DCist first reported a version of this story. Here's another, along with pics.
From Timothy:
At about 8:30 a.m. April 6, at the corner of 3rd and E streets NW, a woman attempted to board bus # 2389 on the D-6 route with a pit bull, apparently claiming it was a service animal.Other items:
The dog had a harness and a red vest, but the woman could produce no papers.
When the bus driver refused to allow the woman and dog to board, she and her dog stood in front of the bus, refusing to move.
The bus driver then moved the bus forward attempting to push the woman and dog out of the way!
Metro and DC police were called to the scene, and the bus was off loaded. An ambulance was called, but it was not clear if the woman was injured.
McDonnell gets Metro Board seat (WaPo)
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OLR · 728 weeks ago
Kim · 728 weeks ago
D6rider · 728 weeks ago
Joe · 728 weeks ago
Dallas is boring! · 728 weeks ago
James · 728 weeks ago
Kim · 728 weeks ago
Ever and Anon · 728 weeks ago
Malnurtured Snay · 728 weeks ago
R. Idiculous · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 728 weeks ago
The driver should have just told the passengers "I need to call transit police you can either sit here and wait, get off and walk the rest of the way or wait for the next bus. Sorry about this."
Guest · 728 weeks ago
@jetblkeyes · 728 weeks ago
Mathena · 728 weeks ago
MadAsHeck · 728 weeks ago
The original poster states: "The bus driver then moved the bus forward attempting to push the woman and dog out of the way!" That's not what the photos tell us. That may be what the woman with the dog said, but I do not believe that is what happened.
none · 728 weeks ago
@keekerdc · 728 weeks ago
I find this similar to people who try to hold train doors open because their friends are putting fare on their cards. No respect for the authority of the bus driver or train operator, and no respect for the time of other passengers. In this case, she's just angry that someone actually had the call to call her out on the dog.
Clearly the driver had a suspicion that this wasn't a service dog...so this would-be passenger decides to throw an adult tantrum? She needs a service dog, but is entirely capable of maintaining a position obstructing the path of a bus while it's clearly trying to maneuver out of the situation? Mhmm.
Yea yea, two wrongs don't make a right; that doesn't absolve the pet owner from her ridiculous tactics here.
Linds · 728 weeks ago
anony · 728 weeks ago
Cade Tyler · 728 weeks ago
From http://www.ada.gov/qasrvc.htm, "... documentation generally may not be required as a condition for providing service to an individual accompanied by a service animal ..." and "... you may not insist on proof of state certification before permitting the service animal to accompany the person with a disability.. ".
Although I will agree with other comments that the lady was bang out of order in holding up other passengers, as well as putting her and her animal's lives at risk.
KWM · 728 weeks ago
Matt G · 728 weeks ago
Moldy Metro Smell · 728 weeks ago
Metro is hopeless and I don't believe it can be unsucked.
James · 728 weeks ago
2. Pitbulls are not service animals.
3. This woman needs to be arrested for reckless endangerment.
1, 2, 3 · 728 weeks ago
1. There should be proceedures taught in Bus Class on the proper protcol.
2. OCC / Transit should be called when there is a hostile ADA rider.(Transit officers mostly in DC)
3. There should be a posting on each bus to educate the customers on the rules.
4. The bus operator should have parked the bus, pulled up the brake, made an announcment to the riders that OCC / Transit Police has been called and then escort those riders who want to get off and catch another bus off the bus safetly.
jaybeas · 728 weeks ago
I don't know if the dog is legitimately a service animal or not (that's a debate for another day), but I will admit that the dog was extremely well-behaved and caused no problems for the entire trip, even when some people had to step over him to get off the bus.
Richard · 728 weeks ago
Service animals are permitted on Metro.
Can Metro challenge a claim that an animal is a service animal?
If so, on what bases?
Once challenged how does Metro proceed if passenger will not comply?
What can a passenger do, what should a passenger do who has an service animal.
If only we were in possession of the facts.
www.AccessTheDMV.com · 728 weeks ago
- Pitbulls are becoming the latest trend in service animals.
-Documentation requesting IS illegal unless it poses a threat to safety or health.
-Pitbulls have a HORRIBLE stigma attached to their names. (blame the owners)
-Due to the above stigma Pitbulls have been outlawed in P.G. County, save that this was in the District.
-The rarity of a Pitbull as a service animal boarding a vehicle could've triggered a red flag with the driver, who may have NEVER seen anything like that (not to exclude the comments of riders who may have had influenced the driver's decision).
-The chasing of the bus alongside the road was wrong and could've ended in a VERY different scenario.
-The driver could've/SHOULD have radioed for a supervisor to be dispatched to the scene to determine the validity of the animal duo, BUT he should not have left.
-There may have been persons/children on board with very real fears of pitbulls.
Unfortunately this will be happening more often as MetroAccess continues to decrease ridership and WMATA offers classes to persons with disabilities to ride general mass transit.
Those are only a FEW things that come to mind that could've changed the outcome of this story.
no one · 728 weeks ago
No Money for You · 728 weeks ago
Bill · 728 weeks ago
hrh king friday 13 · 728 weeks ago
XDC · 728 weeks ago
Guesty · 728 weeks ago
@iilusionofchaos · 728 weeks ago
As others have stated, the bus driver was clearly in violation of the ADA here. That being said, the woman's response was poorly thought out, and makes more levelheaded service dog owners look bad. Both of them deserve a smack upside the head.
Lygris · 728 weeks ago
mike · 728 weeks ago
lulz · 728 weeks ago
.50Cent · 728 weeks ago
No way · 728 weeks ago
KWM · 728 weeks ago
Jim · 728 weeks ago
@cchops · 728 weeks ago
@cchops · 728 weeks ago
Guest · 728 weeks ago
TheRedQueen · 728 weeks ago
Under the law, a Service Dog is considered a piece of adaptive medical equipment...so you cannot refuse their entry...just as you can't make someone leave their wheelchair at the door, or make them take off their glasses when they enter a public facility.
Alexandra · 728 weeks ago
dj7 · 728 weeks ago
guest · 727 weeks ago
1) Bus Operators are suppose to protect their passengers which he was doing
2) She should be charged by MPD for jay walking, possession of a Pit Bull; and disrupting the flow of vehicular traffic.
Sandee · 727 weeks ago
Pitbulls are sweet and loving when raised properly and not trained to attack. Shame on those who just buying to the sterotype of pittis.
>Nicole · 727 weeks ago
JasonF · 727 weeks ago
It's illegal for a women to stand in the road however, and even if injured...she potentially may not have a legal recourse. However, the bus drive likely should be fired because right or wrong should not have moved the bus forward.
Both wrong...and both idiots. It would have been easier for the women to call WMATA and complain. It's not worth it.....take it from someone who's been pinned between two buses before (while trying to extract my bike off a Ride-On at NIH no less.
Anne T · 727 weeks ago
CeeCee · 726 weeks ago