Well, Metro doesn’t seem to want to get the April 7 data up on its site despite issuing a press release about how many people rode on April 9. The SIXTH most on a weekday E-VER! OMG! Wait til the WaPo gets a hold of that info! Major headline! It’s as if record ridership was the sole measure of success. Seriously?
As much as we’d hoped April would indeed be “No Delay” month, for the four work days (April 1-6) there were 26 disruptions of a serious enough nature that they probably pissed a lot of people off. If you want to see a complete list, click here. We’ve posted entire lists before, and frankly, they’re just too long. Since we’re missing April 7, we’ll add the average over the past month to the 26 and surmise that Metro probably had 34 disruptions last week. No sign of unsucking. UPDATE: There were 11 disruptions on April 7.
As we said, over the past month, Metro has averaged almost eight disruptions a day on workdays. For the cherry blossom related events (April 4-5), it was 4.5/day. At first we thought “wow” Metro stepped it up for the big event. They must have deployed only top flight drivers who can remember if they’re on 4, 6 or 8-car trains.
What do you think? Does Metro provide a better level of service for big events? If so, why can’t they do that normally?
Interesting factoid: Over the inauguration (Jan. 19-20), Metro averaged 10.5 disruptions/day.
But on the bright side, Metro didn’t derail for the last two big events either! How about a press release on that, WMATA?
Past weeks: here, here and here.
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i think they do step it up to a degree, but it's only slightly better. i still would avoid metro (or my car) on big event days.
WMATA is incapable of "stepping" up to anything.
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