Don’t ever let it be said that we don't give credit when credit is due.
We LOVE to poke our fingers in Metro’s eyes, and most of the time they deserve it, because they perform like a minor league transit system in a major league city, but over the cherry blossomania weekend, the system seems to have run reasonably well. It moved a lot of people in and out of the city without major eff ups.
There still were some: “Blue Line: Disruption at Largo Town Center. Expect delays to Franconia-Springfield due to a train experiencing mechanical difficulties at..”
Metro really needs to learn how to Tweet.
Sure, there were crowds and some other minor incidents--the escalator outage at Dunn Loring in the afternoon was a particular affront to people who’d been on their feet all day--but overall, it appears WMATA was more or less ready for the throngs. Still, it’s sad to praise a mass transit system doing what it's supposed to do, but that's the case here in DC. Ideally, WMATA would just be in the background, quietly doing its job with no need for fanfare or scorn.
Monday is a new day. Back the humdrum of moving 700,000+ commuters to and from their jobs. Lately, that hasn’t been going so well. Let’s hope WMATA can build on the relative success of the weekend.
How would you rate Metro's cherry blossom weekend?

crowded, uncomfortable, but better than driving
Why does metro seem to rise to the occasion on big days like cherry blossoms, inauguration, july 4, but suck so bad at the every day munddane stuff???
Actually, the metro was a bit of a mess for the blossoms. For some reason, the Smithsonian station entrances were shut in the afternoon with a HUGE crowd waiting to get in. A large number of us walked to L'Enfant instead.
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