Several people have asked why there are so many old advertisements or empty advertising space on Metro. Thanks to Jared for digging into this.
Q: This ad was in car number 6080 on my way back from National Airport yesterday after picking up some tickets. It's almost April. metro claims to have a $29 million budget gap. But we have ads in the Metro cars from December....fully five months old. Why is Metro failing to maximize ad revenue?
A: It is important to note that Metro receives a guaranteed level of revenue from its advertising contract with a third-party advertising broker, and these revenues are significant. The broker itself chooses whether and how to seek ads to fill the available space as part of its normal operating decisions. Metro is guaranteed the revenue from the contract whether the broker sells 100 percent of the ad space in the Metro system or zero percent.
Sometimes, as in the current economic recession, market demand for advertising space declines, and customers may notice unused advertising space in rail cars and Metrobuses.
Ron Rydstrom
Office of Marketing

That company must be more poorly run than MEtro!
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