D.C. Council member and Metro Board chairman Jim Graham said he will introduce a bill next month that would align DC with Maryland and Virginia and move Metro closer to the dedicated funding the clunky system so desperately needs, the Washington Post reports. Previous DC legislation differed with the other states' versions.
Graham told WTOP that getting dedicated funding was his "highest priority"when he became board chairman.
About freaking time!
If all goes well, Metro would get for $1.5 billion from the federal government over ten years with matching monies from Maryland and Virginia.
"The earliest a District bill could be introduced is May 5, Graham said. He said he would introduce emergency legislation that could be voted on immediately. Doing so would "send the message that the ball is now in Congress's court and that of the president," he said."
Why a no brainer like this ever reached the "emergency" stage is beyond us, but at least it finally looks as if DC is trying to get its act together for the benefit of suffering Metro riders. And to think, we always thought the toughest sell would be Virginia.
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We Love DC's take on Metro's plans for a SmarTrip Web site
Who should pay Metro for late night Nats service? (DCist)

Legislation in DC has to be called "emergency" or else it has to be passed in two consecutive council meetings with some waiting period in between. It's just a name they have to call legislation to make it take effect immediately instead of after some long period.
Why didn't DC get their act the first time around?
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