle seat. Works 60% of the time, every time.
If you ever take a dump on Metro car but forget to bring toilet paper, no worries. Just don't get too rough with it because newspaper material isn't nearly as soft as the Charmin stuff you're used to at home.
John · 727 weeks ago
ACB · 727 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 727 weeks ago
@justinmm2 · 727 weeks ago
Obviously, it's not your "job" if you weren't the one who left it there, but consider that whoever left it there obviously isn't going to do it. When I see newspapers on the floor like that, I pick them up and discard them when I get off the train, rather than just leaving them there and complaining about it.
It sucks, but it's also something people don't do anything about.
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
jkuchen · 727 weeks ago
Callie · 727 weeks ago
Corresponding Toads · 727 weeks ago
@telecomic · 727 weeks ago
mike · 727 weeks ago
And when the track beds start to fill up with papers, Metro can just do an occasional "controlled burn" to get rid of the excess, sort of like they do in forests to keep the trees at bay.
UnSuck Fan · 727 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 727 weeks ago
I see people all the time deilberating tossing them on the floor of the trains. I often loudly say, "You dropped something!" just to see them look down, look up and me and ignore the paper. Everyone notices but obviously the "culprit" never cares.
A few times I loudly proclaimed as they got off the train, "Litterbug!" Makes people laugh but then.. the moron still doesn't care so it's of little help in the long run.
That "I exist therefore I am entitled" crap is ruining our country as well as Metro.
Geesh. Did I just feel sorry for Metro? ;)
guest · 726 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Most days I pick up the Examiner when I'm leaving Union Station and read it at work.
John · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
John · 727 weeks ago
Examiner, Fox, NY Post, Washington Times blaming Obama = good
Got it!
Guest · 727 weeks ago
WaPo, MSN, NY Times, Express blaming Bush = bad
Examiner laming Obama = good
Got it!
elizabeth · 726 weeks ago
ZZinDC · 727 weeks ago
On a different newspaper issue - I want Metro to bring back the newspaper vending machines in the stations again. If we can have DVD rental boxes why not newspapers?
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
I saw this once too, and asked him. He said that instead of making two trips to collect trash, he puts the newspapers on top, then separates them when he gets to the garbage sequestration area. He assured me that the newspapers are "easy to grab" from on top of the garbage and bag separately.
I guess...
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
dwfma · 727 weeks ago
have you never, ever, mixed recycles and regular garbage before putting them in the proper cans?
@kara_h · 727 weeks ago
If ever they get mixed in with the trash they become trash. In the unlikely event of that happening though I will *immediately* grab them and seperate them before the trash can lid even closes.
Even if The metro person is saying that I would lean towards doubting them. Especially with their past record of doing the minimum I would think they would not even want to give the *impression* that recycling did not matter to them as people will think 'why bother' and toss papers in the trash that would have gone in the recycling bin.
Kate · 727 weeks ago
I almost wet my pants in frustration.
John · 727 weeks ago
That said I can't believe Metro doesn't get a cut, thats ridiculous.
KWM · 727 weeks ago
Matt G · 727 weeks ago
UnSuck Fan · 727 weeks ago
VA Commuter · 727 weeks ago
RedLineROFL · 727 weeks ago
Radner · 727 weeks ago
@arhutch · 727 weeks ago
I don't want any garbage on the transportation system I am riding, but if I was forced to choose, I'll take papers over food any day.
No debate at all, in my opinion.
Top Job · 727 weeks ago
John · 727 weeks ago
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
Coldbliss · 727 weeks ago
I can understand the rationale for the Examiner: you have a super-rich conservative guy (Phil Anschutz) who want to spread right-wing propaganda to the Metro riders with the hope that some people will lean to the Republican viewpoints. A free newspaper costs nothing to the humble service and middle classes. They just have to digest scandalous news about public sector workers, unions, school teachers and Democratic politicians. I can't tell the difference between editorial comment and news reporting in The Examiner.
The KaplanWaPost Express is another matter. I do not understand why the KaplanWaPost would print these rags at substantial cost with little ad revenue to make up the difference. Maybe the federal student loan money is subsidizing the printing and distribution of the Express. Who cares about educating students at the crappy for-profit Kaplan schools, right? Yeah, I suspect our federal tax dollars are contributing to the littering of our Metro trains and platforms. Thanks KaplanWaPost!
John · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
One take · 727 weeks ago
So sick….
pickupyourtrash · 727 weeks ago
One take · 727 weeks ago
It’s a 'Me First' world when you work on K…
solverQ · 727 weeks ago
1. Install newspaper bins on the trains
2. Car cleaners hired by metro are not doing the job
3. Newspaper distributors could be hired to replace car cleaners who work overtime and do not do the job.
4. All those train supervisors who stand on the platforms making overtime doing nothing could pick up the trash on trains.
Ugh · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 726 weeks ago
unsuckdcmetro 92p · 727 weeks ago
Please allow me to explain what you observed at our Farragut West Station when a custodian was emptying the trash. Our employees have one large barrel, which contain two plastic trash bags. One of the trash bags is "blue." Its contents are recycle material; while, the second bag is "white," and its contents is regular trash.
Once the custodian enters the back room, he/she will take the "blue" bags and place them in our recycle receptacle, and place the "white" bag in the receptacle for regular trash.
When our dumpsters are emptied and removed from our premise, one is for the recycled material and the other is for regular trash. The two groups are not mixed. We have also taken the liberty to re-address our trash and recycle procedures to our staff. I apologize for any confusion regarding Metro's trash pick-up policy. Please be assured that Metro exercise recycling. You can place your newspapers in our receptacles and they will be deposited appropriately.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Sam · 727 weeks ago
My other issue is with the riders. In London, the Underground has free papers too and people leave them in the trains quite often. I don't mind papers left behind because if I don't have one, I'll pick it up and read it (if it is in readable condition) and then take it with me when I leave. But at least in London, the riders will cleanly fold them back up and leave them on a seat or on the ledge behind the seat by the window (they have longitudinal seating). During all the times that I rode the Underground (honestly not that many, but I stayed there for several weeks and rode several times daily), I didn't see anything like the mess left behind in Metro. Would this issue with papers being strewn around the car be rectified if Examiner stapled their pages like Express? It would certainly be easier to clean up.
dan · 727 weeks ago
The Express also provides some nice light reading for those days when I forget my Kindle, so I have no problem whatsoever with the distribution of the papers. The issue with cleanup isn't Metro's fault or Washington Post's fault - Hell, it isn't even the Times' fault.
It's people that simply have no regard for personal responsibility. These are the same people that are responsible for throwing out entire bags of McDonald's trash while sitting at a red light after they've finished their greasy gullet bombs.
Anony · 727 weeks ago
Financial geniuses, each and every one.
dcn8v · 727 weeks ago
I usually don't bother to pick up the papers left by others, but after reading this, I've been shamed into it. If it doesn't look disgusting, I'll try to help out. But first I'm going to invest in a 10 gallon jug of hand sanitizer.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
jws · 727 weeks ago
Coldbliss · 727 weeks ago
If WMATA has any consideration for the environment and their cleaning crews, they should ban any newspaper stands carrying the daily freebies within a certain number feet from each station. No more dudes passing out papers either.
Guest · 727 weeks ago
Your phone probably has a larger eco-footprint than a month's worth of papers. Every piece of your phone is produced through mining and excavation, whereas printing newspapers requires no removal of earth.
Don't forget the electricity that is used to power your phone. Granted, it's not a large volume of electricity, but it adds up. The power for your phone most likely comes from coal, which isn't exactly a clean power source.
Unlike a phone, a newspaper is reliable and biodegradable, and won't leach toxics if left out in the rain. You don't have to worry about dropping it or someone stealing it out of your hands. Newspapers work wherever you are, regardless of internet or phone/data access. A newspaper can double as a makeshift umbrella, funnel, or even a bottle opener.
The problem here is the individuals who leave their papers on the trains. Take your paper and put it in the recycling bin, you lazy asses!
JacksonsGirl · 727 weeks ago
VertereanRider · 727 weeks ago
Rory · 727 weeks ago
Guest · 727 weeks ago
anon · 726 weeks ago
Sam · 726 weeks ago
I am not sure how a recycle bin 10 feet outside the faregates is any less risky than a recycle bin inside the faregates.
Sam · 726 weeks ago
I exit the Metro at Farragut West. I see the contractor with name (on the uniform) of P. RICHARDSON constantly emptying the newspaper bin into the regular trash. I have pressed her on the subject multiple times and she has (tersely) responded that "Metro does not recycle the newspapers".
Literally, the "Newspapers Only" bin does nothing other than sort papers to be thrown out anyway, not recycled. Instead I have started collecting the newspapers I read and recycling them in my neighborhood's recycling program.
How this isn't a bigger story is beyond me.
Sam · 726 weeks ago
Sounds like an employee training issue more than a big story.
David · 726 weeks ago
Ever wonder why the Washington Post donated the recycling bins for the stations? It's to get people to thrown away their papers so that people can't count on boarding a train and finding a readable Washington Post.