So far there's been a sick passenger on the Orange Line, a suspicious package at Farragut West, a power outage at Takoma, an "incident" at Twinbrook and one mechanical failure on the Orange Line at Smithsonian. They all appear to have been cleared, but it takes a while for the system to get back its normal level of suck.
Here are the latest tweets from people out on the front:
Not looking to be a good day for #wmata, train-wise.
Yep. WMATA's "suspicious package" at F West has turned half of the block into a no-go area.
typical delays on the Orange Line due to a sick customer.
If you live in the DC metro area and have the choice, drive to work today. The Metro is jammed up. #metrosucks
This just in from the Orange Line "on time, no problems"
Maybe we should work from home today.