We were spared, but here are some dispatches from the front lines.
@LNJames http://twitpic.com/46iii - Orange line delays: Can you spot the guy reading the bible?
@welovedc Between the delays on the orange line and the delays on the red line, it's possible you're better off walking home. #metrofail
@punkwalrus Great, Orange Line borked
@emilytbever Leaving work late+delays on Orange Line+summer in the city=painbox (my new fav word)
@CLMojo Orange line to vienna during rush hour... Horrifying.
@kdotmurphy F*ck you, wmata orange line. Your offloading is costing me my interview. Angry letter tk.
@commanist Hey, WMATA, gotta congratulate you on making the call to offload the broken train in front of mine THIRTY F*CKING MINUTES after it broke!
OK Red line, this one seems to sum it up.
@chadmcneeley The Red Line was as bad as I've ever seen it. Four cars (and one out of service) passed before I could get on at Metro Center