UPDATE: Metro is reporting NO delays
Appears to have been a rough one out on the Red Line, and according to Metro, the problem persists.
@jesserker thank you for another stellar commute, WMATA!
@Rizzz Still at Silver Spring. Avoid this side of the Red Line at all costs.
@lorikaplan Stuck on a red line train. Getting annoyed with WMATA and region's lack of investment in aging infrastructure.
@jeremycee Ahhh track malfunction & delays on Red line from Glenmont in. just like old times in NoVA!
@AZFitz Wondering why the red line is inevitably backed up the day after any kind of weather hits...
@dcdavidw Long delays on red line :(
@futuraprime Glad it's nice out, since I have to walk today. Gotta love the Red Line.
@bridget_theresa Red line delays during morning rush hour? Waiting on the platform for more than ten minutes? What were you thinking WMATA?
And we just had to add this last one:
@Daagermy1 "Expect delays on the red line"...pls just tell it to me straight, WMATA. "Red liners: pee before you travel today. It's that bad."
Which do you think is more unreliable, the Orange Line or the Red Line?
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Cherry Blossom Festival

i only ride the Orange for commuting purposes... so i would say that line....
but the real problem is WMATA's level of detail in communication.... if a train derails... say "Derailment!" not "Track Maintenance!"
I've commuted on both, and always dreaded the Red Line much more. Now I ride the bus, which ushers in a whole new circle of WMATA hell. But I've yet to be stuck under ground.
50 disruptions in six days? Gives a whole new meaning to "metro rider tools."
Think if you had to ride BOTH?!
I think the orange line is worse with more, less serious meltdowns. when the red line goes off, it goes off big.
Our apologies to Omar. We accidentally rejected your comment, and once you reject, you can't unreject.
Here are his comments:
The Red Line is dug through bedrock and it's been having problems with water damage for some time now. I suspect that's why its problems seem linked with the weather.
And a link to his blogger profile:
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